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Teen with Bad PATM

Let me narrate my life story for you guys.

PATM started when I was 13. Before that, no one ever called out my smell. I don't even think I showered for days but always smelled "normal". One day this kid goes "do you take showers" (summer of 8th grade) and I make up some excuse while being hella embarrassed. Now i'm 16, and this s**t just keeps getting worse EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!!!!! It started with the poop. I gradually gained more flatulence, and stinkier fecal matter as the days went by, which seemed to get worse out of nowhere. Then school rolls around, and the first month these people call out a sweat smell in the hallways, which I assume was coming from me. Then the sniffles started. I feel so guilty, as it tarted with only the person sitting next to me, and gradually "spread" to a whole room and now a whole assembly. Additionally, my close friends take one sniff of me, and are like "you smell like ass" or fish, or s**t. Then my ass, armpits and groin start LEGIT DRIPPING every ******* time I try to sit down - I can't sit, people cover their noses with their hair or shirts, and ask me if I "farted". Every time there is a bad smell, the first thing people turn towards is me because I SMELL SO ******* BAD EVERY DAY. The combination of all these hellish symptoms make my life miserable - I used to be a straight A student motivated to make a change in the world, but couldn't even make a change in myself. Where did I go wrong? Where did this farting, smell, PATM, sniffles, cough come from? Will it ever subside? How can I face my classmates, knowing I assault their nostrils every time I am within 15 feet of them? I tried everything; antibacterial soaps, mouthwash, baking soda for my sweaty armpits, groin, and ass, odor neutralizers, changing laundry, cologne, different deodorants, and yet nothing works. I developed social anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts and more. Every day I cry to myself and wonder where I went wrong. I am a vegetatrian, and this came out of nowhere and has been persisting - I am 16 years old now, so 3 years. If this continues, how can I do anything? My family has started having the allergic reactions to me now too, and my sister literally called me out for stinking. I can't go out in public without friends to keep me "motivated" to even keep my head up. Any help, Whatsoever? I started on probiotic gummies 2 days ago, but they haven't done anything yet. Even today, everyone called me out for stinking, and even the teacher moved to avoid those PATM symptoms and stink. Help?
3 Responses
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Sounds like either TMAU type 2 if you have discord join the GUT WAR there are plenty of people on there who have the same condition and some that have improved and also cured themselves. Everyone’s situation is unique but all have a root cause. Hope this helps. Stay strong .
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Yup.  Go get tested for TMAU that is a known condition. PATM isn't yet.

Us PATM'ers don't give off a **** smell only a smell that few people can smell, not everyone.  I think it's similar to sweet burned tires. I think I can smell it when I do my laundry and leave my home and come back in.
You are very right about this! It is not a smell that everyone can smell and only causes reactions in some people, not all. Very strange!
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This disease occurs due to the presence of a small ulcer, because pathogenic microflora gets there. The organ in which the ulcer is still unknown, you need to look for it. This is the advice of knowledgeable people. Maybe it's the small intestine, maybe the genitals, maybe the lymph node, or something else. The smell decreases with a plentiful diet strictly according to the schedule and a decrease in drinking when eating. You can drink it after 1-2 hours. The main thing is that the gases from the intestines leave unhindered.
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This is my opinion, and might be wrong, but if there is a smell, any smell at all, then it’s not PATM. You should pursue a medical diagnosis for TMAU or just Bromhydrosis
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