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We have an Infection -

sorry for my poor english.
I have been suffering from the patm for 3 years now.
And I think that with my research and helped by my doctor we have a very serious track.
Already, to move forward, please answer yes or no if in addition to the patm you have more than 5 of these symptoms?
Just yes or no is enough and if you have a little time argued.
I would like to point out that most of the theories I have read here intersect.
Other symptoms in addition to the patm:

- Excessive Sweating
- Night sweats
-Being to inspire deeply (feeling "lack of air"):
- Eye irritations
- Obstructive rhinitis or perennial rhinorrhea, often morning
- Gastralgia or dyspepsia or Transient Disorders or Intestinal Functional Disorders: Gastric reflux
- Transient dizziness / Atypical Visual Disorders
- continuous fatigue
- Mid-night awakening
- voltage drops
- Nocturnal or resting cramps
- startle falls (at work, even at 10:00 am)
- irritability, hyper-anxiety
- Either they consider it normal (to reassure themselves), or they are afraid that they will be called "mad"!
- Flexibility
- Fasciculation of an eyelid
- Skin pruritus:
 They are also significant, if they are always the same area and if they are daily (often evening).
Affected areas: scalp, forearm, tibial crest, ear lobe, neck
- Arthralgias or migratory myalgias, or multiple tendinitis (arm, neck, ...)
- loss of smell, dyspnea of ​​effort,

The good news is that it is an infection that can be cured :)
5 Responses
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None, I only have PATM. The last one appeared allergy to my anxiety because no doctor understood my problem, they only sent me to the psychologist-psychiatrist, before for 2 years I only had PATM, I did not emulate anything.
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Cured with what?  I hate posts like this.
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I understand you, but you can help by replying already if you have more than 5 symptoms on the symptoms mentioned. I did 23 exams on rare infections on Saturday and my doctor said 100% that it is a cold infection, given the other symptoms I had. It is treated with antibiotics. I'm waiting for the results. Is this the case for most of those who suffer from the patm? This is the purpose of this post.
That's exactly what happens. If you speak their language which means they can relate your condition to something from the medical world. Then your prescribed antibiotics. Hope you get fine with it. Been there years ago.

There are lots of symptoms but each one of us has a different set OR we're just not sure if its a symptom or an allergy
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Yes. Девушка, 28 лет (Россия). Живу с этим 1,5 года. Постоянная усталость, ринит (делали операцию на нижних раковинах), слабость и головокружение, просыпаюсь уже уставшей, хрустят суставы, кожа сухая (постоянно приходится увлажнять маслом и кремом), хрупкие сосуды, белый корень языка, закусы на языке. Люди часто жалуются на духоту в помещениях, а еще иногда летают рядом плодовые мошки.  В начале болезни сильно потела (особенно ночью), от одежды чувствовала странный запах. Рассказывала родственникам, но подумали что схожу с ума. Больше никому не рассказываю и никто не спрашивает. Чего нет из списка: раздражение глаз, желудочного рефлюкса, гибкости (???), фасцикуляции век, кожного зуда.
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What my doctor explained to me on Saturday is that there are diseases called cold infections (Who are in the body, but only develops if you are under stress, the immune system becomes weak and the disease takes The relay), they call it chronic infections (due to bacteria present in the air, to certain flies, or present in the runoff waters or to the contact of the annimals, even domestic, dog Morsues also). Here is an example, these chronic illnesses are increased in case of stress, lowered immune defense, and skin respiration, hence the importance of detoxifying in parallel with antibiotics. Do a PH test of your urine (it costs less than 10 euros without prescription in pharmacy), to see if you eliminate toxins well.
That's what she told me. There were 23 examinations (including the examination to determine the level of zinc and copper in the blood, chronic infections, ...)
So, when I get the results, I'll let you know.
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I want to share with you the results of my exams with my doctor.
As I said last week, I did this time, 23 exams in a laboratory in Paris and here are the ones that were positive:
- Streptococcus A
(I note that you can be a holy bearer, for years, it is a bacterium that contracts in the air and that has large impacts.....)
- Vitamin D and iron deficiency
(The vitamin D deficiency also has very detrimental consequences on the skin).

- epstein barr virus virus
(I also specify that 95% of adults in the world do this, I do not know if this has anything to do with the PATM)

Since I take antibiotics (already 7 days, my PATM to decrease by 70%).

You do not lose anything to do the exam.
The consequences may be more severe in some cases.

And for those who have other symptoms like night sweats and fatigue, do not hesitate to do the Chlamydia Pneumonia test, and other chronic diseases misdiagnosed,
Mine were negastive, I could forward the list to those who wish.

Good evening to you
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Could you foward the list to me i would appreciate it
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