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Am I the only one who noticed that before my Patm goes heell crazy I also get this annoying and disgusting postnasal drip of mucus down directly into my throat?And if I clear my throat,blow my nose,swallow it,spit it (whateva) the symptoms go standby for a little while?Also,do you feel anxious while having PND(post n.drip)?Plus,if I keep my mouth shut and hold my lips tight I can notice a decrease in allergy's reactions from people.Anywaay,what is your blood group people?Do you have an weakened immune system too?Are You also anaemic?What about Iron, Vitamine D and B2 defiencies?Am I the only one experiencing Brain fog and anxiety?Lots of questions,I know,but I feel I'm getting crazy,it can't just be a mental delusion.THIS **** IS REAL!!
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candida albican a digestive problem cause a lot of mucus, and if you have this disease you ate a
lot of bad things that cause you vitamins defficient, fatigue, anxiety for no reason, your intestines are sick etc etc
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Yes, I 100% know what you are talking about.

It seems to be tied to the sinus, along with emotional/mental state.

If im at work on a website I know I probably shouldn't be on, I start feeling the drip and people around me start reacting. I dont know if patm is tied to fear, apparently its normal for pheromones to be emitted  when one is fearful.

PATM is still a huge mystery to me, but started using other peoples reactions as a reminder to center my energy and calm my emotions down. Getting anxious only makes it much worse.
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I agree.   I know 100% in my case at least I can start this thing off in my head.  100s of nights with the family to prove this.    When all is quiet and I start to get angry,or think to fast/much. The reactions will start.   I can start it other ways but but this has been confirmed to myself.  Good idea for a video to record.  I’m trying to get it all together now.  I will continue to update.
So it is related!I had this suspect since I started using a stheroyd spray cause im always suffering with my sinus,(postnasal drip,pain in between my eyes,thick mucus,difficulty in breathing and anxiety problems ) which is reducing(not stopping) the reactions from others.Anyway I want to give you an advice;Try to rinse your sinus with diluited apple cider vinegar,it's a miracle,natural and easy method to reduce the drop,pain and discomfort in your nose.I also drink it daily and I found out is helping me a lot specially for a correct digestion :)
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Yea it’s def real! I’m also anemic but not anymore since I take pills for it. I also had vit d deficiency but that’s taken care of now cuz I take a supplement for that too. I don’t get the post nasal drip or anything like that but I have noticed that if I’m not in a well ventilated room I will get like a tickling  sensation on my nose and I know it’s coming from me. I’ve tested it out by putting on a shield mask that covers my mouth and face (that I got at my hospital) and my nose will start itching as soon as I start talking and my eyes will start bothering me. This is def real!
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I don't even know how this could be possible...when I try to explain it to a gp the obviously don't believe probably thinking Im crazy or that I'm out from this world...I'm constantly feeling alone and under pressure..and the most annoying thing is that Im more concerned about How the others feels when im around...This is so sad
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