18751818 tn?1482352552

a group of people with patm imagine destructive effects !!

If we create a group

and groupings

we could see the effects instantly

remaining isolated is low

 Maybe we would increase our power tenfold?

as a patm team and after we could do battles lol
4 Responses
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Im ok !!
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it must be organized
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X MEN Final batle?
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Alright guys, we all walk into the biology department at a university and see what happens. LMAO - then they would have to investigate what is happening here.
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I was in a room with another patm person. The effects were horrible. That's two of us. Imagine a group that's not a good idea
That's kind of funny in a depressing way. How did you know the other person had PATM?
Because my effects were waaaaay worse like 20 times worse it effected me and everyone else. It was bad like really really bad. It was a group orientation about 100 people. I have never been able to cause effects like there were In that room. Everyone in there was feeling the symptoms. So I believe it is possible if a group of us approached a doctor or scientist who denies it is possible. We can prove it is. Ive had doctors try to put me in an institution telling me I have psychological problems when I told him my problem WHILE HE WAS EFFECTS OF PATM RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME for someone with that amount of health education. He seemed like the dumb one not me lol
Thankers, I've had patm and tmau for over 25 years and never once did I encounter someone who could make me cough/sneeze. Let alone from a distance. Yes, I've come across really smelly people and I know the stench can be related to what I've on grounds of bromhidrosis.

Did you get allergic reactions to this other person?
I dont care how long you youve had it if its been 100 years. We do encounter other people with patm. Just cause you "think" you havent encountered other people doesnt mean i didnt i know for a fact there was another person in that room just like me. I actually even know exactly who it was because they were OBVIOUSLY as depressed as i am. Ive Had it for eight years. So dont come here trying to call me a liar cause youve had it for "25 years" just cause youre too ignorant to see when you encounter another patm person doesnt mean i am too. If youve had it for 25 years. And gotten nowhere close to getting rid of it. Means obviously your pretty ignorant.
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For the most part, it all depends on how you approach a medical specialist. You have to be careful what you say and how you say it. Believe me I have had this crap for many years.

On another note, I prove to myself over and over again that our problem is in the intestines, whether it's some type of bacteria or genetic. Contributing factors are adrenal fatigue, stress, diet, constipation, lack of exercise, liver and kidney toxicity overload, antibiotics, lack of sleep etc etc....
I believe you definitely, all those things cause the symptoms to get worse. Ive actually beem emailing a doctora office who claims to know how to reduce symptoms and maybe even make it go away. Ill give you an update on how this works out.
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