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Patm caused by mobile technology/radiation?

I have been suffering from PATM for about two years now, most common reactions I get are people clearing their throat frequently, coughing, sniffing (I'm not sure if this last one is caused by PATM or something else). Previously I have had people complain of it getting hot around me and irritation in their eyes.

I have tried all kinds of diets for a prolonged period, gluten free, keto, no dairy, no coffee, etc and none have helped reduce the reactions. I have tried (excess) vitamin D supplementation AND getting a lot more sunlight to no avail.

I have come to realise in recent months is that there is a strong correlation between my use of mobile devices and the increase in reactions. I'm one of those chronically online people who is on their phone for much of the time when I'm not sleeping/working. I have made a real effort to reduce the amount of screen time I get and it has reduced the reaction I get SIGNIFICANTLY. I'm talking by approx. 80%. I suspect the only reason I'm still getting reactions are because I haven't gone an extended period of time where I have managed to completely  stay away from my phone/iPad. I have noticed that using desktop computers are work don't seem to have much impact on the reactions.

In addition, heating food in the microwave oven before eating it significantly increases reactions. The worse my reactions got was when I was doing a keto diet and would eat frozen vegetables which I would heat up in the microwave for about 7-9 minutes. Let me tell you, the WHOLE offices would be clearing their throat constantly and while they were nice enough not to point fingers (to my face anyway), I'm sure they knew I was the culprit.

Please, for all of you other PATM sufferers, if you have tried everything else and nothing has worked this far, try not using your mobile devices or heating food in a microwave as much as you do right now, especially if your screentime is plentiful at the moment.

Do that and get back to me so I know I'm not dreaming this. I'm not smart enough to speculate on what about the use of these devices is causing these reactions in people but I'm convinced there is a strong link.
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Also, stop sleeping with your phone next to you on the bed, or if you do, put it on airplane mode so it doesn't send or receive any signals. This may all sound like tinfoil hat level stuff but I have found that it's working for me. My phone goes on airplane mode unless it's absolutely necessary if it's on/near me, though I get this isn't feasible for a lot of people.

I also suspect that the people who are effected by us the most are those who do not use mobile devices to the degree that we do. I used to think that the reason my family members didn't used to react to me much are because of some genetic reason but I have since realised that they are slaves to the screen almost as much as me. As to why PATM only chooses a small minority of people who illicit reactions from others I'm not sure.

I really hope you, the reader, tries this if you are suffering from this affliction. The quality of life improvement that this COULD bring you is immense. Imagine being in a crowded room/office and not causing a large number of people discomfort with your presence. Or being on a phone call with someone in another country and not have them reacting to you OVER the phone. This last point is absolutely true btw, we do illicit reactions from people over the phone, as much as some sceptics on this very board would insult you for suggesting so.

Anyway, that's all I got. I will check back every now and then to report on whether this is indeed a long awaited cure for PATM.
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PATM is electromagnetic hypersensitivity.

With this disease we are not suitable for the modern world.

The best thing to do is to hide somewhere in a secluded area in the mountains of Canada and hope that the grizzlies are not feeling provoked in some way.

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