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Why did everyone get this virus

I'm from China. I got Pat's disease because of bad breath. I wonder if Pat will disappear randomly if I cure bad breath. I want to ask you why you got Pat. Is there any reason why you suddenly got Pat? Look forward to your communication
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I'm sorry. Because of the translation software, some expressions are inaccurateI mean, what the seasonyou get patm
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no season is reason
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I was a heavy drinker and I believe it weakened my immune system a gave me leaky gut syndrome. Your diet has alot to do with it as well.
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There are different ideas to why patm started but no one really knows exactly what it is. Many people say that its linked to your gut, some people like me say that its linked to oil on your skin, others say its spiritual but you dont want to listen to those people. For bad breath there are some things that you can do to make patm better. When you wake up you have to swish and gargle an acidic liquid in your mouth then spit it out, the acidic liquid can be something like a lime, lemon, apple cider vinegar or anything else. Before you eat anything you have to drink some of the acidic liquid and you have to brush your teeth and you have to rinse out your mouth with water well. I hope that works for you and i am sorry that you got patm, i personally have had patm for 11 months almost 1 year and its been a long journey of pain and discomfort but i hope that i can help you cure patm in less than 6 months. Also what language do you speak? in order to best communicate with you, i want you to speak in your native language to best express your ideas.
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you are cured of PATM?
No im not, but i feel like im getting closer though, recently its been getting hard since my bad breath has made my patm worse than ever.
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