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Reactions via Webcam

Yesterday I found out something incredible, intriguing and upsetting all at the same time. I was online and decided to skype an old friend. She was fine up until the point I start talking, soon as I did that she started rubbing her nose, picking at her nose and sneezing. So because I am a PATM suffer and have been for the last 10 years, I wanted an honest answer from her. So I asked her is she sick or what have you, her reply was, was no. She was confused that all of a sudden she started have allergies when she was fine before she and I skyped. Now that could be just a mere coincidence but that is a HUGE coincidence. It made me feel real uneasy and confused, because I thought that this only occurs when you are around someone face to face or proximity within their distance. Now I am beginning to think all of these supplements, these ideas of medicine that people are alluding too that helps you is all counteractive. Its like now i am really depressed, I cannot even escape from this weird mysterious circumstance from my home or outside my home.

My friend did say her allergies decreased after a while later on, once the skype call was done. But, has anyone had these experiences or is just me? Seriously, through via webcam chat or over the phone?

Please reply love to hear your thoughts and opinions.
10 Responses
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Yes scene 88 we've all gone through the same feelings you enduring. We've become so sensitive to coughs, sneezes, etc that every one is attributed to us.
There have been many on the previous forum who actually attribute their own reactions to their PATM. I don't believe this at all. Everyone coughs, sneezes, gets a  not in their throat, blah blah. Don't get me wrong, im totally behind the fact that this condition exists but not to the extent that uncontrrolled, irrational paranoia exists. I buy into the scientific doctrine 90% and anyone else who thinks it's ONLY to do with vibes, auras is entitled to their belief but it's avoiding solid scientific FACT that any allergy is a direct result of a physical stimulus. It is pure FACT and shouldn't be disputed.
Getting back to your situation. Were you ever in the presence of your friend when you had PATM? A logical deduction for that is the friend has concluded that you may have been given off those reactions before and hence associated it with you. I get it often. People who I have been often in contact with react. Those who were never around me in my 5  years of PATM don't. Lets keep this plain and simple. Unfortunately we're human and our minds are predisposed to getting carried away and believing the inconceivable. If, as I asked, you were never in contact with that person before, I do find your comment very interesting and would like any thoughts on that.

Lastly, just realise and believe that transmitting reactions through fibreoptics, skyping is plain impossible when that person has never experienced you eliciting reactions. Stick in there. It depressed and isolated the hell out of me too and it still does but to a much lesser extent.

God Bless

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Another thing. Please go to this link from now and you'll get way more support and encouragement from fellow sufferers.

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No worries, I see you have
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Hey, typically a nose rub is a negative response in terms of body language. Just check how many people do it when they're peed off! Lol. But it can also be very mild annoyance or a very mild assertive gesture. It also means someone s lying?
It's really good with patm to be like a boff with body language. You can weed out what's down to the environment or even another person, not you..
Become a master of vibes, energy, what you give out , what's already in the environment.. the person reacting... if they're insecure, aggressive, dominant, unsure, they're more likely to be negative.. avoid these types.. and the harder the social situation the more it happens..
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Patm is karma... our vibes are turned into bad vibes and floating ego we can't control . Bad karma does this. When my karma is good and since I've become vegetarian and responsible for my intentions , being kind to the world as somebody who influences other people , I can control the ego floating around and if there is a reaction , I saw it coming because of the person or the environment !
Become highly spiritual and kind to the world and your intentions...
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We should post on 'freed from patm.'.
Diet helps as it helps you become a fuller person, be in the present,  and bad diet causes uncontrollable vibes/ ego.. but from my experience,  it's not diet it's mind, emotions and karma..
Karma causes the floaty ego
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Scene88 I would unfortunatley have to agree with you. I've had the same experience. I've done experiments before joining online chat rooms. I would first look at everyone in the chat room and just observe the way that they talks to each other and if they were having ANY symptoms prior to me entering the lobby. Nobody appeared to have any types of symptoms, UNTIL I TURNED MY WEBCAM on. Shortly after joining the room and showing my face people began to itch their nose and right under their nose like the mustache area. I honestly think it might have something to do with my physical appearance, like how the structure of my face might be making people uneasy. But honestly I think I am a good looking guy with no real defects on my face.

I also have noticed people in cars adjacent my own while sitting in traffic that would react and would start itching my nose. It *****. But i'm just learning to live with it like what can we do? Nobody is taking it seriously enough so I will try to watch my sugar intake and take more supplements so hopefully the reactions will die off more. Yes they are there and I notice each and every single time someone moves a centimeter. I've become so observant it's actually ridiculous, lol. But I love life and i'm not going to let it consume me.

Hope you guys are doing alright.

Was wondering: what sorts of reactions / symptoms do you guys experience? Do people rub their faces? Like do they literally rub their whole face when they see you ever? It happens to me quite frequently.

Anyways, good luck to all and remember: life is all about perspective. You're the pilot of your own life and you're in change of the way that you feel from a day-to-day basis. Choose positivity.

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Thisissoweird, you're not the first and won't be the last person with patm on here, who I know who has attractive features
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I talk to women from internet dating sites and all that scratched and coughed by webcam and Phone

Excuse me for my english im french.
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Dr. Luc Montagnier and five other researchers published on December 23, 2010 a paper entitled "DNA waves and water" abstract: Some bacterial and viral DNA sequences induce low frequency electromagnetic waves in high aqueous dilutions

Physically separated bacteria could exchange information, according to Professor Alan Parsons and Dr. Richard Heal of the QinetiQ ltd Research Center (Great Britain).

American researchers of univercity of california have developed a method to grow bacteria that incorporate microscopic solar panels into their bodies. These mutant organisms will be used to produce fuels and plastics by mimicking the phenomenon of natural photosynthesis
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This is an interisting theory, if there is a virus/bacteria involved which communicates with waves, it could also be possible that they use similar strains in other people to communicate and to transfer genetic informations to optimize itself. But this sounds like alien technology lol. I think it's rather possible that people are connected subconsciously and as soon as our emotional state changes to extreme negativity bcs of whatever reason, people keep up subconsciously and show it with these reactions. I also think it's possible that histamine is playing a big role as many people have claimed the last days. Maybe our body is producing large amounts of histamine and because our body doesn't react itself, other people are feeling it subconsciously instead of us and react by an activated immune system.
or this bacteria/virus is producing histamines which sets us to an unexplainable "alert mood" and our body isn't able to detect the root, other people would react due to these brain waves our body language, which is specifically modified by this "alert mood"
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