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Positive Test Results - Mycotoxin Test by RealTime Labs, Tx

Hello everyone,

My name is Joel and I have had PATM for the past two years, specifically the electric type. Since I developed PATM I have tested negative for:
• Parasites (test by Doctors Data)
• Comprehensive Blood Panel
• Chest X-ray
• Step Throat Swab
• Sputum Test

Despite that my symptoms were not reflected in any of the tests listed above I continued to search and I recently did a test for Mycotoxins with RealTime labs in Texas. My test results came back positive for 3 out of the 4 types of mycotoxins (see breakdown below).

Test, Value, Result, Present if greater or equal
Ochratoxin, 2.3 ppb, Present, 2.0 ppb
Aflatoxin Group (B1, B2, G1, G2), 0.40 ppb, Not Present, 1.0 ppb
Trichothecene Group (Macrocyclic), 0.52 ppb, Present, 0.2 ppb
Gliotoxin Derivative, 9.50 ppb, Present, 1.0 ppb

My objective of this post is not to recommend how to treat these toxins via binders. This can be found in the book Mold & Mycotoxins: Current Evaluation and Treatment 2016 by Neil Nathan and Joseph Brewer.
I am particularly concerned regarding the sky high gliotoxin, and I reason to believe this is the toxin that is directly tied to our systematic candida leveraged by leaky gut. Please see the link for more details regarding gliotoxins: http://www.yeastinfection.org/what-are-gliotoxins

Anyways, I'd love to hear what your perspective is regarding this test. I personally believe that we can leverage this test to talk with MDs because it actually shows real results behind our symptoms, and removes the 'it's all in your head' argument which is half the battle.

Furthermore, the MDs that have researched mycotoxins extensively have concluded that moldy buildings are a driving factor. I was very surprised to test positive because I don't think I have ever lived in a moldy environment. The MDs that spearheaded the research regarding mold and mycotoxins explicitly state that this is a fatal thinking error, as many people are exposed to mold and are completely unaware. I would caution against making snap judgments whether you have been exposed to mold or not and remain open minded. Anyways, I hope this information is helpful and can help us progress.


6 Responses
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Did they offer you any treatment to the problem? What actions have you taken to cure yourself from mycotoxins?
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Hi Better days, yes in a nutshell the treatment that i have been following is....

1 ) Bentonite clay
2 ) Chlorella

If you can get a prescription for  Cholestyramine (CSM) this is probably the most effective treatment for mold exposure (sick building syndrome) & mycotoxins. Since i live in Canada, that test that i did in Texas is not valid, so the MD refused my request for CSM. I cannot personally comment on it's effectiveness but if you suffer from mycotoxins this is typically the go to drug.

What do these supplements/drugs do?

The idea behind this treatment is that these toxins circulate through the body, but 24% of the population cannot bind these toxins and expel them naturally.If any person falls into this bucket they slowly start to accumulate mycotoxins because the body's natural mechanism to expel them is broken, therefore we need to utilize supplements and drugs in aide with this process. From what i have gathered CSM is the most effective binder of these toxins, far beyond what bentonite clay and chlorella can do. I have been trying to get this prescription, but due to PATM and other issues i cannot get any headway with MD's.

My positive takeaway from the last two months is that sauna's are very effective at removing toxins. I found getting a gym membership and sitting in the sauna for maybe 20 mins a day really helped expel these toxins. If i don't do sauna treatment i get intense brain fog, and my eyes feel like there sunken. I would really recommend sauna treatment for anyone with PATM, especially since this is just like exercise, it has many health benefits.


Amen, Amen to - sauna, Chlorella and Bentonite clay
Check out : Diatomaceous Earth food grade - is effective, similar bentonite
Hi grateful2011 what other symptoms you had beside PATM?And did you take antibiotics before you are PATM free?
Does anyone have an update?
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I have a high titer for Aspergillus Fumigatus (which causes the gliotoxin), and I have the electrical type of PATM...could be this, but it has to be in combination with some other pathogen (a bacteria, like a mycobacteria or mycoplasma), otherwise more people would have PATM if it were just the fungus alone
Helpful - 4
Hey soiled, thanks for sharing this, narrows down the list of tests I will be focusing on. How about H. Pylori? And if you were tested was it a blood or breath test? Also, check your inbox, I sent you a message.
I was tested for that n positive. Treated n symptoms came back worst than before
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Hi Joel and soiled,

I've been reading a lot about mold lately too and started suspecting this could be it. I want to get tested for Aspergillus, Malassezia and Cryptococcus. Besides medical tests, I've found a lab close to me that tests for mold in the environment and they do have a pretty extensive testing panel for environmental Aspergillus, so I'm thinking if I did a swab on my skin or maybe ear canal (since I get itchy ears some times) and sent that in, it could be picked up. Cryptococus is also and environment-based mold, it can metabolize urea and is good at evading the immune system, but cannot find anything on it producing gliotoxin.
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I was tested for Crypto at doctor's...negative...I have not done a Malassezia test though...
Hi EatChinese,

I would really recommend reading Mold Warriors by Richie Shoemaker before you hire a company do test for mold at your house. There are many shortfalls of using these companies. I would recommend doing a little more research beforehand.

Best of luck with your journey
Hi Joel,

Thanks for the info I will read it. I have a few questions for you if you don't mind

Did you get better since addressing the Mold issue or are you still in the process? What are you did/doing or will be doing about it? Did you find a proper doctor?

I think I know how I could have picked it up and I do not think it was in any of the buildings were I lived. I think that for me it was a one time event that led to this problem, and if it is mold then it has colonized some niches in my body, so getting rid of it would require something more then making sure my apartment is mold free. I will be reading this book.

I think everyone reading this board would really appreciate any information on your progress etc. going forward, please keep us in the loop.

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Do you guys have any other symptoms besides the allergic reactions that seem go along with your electrical PATM? Do you feel OK otherwise?

I sometimes think that I can see very small hyphen-like structures, poking out of my pores and I only look/notice these when one of them just starts to itch a lot all of sudden.

It feels that this thing, whatever it is has basically colonized all my mucous membranes, including my colon and rectum. I also get itchy ears and nose and chest skin, feels like it is inside the skin pores as well, yes too. Do you guys have anything like this? Or any other odd symptoms?
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i'm just tired more often+slight rash sometimes
yes to all the mucous membranes stuff...if a woman it is in the vag, if a man it is in uncircumsized head of penis as well
yes, i feel ok otherwise, other than the constant mental beating this thing makes you endure from other people...'"It" turns YOU into "It"---the person nobody wants to be around...as far as the itch...yes, i get pinprick itches here and there on body...that is why i think it lives off keratin...and scalp too, but in a different way, not pinprick so much but more itchy...maybe the fat/grease connection...
it has to be more than one thing...living off keratin, grease, and mucous in mucous membranes...this is too varied for one sole organism
you can keep trying to figure out what "it" is, but better to just attack it
keltic, what kind of rash?

soiled, these resemblances between your and my symptoms... we need to get to the bottom of this. If rife helps - great, but we need to find a permanent solution, I doubt that it is possible to get it rooted out with rife alone. Also if it does respond to sound frequencies, it could possibly respond better to EM frequencies, are you thinking about getting the actual Rife machine or how about one of those electrical zappers? I haven't had a chance to try it on my stomach yet, but again I have doubts in this method in a long run, I mean it could work and I can understand how, but I am just leaving it for later for now.

Another one of my symptoms that I notice, especially when my PATM gets worse my frequency of going #2 seems to decrees significantly. Stuff stays there longer. My normal schedule used to be pretty much going after every bigger meal, now it is more like once a day or a few days, I think. I do also eat less now, because overeating definitely increases PATM, but also it sometimes seems like I go less, as if some % of my crap gets eaten my this bug...this might be crazy, but I think this is what is happening..The gas that we produce has to come from somewhere?
just some skin irritation here and there... i sometimes have it on my back, also rarely chest or face but it disappears when i'm not stressed and if i'm eating very healthy
do you also suffer from skin irritation?
Again I also think it could be more then one ting, but many bacteria.fungi etc. have more then one metabolism pathways, so they can feed on a few different things, so it could be one organism, and yes, it could be a symbiosis of two or even more.

At the same time if let's say we managed to knock out at least one of them out we could make the other one less capable of causing harm. So because of that I think I will be trying this.
Yes, keltik, for me it also feels like my skin has gotten thinner since PATM, as if this bug is eating my skin or my subcutaneous fat.
Have you guys lost weight since PATM?
just a little bit, maybe 5 pounds in two years
yes, tried the hulda clark zapper...electricity seems to make it worse...the sound wave frequency off youtube is working just fine, don't need an expensive rife machine
Hi everyone,

I also have the electric PATM type and i think i can provide a few observations...

I am in a unique situation because i can actually visually observe the effects of this electro-phenomenon. When i am at work and exposed to a high level of EMFs by the end of the day i will actually broadcast some sort of electric signals. This is observable because i cause waves when i come in close proximity of water. In contrast, when i am far away the water is dead still, but as i gradually move closer the water starts to ripple more and more. If it is a really bad day and i'm anxious, and have high EMF exposure (which in turn amplifies the toxins, see link biotoxins up to 600x - see article http://agoodhealthadvocate.com/health/mold-produces-600-times-more-bio-toxins-with-emf/ )
Anyways, i am working on a way to record this. This should be fairly easy and a quick way to validate my claims. I know this is an outlandish claim that everyone will probably dismiss, but we are in uncharted territories with PATM and we have to keep everything on the table. I really feel like i'm living in the twilight zone, lol.

Have a great day,


this is tremendous, if this is true it's the first solid proof for the existence of these emf patm waves, i'll cross my fingers for you by recording these effects!!
Just make sue you move very slowly when you approach water as you might be causing ripples by your steps :). In all seriousness the EM field would have to quite strong to have any effect on water I imagine, but I agree that we are in uncharted territories here.

But thanks for the information I get a lot of EMR exposure at work and at home and if you'll tell me how to conduct this experiment I will do it too. I'll wait for the video.

Also, I don't think we are dealing with Candida Albanians here, I've had it before and it is a breeze in comparison, if it is Candida then it is not Albicans, or not alone, I think the mold component is an Aspergillus - like mold, it is known to produce many volatile organic gases, which would explain the allergic reactions. And we are not just affected I think we colonized, so besides removing the toxins it would be good to kill it off completely too.

Thanks a lot for the update and for the information.

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Since there is a strong suspected fungal component to this and before I can get to any further testing I will be trying to knock out the fungus a little bit.

I used to have issues with what seemed to be Candida in the past, but I did not have PATM back then and it seemed to be less aggressive than this one. I did manage to knock it down quite a bit with this method that I read about online - using Lugol's and Borax.

As far as I can tell both should be quite effective against a wide range of fungus and I still have both.

My plan is to take both internally and mix Borax into bath water and soak in it for as long a possible.

Will let you guys know how this goes in a few days.
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i've done borax and i've done  lugols...nada...the only thing that has knocked it down is the 776 tone...and i have tried A LOT of things, chemical and mechanical...
I have tried it too already, about a month ago, but just for two days as I did not have time to keep the schedule, so thinking maybe if I go for longer it will do something, but so far on day 1, iodine seems to be sort of useless, borax might be doing something, but when I had issues with Candida this combo worked almost within hours... I'll give at least borax a shot anyways.

Also if this is Aspergillus, then it makes sense, because it appears to be resistant to iodine.

I will be getting some ketoconazole soon too, so that will be the next thing on my list...

Also, again, please check your inbox.

Hey, do you still have PATM?
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Double posting, since seems very relative.

"Volatile Compounds Emitted by Pseudomonas aeruginosa Stimulate Growth of the Fungal Pathogen Aspergillus fumigatus"

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