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PATM Research Finding

Hi guys. It’s been so long that I reached this PATM community. First of all sorry for my bad english. It is my secondary language. This disease has affected me for my whole life.

I have informed my mother this week about this disease and yes she believes me after she confused for being sick this past few months non stop. Thank goodness she motivates me for being strong and she will never keep distance on me for whatever happen.

Other than that, i want to discuss with you guys that there are already research for this disease. Im not quiet sure how to paste the link here. But the title of the research is “An exploratory study on "people allergic to me" syndrome based on measurement of trace gases released from skin surface and microbial species in nasal cavity of a patient”.

And the findings of it is the some chemicals, such as hexane, propionaldehyde, and toluene, which showed relatively high levels of emission from the subject's skin. I found that this chemical has affected people for their throat, nose and eyes. Which is very similar to people symptom around us.

Other than that, Staphylococcus epidermidis (Bacilli; Bacillales), which is known as a resident skin flora. In addition, Arthrobacter phenanthrenivorans (Actinobacteria; Micrococcales), which releases a ditch-like smell, was cultured on isolation medium, and its presence might have a relationship with the PATM condition.

What do you guys think?
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Do they have cure?
Unfortunately no. They didn’t state on how to cure it.
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Hello. From the supposed study it has been going on since 2012 more or less, they took that note and nothing else, they did it in Japan, the study is not well confirmed, they are only suspicions, those mentioned chemicals emit it all, only that in the person studied PATMer they found some slight levels higher than the rest, although that could be due to other factors such as stress anxiety ....... In reality there is nothing, nothing at all about PATM. It is not to be negative, I simply say a reality according to me, nothing.
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Do your patm  get worse when you apply lotion or chap stick on you face ? Mine does.
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Yeah I definitely notice my PATM gets worse when I use specific lotions. I've wasted money on so many different kinds of lotions! For me personally, I'm confident that my PATM reactions are due to my oily skin on my face and scalp. It produces a strong odor. I noticed that specific lotions that contain caprylic/capric triglycerides make it worse. This ingredient is made from combining coconut oil and glycerin. Coconut oil by itself has also made my PATM noticeably worse.
I agree with all of this.
Hi I just noticed when you mention about it. I am from Malaysia and currently travelling in Turkey for one month already. I have to use moisturiser because of my bad dry skin. The PATM reaction become worse than before.
Not only with lotions or perfumes, but also with very strong deodorants. It seems that the lotion or deodorant is not absorbed by the skin, it seems that the pores are closed or saturated or it may be that the fat does not allow it to be absorbed. This is complicated.
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