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Dear fellow PATM community,

I chanced upon this forum in 2012. First of all, THANK YOU as it gave me solace as this is evidence that I am not alone in this world and I am not crazy!!! I first discovered this issue about 10 years ago. I realized that people around me covered their noses or start to have running nose, it is not all the time but approximately 80%.

First it was denial, there is no such thing. Then I took the courage to ask few people that I am close with if they smell anything or sense anything but all said no. Everyone told me it was psychological issue similar to Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. I seek medical advice, none can give me an answer. One doctor said " You are not that powerful." I know that I am perfectly sane, but no one believed in my condition. It was driving me mad, this is when I decided to google it and I saw this PATM forum in 2012.

The issue that we are tackling is tricky as smell is not visible. When a condition cannot be seen it is hard to diagnose or even recognize so the easy way is to attribute it to psychological issue. In this forum, I have seen many people who describe the same condition as me, maybe as you read, you feel the same way.

I felt that there is a duty to help the rest to break free from this "psychological imprisonment". There could be many causes to PATM, and that required different solutions. However, I do believe the cause and solution that I am about to share can HELP some of you!!!

The CAUSE is FAECES. FAECES is smelly so people covered their nose. FAECES contain chemicals such as hydrogen sulphide, these irritant chemicals cause people to have running nose. You might be wondering "I do wipe my *** clean", thus thinking I have oversimplified the problem. In the past, I realized people do have "reactions" even when I have just bathe and changed a new set of clothing too.

So what do I mean by "cleaning the ***". I will use the analogy of a tube. When we wipe our ***, we are merely cleaning the opening of the tube. However, there is still a lot of FAECES in the tube or at the tip of the tube. This is the cause of all the allergic reaction. So you have to clean more "in depth". Then, you could be wondering why other people when wipe their *** is sufficient. I do not know the exact reason, possibly because of the way PATM people's anal structure is different from the rest.

It took me 10 years to figure it out and I decided to share with you so that this could possibly FREE you.

“As I walked out the door toward the gate that would lead to my freedom, I knew if I didn't leave my bitterness and hatred behind, I'd still be in prison.”― Nelson Mandela

Warmest Regards

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Congratulations and God's continued best to you always for being on the road to PATM freedom !!!!

please check out our other forum here:  people are allergic to me (PATM) for other helpful insights into PATM freedom

I have found for myself that having PATM was an internal body issue - I detoxed my body repeatedly, changed my lifestyle to a plant based food choices 365 days a year and stopped consuming: dairy, gluten, meat, processed foods, fast foods, junk foods, sugar  ( I use Stevia instead)

and i take probiotics each day along with other vitamin and mineral supplements, L-glutamine powder

Merry Christmas !
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congratulations in taking care of yourself. i haven't taken care of myself these days because of irritation and stuff.

anyway, i don't think i have patm any longer. you just have to thoroughly but gently scrub your armpits and around your armpits. i use iodine soln body wash, use a little deodorant (area of the armpit where you can see the skin folds when your upper limbs are perpendicular to the earth's surface). you also need to thoroughly but gently scrub your back, the scapula area. and bathing 2x a day would really help.

I think I'm just overstressed being conscious about what I smell to others. and it smells on the sweat under my pits. lol.

as for my hair, it will really smell when i don't wash it everyday. it gets funky if i don't wash it in a day. but when i use baking soda, it won't smell if i forgot to wash my hair the next day.

i haven't had people beside me breath like something's clogging their noses. i haven't had people sneezing when i'm around. i hadn't had people looking sideways to trail the smell.

my SYMPTOMS had CHANGED since last year. i don't sweat that often any longer because i'm not that conscious because MY MIND WAS DRIFTED TO DIFFERENT PROBLEMS.

Having a balanced diet and eating food will keep one's breath and gut and overall body healthy and enthusiastic. So I also need to eat healthy and exercise.

when you go to the dumpster and smell the garbage you get garbage smell
when you smell a toilet you'll smell excretory fluids and muck
when it whiffs in the air your nose will pay attention to it.

BUT IF THE SYMPTOMS CHANGED after I typed this, then it's another thing and not my PATM (I don't know the food I'm really eating). Last year I "developed" bad breath. I felt like SOMETHING GOT STUCK IN MY THROAT. Usually when you brush you'll feel a gagging sensation. I haven't felt it these past few days. So I guess a visit to the dentist WON'T HURT.

:-) please pass this around.

kindest regards,
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sorry i typed my name on the to text box. but you now know my email.

I knew of Rachel Adler's website. She was also one of the PATM sufferers. She started her own site about this. IDK where is she now but I want to thank her (more blessings to you).

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