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Full analysis of patm + cure p2.

So this “cure” is not a long term solution because im pretty sure doing this will cause long term problems but its drying your skin and your scalp then doing your best to get rid of the oil left behind. So hear me out, i was completely normal before 6 months ago and i had a dry scalp and dry skin but then after i got patm i had oily skin and really oily hair so knowing that oil is what causes patm makes be believe that getting dry skin is the solution because I remember very vividly that i had pimples all over my back and even some on my legs and then i look now and its dry and now where i have dry skin is where patm doesnt have any affect so i kinda just connected the dots and everything came together. I have been trying to get a dry scalp for almost a month now and I havent figured out a way to do that except not using shampoo everyday and using salt in my shampoo.

How to cure yourself
So you will have to find out a way to dry your skin and i feel like you should prioritize your skin more than your hair and scalp because of the huge leap in getting rid of patm. (When you have dry skin)So how i got rid of patm from my body is by completely dropping body wash and not using it besides on my armpits to wash off the antiperspirant but deodorant should wash off with just water and people who use a combination will also need to use body wash and so it took around 2-3 weeks for my body to regulate and produce less oil and then to get rid of the oil i scraped it off with a towel and make sure to not reuse the towel or at least not use it for anywhere else like your hair and i scraped until my skin turned red and you have to do this everywhere including face and back and everywhere… yes i know its kinda extreme so there probably is a better way to get rid of it like maybe another oil because oil can dissolve oil since oil is non-polar i think. So for your hair and scalp what you want to do to just see some better results is to get rid of all the oil so the way i did this is by using salt in my shampoo and by spacing out my shampoos and changing from daily to every other day. So what you want to do is to put enough salt in your shampoo so that it smells weird and i guess salty and use a decent amount like 2 quarter size amounts or more and then just rub it into your scalp until there is less foam or if you have been using it for around 7-10 minutes then rinse it out and then use your shampoo again but this time use a little amount of salt and just enough so that it doesnt really change the smell of it and then focus on your ends and dont rub it into your hair but this mostly works on shampoo and conditioner 2 in 1 but for regular shampoo i would recommend the same but it might be a little less effective and if you want to use an oily scalp shampoo you can do that too but remember dont use shampoo unless you need to so maybe shampooing every 3 days might be more beneficial to you. To dry your scalp i was thinking that using hot water is good also using a hair dryer but i still dont know how effective it is i think it works but im not sure yet.
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I forgot to mention this but the shampoo thing isnt going to be the best option as ive experimented more with it and i also would not recommend doing the shampoo and salt thing unless you already cleared up patm on your body or else you wont benefit from doing it. I noticed that a shampoo for controlling oil works best and also not shampooing everyday also helps. I use kristen ess fragrance free daily cleansing shampoo and i shampoo twice per day then skip one day but you gotta keep in mind im working on getting rid of the oil in my hair right now so anything i say about this is subject to change although i will post updates if i find something out
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All this is in contrast since I have PATM, although sometimes not.... However, I have dry skin even so the patm is present. On the other hand, in the past I have used harsh soaps up to laundry soaps, which I sometimes attribute to causing PATM. What I do not agree with is that they try to associate PATM with TMAU, TMAU is already proven and basically lies in the missing alterations of the intestinal flora and others, it can be hereditary genetics or obtained by reason, both have treatments and diets, On the other hand, the PATM does not know anything, absolutely nothing, that is why everyone here tries and recommends, yours is another hypothesis, it could work in some. What I do know is that PATM worsens if you get nervous anxious stressed, PATM decreases if you are relaxed. On the other hand, it is difficult to eliminate the oil from the body since in the day it is produced with sweat, whether it is walking or working, the only way to eliminate the oil would be to rest. complex the subject. But since I repeat that I have dry skin and even so the PATM is present, it could have another variant, yes, it was not affected by phone or video calls, at first I supposed, but as I controlled the PATM, it decreased significantly.
It's very rare, people act as if they want you to notice, that you see that you affect them, some gasp... PATM is rare, very rare,
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Alright so im glad you asked questions so to respond to you having dry skin and having PATM you also have to have a dry scalp and I actually went about life normally until november and back then i had a dry scalp and dry skin so i think you need both also i noticed that people with dry skin and not a dry scalp have really minor reactions compared to others. About the connection with PATM and TMAU i just wanted to point out the fact that everyone(i know of at least) has had tmau before they got patm so i think there is a connection there somehow but i think it has to do with bacteria or maybe something else that isnt likely to me at the moment. It is true that we dont yet know what patm is but these theories can help us as a collective come to a conclusion as to what patm may be and in turn help us find the best way to identify patm. I think that relaxing decreases patm because if I remember correctly smells and allergens travel faster when there is moisture and heat which is produced when you are anxious. I dont think it’s likely for anyone to have different variants  of patm and maybe a different variant would affect a very small group of people and i say this because the root cause is the same for everyone of course so i find it hard to believe that the main cause would not also be the same since the symptoms are similar and the fact that everyones patm can reach people a fee feet away which is astonishing even if your astonishing is gone you have to remember that this is crazy and not normal. Yea the patm over phones can be explained through simple phycology or if its someone you know and they have gotten mid-long term affects like constantly clearing their throats. Patm is very rare yes but i feel like i will be able to find out how to cure myself very soon if getting a dry scalp actually works. Thank you for responding im glad to know that there is someone out there who has read what i had to say. Snapchat: alex_gu256
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