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Please someone describe me what the relation about TMAU and PATM? because idk what the disease i suffered, but i noticed everyone people around me will cough or clearing their throat and even the other room i still hear their cough. But my family can't detect my smell, they just cough but not often as the other people do.

I can smell my odor, that's like "rottenrat" even i fell cold not sweat, the smell always out from my body. Now Iam very depressed and i almost drop out from my collage. I know iam suffered bad odor from 12, but now 19 it's the worse years i have ever had. I just can give thanks to God and always give the best smile to people who hurt me :) it will very help to me. And i think i will reduce my stres, trauma and my emotional.
And change my diet.

Give your best smile to the world  :)
3 Responses
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Hey, I'm living in Japan atm and notice my PATM gotten worse. any tips to control it?
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I heard that TMAU is eating only vegitable and fruit.
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Hi, Im from Japan. abebetaro.
TMAU is mainly the smell, not allergic reaction. I dont know there is relation with the PATM. Also I believe that there is allergic thing come out from my body that make allergic reaction for others. my father sometimes cough and like you write here, not often as the other people do.

I think smelling is not relation with patm. I think body odor is related with the TMAU.
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