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Can you wear fragrance , without PATM reactions?

After becoming PATM free off and on throughout the five years of being on this forum

I still was not able to wear fragrance
I still use unscented soap and will continue

I now exfoliate my skin to get the dead skin cells off - so simple - thankful to God for finally,finally - realizing and discovering this piece of the puzzle !!!

Thru the years I have focused on removing toxins from inside my body by better food choices - plant based , supplements , sauna , exercise etc.
Will joyfully continue my chosen better  lifestyle

of course always  have been very diligent with epsom salt baths and showers daily

Very glad to finally graduate to the next level to be able to use scented products again !
So now with exfoliating at least twice a week I get no PATM reactions from my scented body scrub

hope this helps someone , earlier than my revelation - God Bless always !

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forgot to add :

Dry skin brushing is now a regular practice for me

and I now have Papaya each week - also include the seeds in my smoothies
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What's behind the brown rice protein you always mention ? How do you get the most out of it ?
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Thanks for the information. I have always found that deodorant makes PATM worse so maybe this could help.
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Thank you and God Bless you PL3187 !

Brown Rice Protein Powder for PATM relief - is the discovery of hopeful12345

He would be better suited to answer your question
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Hey grateful2011, how do you exfoliate your skin?

Do you exfoliate your entire body?

How many times a week do you do so?

Also, which products do you use?

Whenever I use any fragrance it makes my reaction worst.  
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