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telepathy / candida

sorry for my english but since i had erase candida on my skin this PATM thing became really bad, i have digestive candida since a long time actually but PATM came after I've found a solution for my skin candida that was causing body odor and always fear what people think about it....I am telepath and a little bit empath but it is in every person in this world but you need to have an open mind to reach this state, for me the logic is that i do telepathy with my own physical symptom of candida, im so used to be unhealthy that i have tolerance about tickle and most of the people that have reaction look not healthy in different kind of ways ...im still thinking that i can smell bad and it is really a negative way of thinking and i have a lot of stress and anxiety because of that and stress make candida worst, i think telepathy is a problem because i have tested it and people scratch their face nose exactly where i would do, i take anxiety pill that make it better but no miracle , i really think i have to control this candida thing with a detox and stop eating ***** and control my thinking to be more ground with meditation, thats it for me
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