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Pathogen/parasite with own consciousness + water

Call me crazy but I have an intuition this is a pathogen/parasite with an own consciousness.

It seems to have originated from water that's why it feels very comfortable in a human body.

It can communicate and operate by electromagnetic fields.

I noticed in my old apartment (from 1920s) that it was very humid and I always thought there was a broken water drain in a wall.

Now in my new apartment that was recently built there was suddenly a leakage in the basement which came from outside the building and letting rain in. Also my dishwasher drainage was leaking but that could have just been a loose hose. Now that I write this I also remember there was a broken rain pipe outside my balcony.

But now in the brand new office there was a drainage leak from the A/C directly over my desk. Now you probably say it is just coincidence but I see a pattern. It seems like this pathogen/parasite wants to create himself a nice moldy moist environment. :D
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I am pretty sure I got this from MOLD, I am still a bit sceptical about your idea but then again you never know.
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I am pretty sure I got this from MOLD, I am still a bit sceptical about your idea but then again you never know.
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