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Is this the cure? Doctors say only thing that causes patm is borrelia/lyme disease.

Anyone believe this or know if it's true? I'm being told to take antibiotics and claim it's borrelia/lyme disease. But others here claim antibiotics either make it worse or started their patm. Is this the cure? Or are they wrong?
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Today it rained heavily and then the thunder and the storm, a cloudy dark day, but the PATM remained constant without paying attention to the direction of the wind, without having problems of the torrential rain that fell, the PATM remained present as if nothing, stop me close to the people who protected themselves from the rain and storm under a roof, a person began to cough without stopping, each time cleared his throat, strange, very rare this PATM. If it were mold-mold spores, it would stay static while it was wet from the rain, or at least travel to the wind current, but that did not happen. I do not really explain myself, these experiences I go over and over again repeating to make sure that the PATM effect is like that, not to mention the crystals that it passes as if nothing and its speed that is practically a matter of milliseconds. I wonder; Did you try? Did they experience anything? Apparently we do not advance, recently a "dontgiveuphone" claimed that MEBO was investigating and that this was an alteration of the intestinal flora or lack of enzymes of our Liver, but the same magically disappeared and did not comment again, at least say that such thing was not or that he is experiencing. If the problem lies in our Subconscious, this, it would be a matter of making a "restart" to our subconscious and that is only achieved by mentally living the present positively until a very high confidence is generated to ourselves, every process of "healing" psychology lasts as minimum months or years, everything will depend on the interest and the desire that each one put to get rid of the PATM. Another thing I have clear is that; when I get angry or stressed-anxious, it's directly felt in my intestines, and that's proven over and over, the same thing happens with my nose that is covered when I feel uncomfortable or stressed, when I go for a walk or I'm in my room in the quiet armchair this mucus plug in the nose disappears magically, is really inexplicable, how do you tell or explain to a doctor all that? For X reason our mind obtained or created a capacity, a capacity that is beyond our control because we are limited to understand, perhaps in our past we were mistreated so much that our subconscious created the ability to self-defense, I do not know, sometimes I feel that I am writing things that I do not even explain myself well. Well, that would be everything for now, meanwhile I will continue to convince me more and more about the capacity of this PATM.
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So these doctors know this disease and you have a diagnosis with borrelia/lyme disease? And these doctors told you to take antibiotics?

It seems most antibiotics are triggering/strengthen these reactions but it doesn't mean that every kind of antibiotic is harmful for us. For example i've never took antibiotics and i had patm in a very bad way but it seems the reactions are (atleast in my case) triggered by negative thoughts. But I think it's possible that these negative thoughts are strengthened by an intestinal microbial imbalance due to a gut/mind connection, because i feel how it's easier for me to think positively when eating healthy.
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I'm not seeing these doctors in person btw I'm talking to them threw my email. And these doctors and scientists specialize in lyme disease. I was told about 6% of people with severe lyme have patm reactions.
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Hey guys, google "biopure lyme nosode". It's a cure for lyme disease that supposedly works, and it isn't an antibiotic.
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OH !!!! What good news, your doctor said or determined your disease that we call PATM? All right! At least one doctor determined it, then the best thing to do is to listen to the doctor, in any case, you have to ask him how the PATM was presented, which led to the PATM appearing in your body, cause it, why it spreads as fast as in milliseconds, as it penetrates crystals, because it reaches as fast as 30 meters or more, etc. That better than a doctor find the PATM, at least I continue to wander from doctor to doctor without finding any prescription more than the prescription of going to psychiatrist psychologist. If your doctor told you that better than to check with the guide of Him.
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Lol I've been there. I've had doctors tell me there is no thing on the planet that can make people react in your presence. WHILE HE WAS HAVING REACTIONS IN FRONT OF ME. And said I should go downtown and check into a psychiatric facility hahahaha. I just laughed. Also as for the questions it's threw email with lyme disease specialists. I keep asking questions they keep saying go see a lyme disease doctor that treats le with antibiotics. Idk what else to do. I'm just worried because people here say antibiotics make it worse but the doctors say it'll make it better. That's why I posted here to see if anyone knows or has tried to get rid of it with antibiotics. Maybe it gets worse before it gets better?
After all these years of getting diverted to a psychiatrist, ive finally confronted one but not with the hopes of explaining about PATM. Am on meds as of yesterday, lets see how this goes.

I personally dont think there's any other doc that can help our case except for a psych. I microbiologist or lab technician could help identify the "thing" thats causing it but wouldnt help control it. Which is what im after at present.
Tankers; The antibiotic also eliminates our "good" bacteria or intestinal flora, if antibiotics are consumed for prolonged or very strong times would give rise to that in our intestines inhabit "bad" bacteria, that is, it creates an imbalance, that is why here in the forum of the PATM say that it worsens because they did not prove it in a good way, the best thing would be to combine with Probiotics bifidos, I think there are 3 types of probiotics, I do not know much about the subject but it sounds logical since Antibiotics eliminate bacteria without discrimination in hence the proper name, for example; The candidasis diet; First with a strict diet weakens the bacteria, after a time is given antibiotic for this attack to the already weakened bacteria, later applied to our body thousands of probiotics "good" for this buelba to repopulate the intestines " clean ", that is how you get to cure Candidasis, but many of this forum already tried the candida diet such is my case, it did me no effect but an improvement of 30%, then, as to antibiotics for LYME, this would be a combination for good bacteria to keep constantly repopulating by supplying probiotics, but be clear that probiotics have to be specific and balanced, that's where a doctor is needed to guide us on what probiotics and how much is needed. Well, I hope I helped you. Do not read the previous comments where you did the candida diet and more. Do not over test it if you are in capacity. Greetings, forces.
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Yes the doctors are telling me only borrelia/lyme cause this. And negative thoughts never make it worse for me. Everyone on this board talk about how it's a mind thing we don't have super powers and we can't make people itch by looking at them lol. I believe negative thoughts might make it worse for people just like stress can cause heade aches inflammation chest pain stomach pain constipation etc. So stress might make it worse but it is definitely not the cause like people on this forum believe. These doctors and scientists say out of all the research that lyme/borrelia is the only cause. Im just not sure if I believe them or not. Haven't got antibiotics to try
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who says we have to look at other people to make them itch haha, no i don't think we have "super powers"
you have to imagine these reactions are just what we perceive with our senses, the underlying root trigger could be anything. (for example an bacterial infection like you say) i don't know if the root trigger lies in psychic nature, but it definitly vanishes if i change my focus to positive thoughts and this is easier (for me) when eating healthy which also could be a hint that any microbes does are playing a role
i also believe it's unlikely that stress is the only cause for patm but i have no claim, what makes you so sure that stress isn't the cause for this disease? do you have any hints/observations/statistics that imply this statement?
Yeah definitely. I walk around happy to be alive happy to be walking happy to be talking to people. Happy to be seeing people. The patm is ALWAYS there. But I live I'm here I'm happy. Every. Single. Day. I get stressed here and there but the effects do. not. change. The only things Ive seen that make the effects get worse besides junk food sweat caffeine sugar beer etc. Is getting nervous/anxious or an adrenaline rush. But thats up to you if you call that stress. Im happy everyday and mad pretty often the effects DO NOT GET WORSE they're about same if I'm happy or mad. (For me) from stress/frustration/anger. And also this whole forum is filled with people who believe looking at someone is what's causing patm. If you believe it's in your head. Your dumb. And wrong. This forum is filled with people who believe it's all in your head. We. Are. Not. Crazy. This is a thing. And I will solve it. The day I do I'll share it with the world. The whole story. Because there are LOTS of doctors that are not listening.
We often forget that the thing we call PATM is just a symptom. For some of us it's "just" in our heads, for some of us it's odor related, for some of us it's because of a bacterial overgrowth or maybe in your case lyme disease.

There are multiple root causes for what we experience. And all are valid concerns that deserve to be heard.
@thankers yes i think becomming anxious/nervous means much stress for us subconsciously. If we don't take these emotions seriously, we start to protect these feelings, and what we observe is other people having signs of nervousness instead of us, but it's just noticible for us because other people aren't focussing on it.

Like i said i don't know if we have the same disease and i don't know if the underlying root trigger of these subconscious  anxious/nervous feelings is because of an infection or a stressful event, i just see it vanishing when eating healthy and afterwards changing my focus to positive/calm people

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