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Possible way to get rid of bad breath / temporary solution to it

To preface the post i want to say that i have only had bad breath for around 1 month before i started doing this so maybe it wont work for people who have had bad breath for a longer amount of time than me. I dont know if BB can be different from person to person but i notice that when i wake up i have a weird taste in my mouth, when i spit into an empty water bottle my spit is white, during the day i can smell my bad breath occasionally and it instantly causes reactions across long distances.

I used a lime for this but you can use anything that is an edible acidic liquid. So i wake up and i gargle and swish around some of the lime in my mouth and i spit it out but its very important to do it immediately after you wake up because if you swallow your spit then it wont completely work and you will have to drink some lime later. Before I eat, I brush my teeth and rinse out my mouth very well before drinking some of the lime and after i drink the lime i again rinse out my mouth with water until the water i spit out is clear(note: you might want to spit out the water slowly so it looks smooth enough to discern what color it is). After that you can go about your day normally and i havent permanently cured bad breath but i have cured it temporarily, im guessing that the only thing you need to do to make it a permanent cure is to drink more lime before you eat. Lmk if it works for you.
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Also cleaning your tongue is important and prioritize eating lime
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When you drink the lime water, patm will increase for about 40minutes-1 hour but afterwards it should be completely fine
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