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Kidney smell

I wondered if it could be caused by a kidney disease.

I noticed an ammonia smell whenever I took a Creatine supplement. I also have dark circles under my eyes which usually indicates kidney problems.

Smokers seem to react much heavier on me than other people, could be because of the lung damage that they inflcited on themselves.

I'm just reading a book about nanobacteria that create a calcium shell around themselves. This way they can create all kinds of diseases, atherosclerosis, kidney stones, bone spurs etc.
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20620809 tn?1504362969
have you had your sinuses checked?
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What would I check them for? ENTs are useless anyway.
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You"re spot on with the ammonia smell. My kidneys are fine last time I went and got checked out, but it's been awhile. You could be onto something.
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