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You need to question everthing your being told. Patm is neither a physical nor mental disease, it's just our mind picturing back to us the negativity that consumes us by being anxious all the time. This is one of the rare disease that main stream science cannot understand because of it's denial of the human mind. Our mind is very powerful, nothing exist without our mind. a negative mind will definitely attract negativity, that is why i beseech some of us that are still suffering from this disease to try and apply law of attraction for consistently one month. Focus your mind on positvity, feel good and you will come back here to testify. Do you that even today that i am cured, whenever i am anxious i will see people reacting negatively. Don't underestimate the power of the human mind
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To have, there are things that apparently confuse. It is one thing to get into your head saying that the mind can heal and so on; It is not so, it is good that these last many researchers concluded that diseases such as cancer are mostly the product of our mental emotional states, at the same time they clarify that not all bodies react in the same way, example; There are bodies that eat any food and it digests calmly, others will eat the same food but will have complications, however if the guy is in his mental state of tranquility as well as sadness with balance, well, that will have a plus that will help him digest that food that does not suit you, basically the researchers conclude that a "good" mental state is not always to be happy, it is a balance between sad joy etc., these balanced states occur when you have x genetics or it can also be the diet As well as the external one, which is the interaction of emotional sensations, all those emotions, states or whatever of the person are generated by chemical substances that our body produces, either by genetics, food or interactions with third parties. Clarified that point I say; diseases such as diabetes, cancer, etc. are the product of what has already been mentioned, in addition to the prolonged emotional state of some kind, for example, you have stress, anxiety..... What I am trying to say is that the mind can somehow "eliminate" certain illnesses or many, however that depends on your genetics, diet, emotional social interaction, etc., the clear example of this are the psychopharmaceuticals that psychiatrists prescribe with placebo...... That's why I tried to explain that from the beginning, a mental state of nervousness also emits certain types of body chemicals by producing sweat, basically nervousness is produced by external interaction... just an example. Another example is; If you spend years whining sad for a reason, your body will also be susceptible to a disease, even if you have high defenses, even allergies... I hope you understand what I'm trying to say, I'm not offering a solution, basically I'm trying to clarify certain statements or misunderstandings.
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It should be clarified that my PATM is more when: I speak, when I get nervous, when I am stressed by work or study. Another point that I was seeing is that when I bring saliva into my mouth it seems that it decreases the PATM, or when you ingest water often, to which I concluded by reading something about bacteria in the mouth, halitosis, bacteria in the teeth, bad breath, etc. ... is that: the output is a substance that also cleans and eliminates bad bacteria as well as certain infections of the mouth, so when I know that I have to expose or talk a lot I try to accumulate a lot of saliva in my mouth as cleaning, that apparently PATM decreases, another one that decreases for nervousness and stress is deep breathing..... These are details that I have been seeing even though lately I try to live life as if I did not have PATM.
That's the starting point to get cured. live as if patm does not exist at all, free your mind from it and you will see a lot of improvement
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I kind of support your opinion,When I was in my senior year I have very great press,Which made me worse.
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