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676912 tn?1332812551

2WW June 9

I decided to post two days in advance for the start of my 2WW, and for the ladies who are closer to my cycle dates. Good luck to everyone and lots and lots of SUPER SUPER STICKY BABY DUST!!! (I know I wrote super twice, it's for extra luck! LOL :) ) Post up any symptoms, vent, brag...which ever. This isn't the normal 2WW post, it's for anything at all you want to say.
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You think?? even if its not eggwhite-ish lol! I guess we should BD just in case!
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505857 tn?1329681517
hte creamy discharge could be you ovulating bed again!!!
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Wishing you all lots of SSBD  and BFP's!!!!!!!!!!! I am somewhere between 8DPO and 12DPO. I am not sure when ovulation occured-- I have decided no POAS until the end of summer -- I have been POAS for over a year and its not workin so I might as well try not doing and save a lil money right?!?!?  Anyways I have been peeing alot-- almost like I've been drinking a ton of water--which I haven't been. I also have a tugging feeling in my right lower hip (right by the inner hip bone) and tons of creamy discharge (sorry guys TMI), bbs are tender on and off and I am TIRED! . I really don't wanna get my hopes up, but I am alil excited too I def have not has these symptoms b4
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796506 tn?1370188305
I am only dpo 1 today but man I was moody as h*ll this morning. I don't get it. Maybe a surge of hormones from ovulating?
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505857 tn?1329681517
What are you waiting for your 3 days late test and let us all know i have a good feeling about this month myself now.  i hope you get the BFP you are waiting for!!!
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505857 tn?1329681517
I am so scared right now, i am on CD 24 i have between a 30 and 32 day cycle i am only apparently 5 days past ovulation i've just been to the loo and i have wet discharge with a slight brown substance through it, it was very noticeable.  Could this be implantation bleeding?  i normally get something like this a day or 2 before af but AF is not due until at least the 20th June.  I told my sister last night i think this month i've done it as things don't feel the same with the twinges i'm getting in my lower abdomen.

Am i hoping for a miracle or is there a chance af is on the way early this month, i'm excited but scared at the same time
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