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diagnosed n tested positive for stomache infection n ulcer disease

I completed my candigone n saccharomyces boulardi n most of my symptoms are gone. Im currently on helicobacter pylori antibotics for 2 weeks. My patm reduced quite a bit. No more sinuses I had a year, migranes, insomia, stress, n can eat again. I lost 15 lbs from not eating. Waiting or my brown rice protein powder to come in. Im off the estrogren pills for menapause, it stopped completely. Find out how everyone reacts around me tomorrow at work but ive only ben on antibotics 4 days but feel great.
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God Bless you withdrawnupnorth always ! So glad you are feeling better and are getting relief from PATM!

Please keep us updated on your progress because it has been my understanding for many years that any and all antibiotics are not good for healthy guys. And should only be taken if your life is in jeopardy.

I believe someone had posted a while back that since they were taking antibiotics ( can't remember why )
They planned on taking probiotics immediately after the  round of antibiotics were taken - in order to replenish the gut with good flora/ bacteria.

Please let us know your experience  and what you decide to do.
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Correction :  antibiotics not good in order to have and or maintain a healthy gut
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What exactly was your diagnosis?
Stomache n ulcers infection caled helicobacter pylori infection n ulcer disease. Without treatment I could not eat. The candigone cleared up my patm symptoms, including the reactions around ppl. But I was also taking probotics what hopefulsuggested saccharine boulardi. Nobody reacted around me, and I no longer feel tired n sweating 24/7. I just got my brown rice protein powder which is great becuz I cant take milk, gluten or wheat yet.
I think the combination of my two sickness combined caused the reactions from the toxics coming out of my body.
My patm is not completely gone I but reduced byb75 %. Get an occasional cough n ppl rubbing theit nose but its barely noticeable compared from before. Think im goingbto do my candigone again, and keep on with the supplements. Just my nosevis inflamed real bad. Dont know why or what to do with it.
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