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Help me find the compound of PATM

So i want to find out the chemical formula for PATM so there could be some universal cure if we do find the compound. So far i have these bullet points:
-Lighter than air
-Has Carbon, Nitrogen, and or Hydrogen
-Low evaporation temperature
I say all this because from my experience people shorter than me dont get reactions because i got rid of patm on my body but not my hair. Also i noticed a trend where people have TMAU before they got patm and the chemical formula for TMAU is NC3H9. I say low evaporation temperature because now that i have this new perspective on patm i think that patm is actually tmau but tmau broken down and reacts with a different chemical that forms patm on your body that gets evaporated into a gas which is what we know as patm and it makes sense because when we are stressed our body temp increases and also when its really cold outside i get 0 reactions even though i would if it was summer regardless of my mental state.
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Quick update: i havent really been looking too much but i think it has to have CH3 in it because i have read that getting rid of choline from your diet significantly reduces patm and choline makes CH3 which called “Methyl group” but now we just have to find what Methyl group is causing patm
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TMA is an irritant to the respiratory system. I believe patm is excess TMA in our system which is fed to the lungs via our blood.
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That is one hypothesis yes. I think there could be multiple factors for it. A lot of
People that have patm also have TMAUwhich is a sluggish or impaired FMAO3 enzyme which is the enzyme that converts TMA into TMAO. TMAU type 1 is genetic and usually happens early in childhood. TMAU type 2 is caused by dysbiosis and impaired enzyme function.
Does anyone know what the enzyme is that could be impaired? Perhaps it’s a matter of taking a supplement containing that enzyme?

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