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How do you emotional handle it?

I'm reaching a breaking point. I don't know what to do guys. I am so emotionally drained. I keep telling myself I'm not going to let this run my life but it is. I need tips on how you guys emotionally cope with PATM. Because I have tried all medical treatments and nothing works. I have to be able to accept the possiblility of having PATM for ever.
12 Responses
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17489628 tn?1458796338
I see theres alot of new ppl in this chat.  More n more ppl are realizing the effect they have on ppl.  I havnt been on here in a good while cuz i have now gotten a hold of my patm.  Life is bearable again. Theres still certain times when i know my limits and feel the limitations that patm holds on my social life, but i still got a pretty good hold on this now.  

Long story short, started eating healthy and working out like crazy, i mean...working..out.  Did all the supplements and cleanses n crap, maybe it helped.  Idk cuz i tried so many things to beat patm.  Im in the best shape of my life, and patm symptoms are there, but not nearly as bad as it used to be.
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Good to see you again DJ. Was wondering how your escapade was going. So its been over 3 months since you started tackling this fullsteam right?
On my side, I've broken the news to more people - family and close friends. I  told them, even if they don't believe it (cue blank expression, Im pretty sure they do but still lack the balls), to respect my decision to 'cop out' of certain social events. Up to this point I've forced myself to commit to everything where it is not mandtory and have mostly found myself wearing a facade of contentment  with the sad anxious clown in the background.
Well, I have 5.5 months before I depart for Aus to visit family and although it's pretty far off I know as the days tic nearer I know ill get gonna get more and more apprehensive. That flight alone could be hell unless I seriously get a hold of this or shove state of the art earplugs in, of even better go deaf.
Could you please be more specific on the perceived reduction of your symptoms? A percentage perhaps?
I know you a DJ so being around people is a part of your job but in general, is going to a supermarket, coffee shop, sporting event much more tolerable????
I can do that stuff but only for a limited time before it gets to much. All the best with this endeavour. I know I've procrastinated the diet and all but I have all the equipment. Im just gyming huge and eating the wrong shkt as I know ill lose weight and muscle tone once the new lifestyle begins. I weighed 62kg 2 months ago. Im 71, by early august I'm aiming for 75-80. And please could you let me know how you doing physically, specifically as regards to weight-loss.

Thanks Buddy
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Just accept it or do your best to do so. Deal with it, live with it.  Do your best to ignore it.
Has anybody told you to leave because of it?  Probably not.  People typically don't believe that we are the cause, it's a crazy idea to them.
Try to ignore it as best as you can, tell friends/ people you are around a lot and are comfortable with, they will most likely think this is just a delusion.  This helps me ignore it more, I still think I cause these reactions but it's comforting that they don't think i'm the problem, or they do but know it's not the right thing to agree with me.
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Hey Keephopealive.   Dealing with this for awhile.  One scripture that has helped me is to only think about today for tomorrow has enough troubles of its own.   Another thing that has helped is to exercise. It helps release the stress.   I pray everyday for solution still.   Hope that helps.  
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I have never smelled an odor. No one has out right told me I smell to my face. But the comments behind my back and the reactions of people (coughing, sneezing, covering nose) tells me other wise.
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Have you asked that roommate if you are the reason for his reactions? I think if patm has odor, it isn't that strong, maybe not even unpleasent (for smell receptors). I've asked many people and everyone said they don't smell anything, even if they cough very often while me beeing present. Maybe we don't have the same patm, but if we think about it, probably common people would just try to stay away from bad odor instead of coughing or sneezing.
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Yea, I found out about PATM in 2013. But more resently I have also started to sense i might have some BO. I mean I take showers three times, brush my teeth after every meal, use febreze on everything so on and so on but still I might have BO.
Like yesterday when I was trying on close in the fitting room, in two different places the ladies working there sprayed perfume or something outside my room. The first time it happened I didn't think much of it. Then when it happened again i couldn't think straight. I throw the cloth on the floor and ran out of there to go home and take a long shower.
I have my most basic desire just to exist around people taken away from me because of PATM. I just want to be. I don't want to bother anyone. I want to walk outside freely, go for a run, go shopping, go to a crowded movie theater, go to class, squeeze in and sit with a group of people without worrying about causing a cough/sneeze fest or about my BO. Is that too much to ask for.
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Russian, будь готова всю жизнь мучиться от PATM. Этой болезни даже нет в медицине. нужно отправить коллективное письмо в министерство здравохранения,после чего они должны на него отреагировать. Тебе нужно найти у себя на родине людей с PATM и коллективно пойти в медицинское учреждение, потому что одного человека слушать не будут.
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its Kinda like we have Virus right feelsbadman suffering for 4years now.. real sad
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Russian, возможно  это психологическая проблема,возможно из-за психологической травмы или стресса в мозге произошел сбой, после чего произошел сбой в организме
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I know how you feel.. I'm new here because i started to notice i had te same symptoms à few months ago.. First i thought i was going crazy because i searched for these symptoms on sites from belgium but there's nothing in my language, and then i found tmau but everybody say they don't smell something on me and one day i found this website and i was shokked that there are so many people are here having the same symptoms like me.
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Does that translate to "hello, you have a personal life?" ...
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Russian, привет,у тебя есть личная жизнь?
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Also does anyone live in Australia? This could be bearable with people that understand what you are going through.
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