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Finally talked to a doctor about this and of course she's never heard of it and doesn't think it could be possible. referred me to an allergist,which I guess could help me with my rhinitis but patm.... probably not has anyone been referred to a allergist ?
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I went to an expert allergist that wrote many books about allergies, he did not believe me and though it was psychological...
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That sucks,I know I will not get anywhere with general doctors but I needed to talk to a professional about it. I was thinking of contacting a rare disease specialist
Do you have someone (friend, parents, relative, ...) that believes you and has seen you triggering PATM symptoms live? If yes, that's a big plus.

Make an appointment at the doctor and take that person with you. At least that should give the medical professional the impression, that you're not imagining it.
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I would recommend a holistic doctor .  Conveniental medicine does not recognize norntreat candida/leaky gut.  They run every other test so don’t watse your time or money with them.  Trust me , I did and they all looked at my side ways.  I work in the hospital...some infectious disease docs believed me...until my labs came back and they said I was normal “healthy guy”...yet, they sneeze, cough, clear throats and get sick every time they saw me.  Do a candida diet, oil pull your teeth every night , use organic products, and take supplements that were posted on my posts.  You’ll see a dramatic reduction.  My roommate is finally feeling better.  She just told me , and she’s the only one who believes me (a little) lol but she has her energy back and is not dizzy anymore.  Whatever I’m doing is working and I’m happy.  Don’t waste your time with docs!!  Have a good day!
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I actually do not have anyone that believes me 100% where I would feel like taking them to the doctors it's me. And Im alreAdy  on a healthy eating path ,don't want to call it a diet (to me that's temporary)I wanna make part of my life,lost and keeping a good weight by removing sugars and greasy foods.i wanna meet someone with this same condition and see if I react
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Look, I'm on diets 1 year ago, none worked, no Vitamin or B complex supplements, nothing, these last months I tested L-NAC (acetylcysteine) and oral Vitamin C and cream, nothing, I changed all kinds of Shampoo and nothing of solution, it seems my psychological or something like psychosomatic, these last ones when knowing friends of by there one commented to me saying; When he was a teenager his hair fell until he was almost bald and he was sent to the psychologist, then he ignored it and continued like this, after months he went back to the dermatologist who told him something about hair loss and it happened to him , after a few years the hair loss fell again for no apparent reason, she did not have any ailment, only her hair fell overnight, after so many visits to the doctor her doctor from her center challenged her saying that because he did not go to the psychologist, then he just went to the psychologist, the psychologist sent him to the psychiatrist and the psychiatrist sent the psychologist saying that the problem was psychological, in those walks the guy got angry and from there he did not return to the psychologist. hair until now, it's been about 15 years since his last fall. What do I want to say? Because our condition of the PATM would be a combination of everything, it would be something psychosomatic, for X reason our body emits substance or radio frequency or whatever it is that we emanate, for some reason traspas crystals, does not discriminate the climate, etcs. I currently after so many things that provide without any result, but it helps me to be relaxed and leave worries, lower or cancel the stress-anxiety, I have days where I do not have PATM, stop taking vitamins and other things, I'm improving apparently , I go to the restaurant quiet although I still do not get on the underground train, but I want to go a little bit, I'm facing mentally little by little, currently I only eat varied and with more vegetables, that if, elminate the sugar, even though it recently provides a little and do not notice so much difference ........
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