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Do you really think that after 10 or 20 years or whatever, you will magically find the cure for PATM?

When you will finally realize that PATM doesn't actually exist and it's all inside your mind.

Those people reacting to you is actually you reacting to yourself. Other people are you and you are other people. You have created this illusion of separation from other people and universe, and spend your entire life looking for answers. One day you will "die" and realize how stupid you were wasting your life on finding the cure for this little thing called PATM, and that your entire life and identity was just a construction of the mind, a dream.

PATM is just one of many little clues that you have programmed into your life before you were actually born, to make it a little more interesting and "real".
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Shut the **** up you stupid nonsensical idiot how the **** do you think that. So you think that spewing ******** is gonna make peoples lives easier? You think that by trying to make them believe something so contrary of reality its gonna free them from this hell? You are disgusting because not only are you discouraging people from having hope and finally going back to normal you are also encouraging giving up and if you dont know there are a few people that have committed suicide because of this and you could just add onto those feelings you ******* retarded piece of **** think before you act
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So much threat to the Ego, isn't it?
It's not in your mind. I can see how some people come to that conclusion,  because we don't have a cure for this, but rest assured, it isn't imagery.
It's not in your mind. I can see how some people come to that conclusion,  because we don't have a cure for this, but rest assured, it isn't imaginary.
Yea sorry i was really pissed off yesterday but im sorry, saying that patm is in your mind is delusional and this is your way(and many other peoples way) of coping with the fact that their whole lives have been turned upside down and you are just trying to make sense of something that doesnt make sense to you but rest assured there are people like myself and others who will take a look at patm in a logical and scientific way and so far i feel like i have figured out almost everything about patm you can contact me at my username on snapchat if you want to hear my answers(even if you think they are bs) but just have the awareness to realize that saying patm is all in your mind will be potentially harmful to others mental health as they are already suffering psychologically and that you are saying this to try to find an answer where you cant find any and again im sorry that i said that but i really want to talk to you so i can help you understand what patm probably is and you can tell me your story and how patm has affected your life
Do you realize that all you say to me is pointless from my perspective of view. And I mean all of it. You are just a less awaken version of myself and I am a more awaken version of yourself.
And I cannot be angry at you because I would be angry at myself. We share the consciousness.
Ok well what do you mean by that? Do you mean that all humans on earth are one being? If you say that then i guess you watched the kurzgesagt video about The Egg or something along the lines of that right? But i dont understand why you dont choose to try to better your life because if we are all the same you must know about the horrible tragedies that we commit and the murders, depression, starvation, torture everything that goes on with humans why dont you cherish this life that you have right now because you are not being murdered nor the murderer you are not starving and struggling for your life everyday you are not going through countless tragedies that millions of people go through everyday so why do you decide to not make the most out of this life? If you do believe that we are all the same in some attempt to make sense of what is reality then i challenge you to prove it and if you cant and you say that “you just know it because you are awakened” then i think you are a crazy mf ngl well if you and me are different versions of the same thing can you please explain i just wanna know what you are thinking
Human mind only works on around 0,001% of its capacity and the rest is subconscious mind. When you die, you merge with the universe and become an infinite mind. This has been proven thousands of times by doing excessive meditations or taking psychedelics like mushrooms, LSD or DMT. I don't take myself, but I fully trust people that do and their experiences. Basically, a human ego dies and gets separated from the body, then comes back again after a couple of minutes.

Now to the PATM. I didn't say that you should give up on life, this was just you twisting my words. All I said is you should stop obsessing with finding solutions on the PATM problem and instead observe it as a part of your mind, something that you simply cannot change. Stop taking it so seriously and laugh at people who are coughing at you. Imagine that all people are just actors inside your dream and don't physically exist. That's it.
I know it's a very hard thing to swallow, but your own person, parents and friends don't actually exist. You have imagined them all the time and they have created your fake identity of yourself since the very first day of your life.
Look. I said that you saying that patm is not real and that its in their mind isnt a harmful statement because its not true but it does create more conflict within some peoples mind because they are being told(in a sense) that something so obviously real is in your head which leads to more negative thoughts although this is a few select people its still people nonetheless and patm is something you can change and its idiotic to say otherwise. The human mind does not work at 0.001% capacity that simply is false because over the course of they day you use close to 100% of your brain, the part about becoming an infinite consciousness is also dumb because if you dont know psychedelic drugs alter the part of the mind so that you can see things that arent real and look if you believe that people under psychedelic drugs see “actual” reality or whatever the **** you would call that then you are long gone from being rational but i dont hold it against you because there are a lot of cultural and societal traditions and customs that promote that type of thinking such as religion, popular beliefs like aliens, supernatural occurrences, mythical creatures they all promote belief without taking a step back and thinking if any of this is even possible and of course no one does that because if they believe that since they were young then it almost becomes a part of your identity so when any of those get put into question many people will defend or even get offended at the idea that it’s absolutely ludicrous but i cant do **** about that
Well if they are all fake then i dont really care because it doesnt the fact that they are fake or not doesnt affect my made up feelings for them so fake or not my emotions still feel real
Well, you are just too immersed in the dream. I was as well a couple of years ago. Psychedelics are bad because media says so. In fact nobody knows what psychedelics actually do to the human mind (not brain). Mainstream science is all fake as it actually denies human mind, while without the mind nothing actually exists (not even a brain). By the way, do you know that there is a scientific theory that admits there is a possibility of different dimensions/realities? It's called quantum theory.
Well if im too immersed in this dream i am very content staying here and not knowing the “truth”. I do agree that the media is ******** but the affect of psychedelics on the mind has been studied and it has been proven that it affects the prefrontal cortex which impacts the ability to think complexly and it affect your perception of reality and i dont even know what you mean by mainstream science and how it denies the human mind? Wtf does that mean but i digress, yes without the mind your perception of reality wouldnt exist but its like the idea that if there is no one to hear a tree fall does it actually make a sound? The answer is obviously yes?! I dont know why anyone would say no unless you believe the simulation theory or something. Quantum theory is not a thing its the field of quantum physics which your referring to and you are referring to the 11 dimensions that scientists propose but even if its true the 11 dimensions exist on a level so small we cant even see it because the photons are too big so they cant bounce off of anything on the theoretical 11 dimensions space so we cant observe it but at the same time there were scientists 100 years ago that proposed ideas as crazy as “bugs come to life from dirt and mold” so this could a classic scenario where scientists are just putting ideas out there but they dont really consider them all too much because of the lack of evidence but also the word quantum has been turned into a buzz word where people use it as a catalyst to spew out ******** like quantum healing or stupid **** like that and the word theory has lost its meaning when being applied to something scientific because people say that the word theory means its not proven and therefor their ridiculous claim that contradicts the theory might be true but thats not what theory means in the scientific community because when a scientist says it, it means that no other scientist has been able to disprove it and a famous example is the theory of general relativity but we are fairly certain that general relativity is real but the problem is that no one has been able to disprove it so its still called a theory.
Your ego is simply too strong, so you are not able to believe anything else than what is "scientifically correct". This is completely normal and I used to be like that as well.

The purpose of psychedelics and meditation is to surpress your ego so it doesn't control your mind all the time. All your negative thoughts and suicidal tendencies is just your ego controlling your mind in the negative way. You have to stop feeding your ego and instead work towards suppressing it. Do you drink alcohol? Stop it. Do you have unhealthy diet? Change it. Do you masturbate a lot or have any other bad habit? Get rid of it. Are you way too logical, or obsessed with science? Do you make fun of people with spiritual thinking? This is your biggest problem!

If you implement these, you will slowly start taking control over your ego and it will stop negatively affecting your life. You will see results in a couple of months or years.
El problema de este foro es que hay gente que realmente tiene PATM que realmente es una enfermedad muy dura y obviamente real y después hay gente que tiene otro tipo de trastornos quizás esquizofrenia o psicóticos que solo está en su cabeza
El sujeto que se llama Solootropatmer es claramente un enfermo mental delirando con sus paranoias de espiritualidad y acabar con el ego y parece ser que también delira acerca de PATM  y sus causas
No hagáis caso a este personaje es un enfermo mental y necesita otro tipo de ayuda a aquellos que sufrimos de PATM
Si creo que tienes razon, no se porque pense que iba a cambiar la mente de SoloOtroPatmer creo que tengo mucho fe en la gente y su abilidad de cambiar sus mentes para pensar en una manera mas logica y gracias por cambiar mi mente porque no se por cuanto tiempo iba a hablar con este persona enfermo.

English summary:
The previous commenter was saying how there are people who actually patm and its not in their minds like some other people like JustAnotherPatmer. Then he said that JustAnotherPatmer is clearly mental ill because he has some very outlandish thoughts so those thoughts might transfer over to his conclusions about patm lastly he said i shouldnt listen to this guy as he needs more help than us. I said i have too much faith in people to change their minds and think logically and i said thank you for changing my mind about trying to convince him because i dont know how long i would talk to this guy
@JustAnotherPatmer. If all you have is your strong voodoos and feelings based on your imaginary dreams, just bugger off please, because your rants won't help anyone. You talk about scientific facts when the only real studies ever done on this proved 100% that PATM is real. Please pack your bags and move on to the next group to do your trolling and leave everyone in peace.
GullibleClowns  :Quote the Doctor or scientist who affirms that PATM is 100% as such? If they confirmed that in the foundation of it, they would mention the elements that cause it and the possible solution of it or the non-existence of the solution. EYE, I do not justify the previous writing either, I am simply looking for foundations.
JustAnotherPatmer  You emphasize a lot the ego and negative thoughts, that is not logical, I say why: for the universe or life itself as such, it does not differentiate the negative or positive in thought, the bad or the good, all those thoughts or codes of Differentiating is cultural from civilized life, example: a Lion does not differentiate between good and evil rather than survival and is capable of killing offspring in order to stay alive. Evil or good is an interpretation or code of the culture that practices it, they are acts or thoughts that we implant ourselves either for our own good or coexistence in society. The ego is the basics of the survival of all species, without it we would be extinct, the ego is not bad, only in extreme cases that you lock yourself up, when you come to harm the other it would already be superb. In any case, if it is as you think, the necessary thing would be to eliminate our limitations or the thoughts that we are suppressing, it would be to let our mind imagine and think whatever it is without setting limits...
Yes correct, from the absolute prespective, there is no good and evil, but animals don't have negative thoughts, only human ego does. Without the ego, there are no negative thoughts. That's why we need to take control of the Ego. Right now, it is a giant beast controling our lives, but it can also become a scared little puppy begging for just a little attention.
JustAnotherPatmer (Gonna call you JAP) the more you post the more I understand what you are saying
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Si creo que tienes razon, no se porque pense que iba a cambiar la mente de SoloOtroPatmer creo que tengo mucho fe en la gente y su abilidad de cambiar sus mentes para pensar en una manera mas logica y gracias por cambiar mi mente porque no se por cuanto tiempo iba a hablar con este persona enfermo.

English summary:
The previous commenter was saying how there are people who actually patm and its not in their minds like some other people like JustAnotherPatmer. Then he said that JustAnotherPatmer is clearly mental ill because he has some very outlandish thoughts so those thoughts might transfer over to his conclusions about patm lastly he said i shouldnt listen to this guy as he needs more help than us. I said i have too much faith in people to change their minds and think logically and i said thank you for changing my mind about trying to convince him because i dont know how long i would talk to this guy
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You are an old member so know very well that a group of patmers had volunteered to a study done a few years back. The first thing they did was to do tests whether this is a real condition or not. As you know, they found and concluded it is 100% a real condition and sufferers aren’t making it up. Second study they did was to determine what is causing it. They found it’s caused by multiple failures of gut enzymes but unfortunately like all researches, funding is always a factor. You can’t continue a research without money and people don’t just throw in their money for nothing. You can find information on the paper online but you probably have made up your own reality with your facebook degree.
The real question is if you are not a patm suffer what are you doing here? Why are you intentionally upsetting everyone? You have nothing better to do? Are you a lonely lunatic or just not getting much love from daddy?
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What you are saying is also a lie, there is no real objective empirical study like that of TMAU, one thing is the TMAU that many relate to the PATM. About PATM there is only one study of a Japanese who published a small article about 6 years ago or more where he concludes that there are certain gases higher than normal, however he also attributes such that it could be due to stress anxiety where the same thing happens , the same one who did that study also does not confirm 100% of its existence of the PATM. There are no more study results, there is one that is supposedly standing, he asked for tests for study about 3 years ago, in that study they did not notice or did not find anything out of the ordinary, it is still under analysis without results. I may be wrong, but at least quote an article that confirms what you say about PATM, not TMAU.
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Wrong! My patm worsens when i drink coffee or alcohol or get really mad. Thats the only thing that controls it. Which I am 95% fine.
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