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No patm reactions for 2 hours

For context, patm is only in my hair and it used to be my entire body but i dried my skin so now its only my hair and i know this because when people walk past me or are just around me when im standing, they dont react if they are shorter than me but if they are taller or equal height then they will react. I was going to the carnival for july 4(American independence day) and so i was nervous that my patm would potentially ruin my day and possibly others so i wanted to try one last thing before i went, to see if i could temporarily get rid of patm and it worked. I used a hair spray(Nourishing Coconut oil Weightless Hydrating oil mist by ogx) and i put enough to the point where i could smell it without trying which is pretty rare because i have never had the best nose so i must of put way too much on my hair even though i added like 3-4 sprays. I got to the carnival and i noticed 0 reactions off the bat which didnt seem unusual because it takes a while for a person completely new to patm to react, at least for me. I was waiting in line to get on a rollercoaster and i am not noticing a SINGLE reaction, at this point i am getting very skeptical so i am even more aware of what people are doing and i am specifically focusing on the girls behind me which arent reacting and keep in mind it took like 6 minutes to get on the ride which is enough time for them to start reacting but i get nothing, then i walk really close to the guy operating the rollercoaster and still nothing, the definitive proof that patm had gone away was when i had to walk through this group of girls and i am 10cm or less from their nose which would evoke an immediate reaction but still NOTHING so then thats when i realized my patm had disapeared and i was so greatful that i would be able to enjoy the 4th of july for the first time in a while. It got pretty late before i started noticing more reactions and it was when i couldnt smell the hairspray anymore and this took like 2-3 hours. The reactions were worse than normal because people shorter than me started reacting too, but in hindsight i should have realized that allergies are a normal part of a carnival especially the july 4th one. So i learned that the hairspray would be a trump card in case i ever needed it but it also gave me very useful information about patm itself because first of all, i know that patm can go away at least for a few hours and not the few minutes after a shower, second i know that there is something in the hairspray that can eliminate patm for a few hours, third is that if i learn to control the chemical that is found in the hairspray then i can amplify the potency to potentially create a sort of deodorant for patm where you have to apply the chemical every day. I thought i should share this story in case any of you guys wanted to try the hairspray out, and if you are then i will tell you some extra information you need to know. I know for a fact that patm is only on my hair and no where else on my body so if it doesnt work for you then that might just be because patm isnt isolated to your hair. I added like 3 or 4 sprays and i did it around 2 inches / 5cm away from my hair and afterwards it should be a strong scent and strong enough that even when you are sitting down you will be able to smell it. The spray also smells like coconut and its pleasant to everyone unless they dont like strong scents or coconut. Finally i quickly want to say why i think the spray worked, so i think it worked because it dissolved the oil in my hair by using coconut oil which sounds counterintuitive but oil is better at dissolving other oils than water because oil is nonpolar while water is polar and i think the reactions came back because my skin realized i had lost a lot of oil in my hair so it produced a lot to overcompensate.
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we all have our own symptoms.   i overstand mine well after 6 years .   best advice is to do you.     cant solve what they dont want you too.  good luck man.  drink a beer and let that **** go.  my promise is better people than you and me tried to solve this, but its way deeper.  as you grow older you will see.  i watched my own children suffer cause of my patm .   mine is in my eye and i can see it. i stopped caring if anyone believes.   yours is stuck inyour stomach probably.   i got back to the old me and things are looking up .   clean your body and diet and then do you.    when you realize what this signal really is you will feel better.  or eat salad forever    it will still be there.      think nerotransmitters     chemical and electrical......  its easy once you study
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Trust me bro i can figure this **** out, ive only had patm for around 11 months but i reduced my symptoms dramatically and enough to have people not even react so im not going to give up because i think i just need a little more time.
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cut your hair then.   by the way  there are people who have tried full body hair removal.  no luck there .  but salute the effort
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