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I believe I have a rough idea of what is causing my patm!

I believe it is in our guts. Something is accumulating in our bodies. My body is not processing something correctly, and something is building up in my gut. What I do, is flush my body out with 4 tablespoons of epson salt, and this draws out this awful fluid from my body that is building up in me. For the next three days my patm is gone and I feel great, and then it starts building up again and my patm is crazy!!!! Can some of you test this also please and let me know if this helped you? If so, then I think we need to have what ever the Epson salt is drawing out tested in great detail! I'm so ready to fix this. I've had this for 14 years. Let's work on getting this figured out! Thanks guys!!
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Hopeful used brown rice protein powder, said it worked on hom. Along with the candida diet. Everyone says its candida n eaky gut. Im currently on candida diet n trying candigone. See if 14 days if it dies anything. The diet works some what but ppl still react around me.
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Hopeful used brown rice protein powder, said it worked on hom. Along with the candida diet. Everyone says its candida n eaky gut. Im currently on candida diet n trying candigone. See if 14 days if it dies anything. The diet works some what but ppl still react around me.
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I strongly suggest that if you can, try Candida Cleanse by Purely Holistic instead of Candigone -- it is probably the best anti-candida supplement out there (it has a very high rating on Amazon), and there have been a number of positive testimonials on this site.
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Epsom salt is a laxative that works by drawing water from the walls of your intestines into your faeces, which makes them softer (and often quite fluid). It can make you feel cleansed for a little bit, but it's important not to overdo it. An epsom salt cleanse should only be done once a month, at the very most. Excessive magnesium damages the kidneys, and kidney damage cannot be reversed (unlike some forms of liver damage), so take good care of your kidneys.
          Epsom salt baths are a bit safer, but also should not be overdone. Use some baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) in the bath as well - it binds to the toxins that the epsom salt extracts from your body, preventing the toxins from finding their way back onto (into) your skin. Also, shower after an epsom salt bath.
          In my experience, laxatives (including epsom salt and a medical-grade, pre-colonoscopy laxative called PicoPrep) did not alleviate my PATM. I experienced quite severe PATM reactions from people as I walked to my colonoscopy, even after fulling cleansing my colon with PicoPrep. I think my PATM is augmented by any kind of change/disturbance to my bowels, whether it be from a laxative or from significant changes in air pressure (as when flying). To reduce PATM, I try not to surprise my digestive system with anything.
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Hi  the  epson salt   is  just  magnesium sulfate?  and  be  helpful   to   Remove gallstones?
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That's grat. So you're telling that we can just take a bath with epson salt and we are healthy? I will try this!
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