17489628 tn?1458796338

How my PATM peeps Doin???

So ive just been living life w this bull shhh, i havnt heard from alot of u in a while how yall mutha luvas doin??  Any breakthroughs? Yall doin ok w this crappy health problem?  Whats goin on w yall now?
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17489628 tn?1458796338
I hung out w my boys tonight, made plans to lift weights w this sexy girl from work manana lol..everything is good but ist like i know wut the dang deal is, she might react a little to me just like my friends did tonight..wasnt anything crazy, but its still there...patm...u suck way beyond the normal parameters of suckiness...wut a dumb thing to have man i freakin hate it
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Oh, my mom thinks my ex put some kind of voodoo on me lol...ya, if it was possible i wouldn't doubt it...put sumthn on me that forbids me from any contact...sounds right
I also think this is some type of curse as modern medicine doesn't want to acknowledge it, somebody here mentioned something about Buddhist monks being able to help.  That said I am just dealing with it, it hurts that i cause reactions and bothers me but what can we do but keep on keepin on?
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hah voodoo that's a first, we are all hanging in there coping with it as best as we can!
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Hey what's good Dj choppa!?!

Really diggin ur energy man it's really nice to know that people can keep an optimistic attitude despite being plagued with this burden. Like Bruce lee once siad "be formless and shapeless like water". It's not easy living with this disease but I know we will get the cure one day.

Now what I am currently taking rn is the following and through my 10 years of exp I can tell you this is the most relief I have gotten.

I'm a firm believer that this problem stems in the gut and no god or spirit is going to magically heal us (no offense to anyone) we have to take initiative and heal ourselves. Invest in yourself first because no one else is going to go out of there way to help you.

Furthermore I think the gut is the main problem could possibly other organs that are also damaged pancreas, liver, esophagus etc. so this will take time to cure and won't happen over night. These are the top supplements I'm taking:

Diatomaceus earth food grade
HCL caps
Oxy powder
Digestive enzymes
Kombucha tea
Veggie based protein powder
Prebiotic powder
Candida cleanse
Unfiltered apple cider vinegar brags brand

I have more info on these products in my other post. But feel free to do your own research on these supplements.

My theory is that our digestion is out of whack and need to help it get back in  working order so it can produce the acids and enzymes needed to properly digest food. That's why in my case it's hard to grow muscle because protein is being passed through my system and not being utilized. Instead bad bacteria are munching of our nutrients our body's need. We need to get rid of the bad bugs and repopulate our gut with the good ones and boost our immune system to help our body heal itself. I don't have too much time to explain but if you have any questions feel free to ask. Do some research on the supplements posted above.

Take care man hope to hear from u soon:)
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hi i think i have patm and my ent does not help at all. im from the philippines so it's hard where to buy the things necessary to help me. ill fail in my class because i cut to avoid my classmates :((
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Hey, the past months my PATM has reduced by over 50% i would say at least, which is huge. This is the only thing im doing and i believe it to be working WONDERS. i breathe deep into my stomache. And i focus on relaxing all the muscles in the stomach and gut area. I notice i am often tense there, for seemingly no reason at all. But i have a theory that we keep those muscles clenched out of habit. a lot of us deal with selfconciousness and image issues, even before PATM began (am I wrong??) and we tense our guts to stay small and constricted. I believe relaxing and breathing deeply and recognizing any anxieties that are tied up in the area can go a long way. I often release a lot of gas by burping when i do this, it might have to do with constricting the digestive process. Ideally we will we breathe like this and be relaxed normally without thinking about it :)
    Recently about once a week ive been passing through my stool this very strange white stringy mucus, slimy and stretchy and sticky. i passed a large one the morning after meditating and really focusing on relaxing my gut. and it was making all sorts of sounds haha, it felt good in a way :P Let me know your thoughts!
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17489628 tn?1458796338
Glad yall are hangin in there, im doin the same!
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17489628 tn?1458796338
Gotta stay positive through this crap, cant let it ruin ur life, is how i look at it.  Thanks for all ur info i appreciate u taking the time to post it again! I have a stomach problem that i didnt know about till a couple months back.  Shortly after the doctors visit i started getting all these patm symptoms.  So i ALSO believe that this is a stomach/ gut problem, which like u said, could be effecting other organs as well.  Our bodies cannot break down anything for crap anymore and we are releasing all these toxins in large and inefficient ways.  This is just my theory for now.

And yes, i dont believe all that energy battle mumbo jumbo lol, this is a lagit health problem, no offense guys im on the same side as yall!!
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17489628 tn?1458796338
What makes u think u have patm? I've spoken to a couple other ppl from the Philippines and they have also mentioned that they have problems getting the supplements they want.  Are yall able to order online?  

I understand ur pain w school.  1 of the other Philippine girls i spoke to was startimg a new job and was nervous cuz of how ppl reacted to her.  I myself work for a big company w alot of ppl constantly around me.  Im typing this comment while at work, and i hear ppl coughing.  So i understand, just stay strong brotha. Ya i dont think an ent will solve this case for us, but we are doin what we can, and when we figure this out we will let u know how.
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17489628 tn?1458796338
Morty if that is working for u and has truly helped relieve half of ur symptoms, than that is awesome.  Everybodys body is different, so my gut feeling tells me it wont work on everybody, but hey u never know.  Ive had some success as well and hope to be free of this curse asap. Thanks for sharing Morty!
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17489628 tn?1458796338
Its about 15 mins till i get outta work and it feels great.   Isnt the best time of work for us patmers when we get out??  Dont have to put up w all these mother lovers reacting to us like we some contaminated monkeys.  
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17489628 tn?1458796338
I got a bottle of ciroc and turntables waiting for me lol, im off for 3 days so todays my friday.  

Sticking to health issues tho, i dont remember what feed it was where i was gonna test clear liquor out, but ill post my results here.  Sum1 supposedly very knowledgeable about patm stated clear liquor is harmless to us.  Welp, i dj'd a few parties in the past couple weeks, and thought to myself "what a perfect environment to test that theory out."  Grey goose 1 night, ciroc the other, clear non flavored liquor.  Thought to myself im gonna take 1 for the team and just drink straight out the bottle to really test this out lol!!  So i did, no reactions the following mornings, other than a hangover.
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people coughing, sneezing, their nose itching, and the odor they too smell. I'd like to hear updates from you bro. So the smell was gone but people still manifest allergic reactions?
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Yes, everything ive been doing, and i credit a lot of my progress to my diet change, seems like it has finally paid off after a good month of eating right and taking different supplements and cleanses.  So that embarrassing smell is gone, but will come back if i eat crap.  Once my body gets all those toxins out, the smell goes away.  Also, i work out ALOT now so when i DO eat something bad, i just end up sweating it out within a couple days.  

The smell is gone unless i eat something that will bring it back.  Even on my best days where i feel normal, ppl will cough alot and have itchy noses.  This is constant now when before it was just like maybe a few ppl out of thousands that would react to me.
I cant stress enough though, working out is free for u, u dont need a gym.  Pushups, running, pull ups on a tree or anything that can hold ur weight, LOTS of exercises for ur core (abs)...it'll definitely help u clean out ur body.  I have stomach issues w acid reflux, and slow digestion..working out not only has me ripped, but helps me get all the bad out.
How did you get the smell away?  I'm juce fasting for 60 days to see if that helps.
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If I were to sum it up, it will be like this, "Anything that reduces stress is a good thing".
There have been tons of post on the old one which suggest all kind of ways of overcoming this.
Personally, I've never done it but some members have concluded that it helps.
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17489628 tn?1458796338
This shhh aint that bad...im mentally so strong now i just dont care...but i dont have kids..another patmer said his newborn is always coughing and he knows its cuz of him...that would b hard for me i cant lie.  But i guess cuz i am now single w no kids, its easier for me cuz i can b a loner when i need to b or when im feelin uncomfortable
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17489628 tn?1458796338
Just thinkin out loud yall...just got done dj'ing at a party and then hangin w my boys afterwards...didnt drink but a few shots of non flavored vodka (ciroc), smoked like a centimeters worth of a black n mild...took it easy so i dont get any strong symptoms tomorrow...hope yall are doin good..measage me or whatever to let me know anything new..i appreciate yall messaging me all these past times...goodnight yall
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DJ !  I need some advice from you guy .  I just wanted to know what you took for you PATM reactions to go down.  I'm taking everything that Hopeful12 45 suggested.  Additionally,  I am doing a bone broth Cleanse this weekend to see if that helps with any of the reactions.  I'd really appreciate your response !!  Also,  I am following the Candida diet ....so basically I eat no carbs, wheat, things that taste good LOL so more greens, grass fed chicken only, olive oil for dressing on greens, and I already workout regularly at LA Fitness.  I first noticed PATM reactions when I was at Sunset Music Festival in Tampa during MARSHMELLOS set !!!  It was horrible because I like my music and I have a HUGE social life.  Please let me know what you took so I can rage to good music again !!  EDC Orlando is coming up in November,  and I hope I'm okay by then .  Thanks alot for everything DJ !
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I wondering, what if two people with Patm meet each other, will we have reactions on each other???
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