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My Observations/Thoughts on PATM

I have been taking notes about PATM and I have made some observations and I there might be a few thoughts in the mix, If you have anything similar or totally different It would be nice to know.

I divide these into topics and try to keep them short and easy to read but my mind is a mess so you know..

PATM reactions and alcohol
Me drunk, others sober = I get reactions
Everybody drunk = No reactions
Me sober, others drunk = reactions drastically reduced and delayed.

PATM origin and antibiotics
I used to think I have never taken any antibiotics and thought that antibiotics have nothing to do with my PATM but later I remembered that I was treated with tetracycline because of a really bad acne and that was over 5 years ago.

PATM and mold
I was exposed to black mold once that was growing off some chipboard and the smell felt like it hit me in the face, my PATM reactions started pretty much after that.

PATM and bad breath
Used to have really bad breath but it stopped after I had a tooth filled and got my tooth scrubbed to remove "stones".

Measuring PATM severity
I am going to be honest I cannot measure PATM in % and the only measurement I have is a 40 min train trip I take to work, on a good day I can make almost the whole trip without reactions and on a bad day the whole train carriage starts sniffling and coughing and clearing their throats the instant i enter.

PATM and making others sick
I might make people sick and had massive guilt over it and I noticed that 1 co-worker that I worked with was away for a whole week after working with him many days straight and I was 100% sure that I made him sick, when he came back it turned out he had a power-tool accident on his day off and that was the reason he was away from work.

PATM and smell
a few people have commented a burnt smell.
1 comment about garlic smell.
1 comment that it smells like old onion.

PATM and other people
I have decided to stealth and not trying to convince anybody that cannot help me, luckily I have been never confronted directly, I still get mean looks from some people and interestingly enough they do not react to me.
The only person I would want to manage to convince one day is either a doctor specialized in malodorous diseases or a scientist who can run a test I might need.

PATM and clothes
I have ruled out clothes with 100% new clothes, clothes that have been stored at my dads place and my work clothes that are stored at work. Changing clothes do not eliminate the issue.

PATM and food
As soon as I eat anything the reactions get worse, doesn't matter even if it is fat free chicken and brown rice, as soon as I start chewing food it makes it worse..

PATM and stress
I was during massive stress when PATM began and It feels like that if I stress my PATM gets worse but haven't been able to measure it

Read in NYMAG online about a woman from Savannah,Georgia and it was scary how her experience is similar to PATM copying a small part about the article that hit me home.

"Do you constantly monitor people’s reactions or avoid certain situations?

Oh, yeah! I’d go into most social situations dreading it because you just know what’s going to happen. You’re looking around for coughing, sneezing, rubbing the eyes. It makes you very paranoid. If someone whispers something to someone else I think they were talking about me."

If you want to read the whole thing just google "nymag tmau"

Anyway that is all I have for now might have forgot something and not even sure if there are any clues here that can help but still felt like I should post this

any input is appreciated and take care everyone!

2 Responses
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Hi PatmSucks92,

I think you've made some great observations that I can confirm are also true for me. Stress was definitely one of the triggers of my PATM. I think it was a perfect storm of stress, antibiotics, exposure to mold, and an eating disorder. It's hard to nail down a cause and treatment when doctors don't understand or they refuse to listen.

I haven't had blood drawn in a while, but last time I did, my methylation was far below the normal range. After doing some basic research, I connected low methylation to histamine problems and toxin build-up. I think that my body (and possibly other people's bodies) are overloaded by toxins from some deficiency - in my case, it's poor methylation. I've been taking TUDCA and NAC for the past few days and (knock on wood) I've noticed some improvement. This is very promising since I've tried every supplement you can imagine over the past two years with no luck.

I recommend that you get blood drawn asap. It may require you to ask your doctor without mentioning PATM. That way you can check for deficiencies and start supplementing where you know you are depleted. I think we have to be very careful with supplements because we don't want to assume we are depleted in something and supplement when the probably could be that we have too much of something in our systems. Keeping fighting!
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Hello Patm2324,

Actually I checked that there is a blood checkup on a private clinic which covers all kinds of nutrients and blood values and can be had cheap enough with no questions asked as long as you pay the small fee.

Scary that you mention eating disorder because I went from 95kg to 68kg which is way underweight for me pretty much just before I got PATM, my weight is now normal but the PATM stays..

Thanks for the comment and I'l get the blood work done in the near future.
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Diet doesn’t seem to have any effect on reactions in my case. I went through a five-day fast, consuming only water. I literally cut everything out of my diet  and PATM reactions didn’t change at all. Maybe it takes longer, but I have never observed a correlation with diet.
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