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I am a young, fit 21 year old female & I am confused as to why i am having all these difficulties! The symptoms are almost constant & very much frustrating. Waking up in the morning is difficult for me & throughout the day I feel fatigued. I have difficulty taking a deep breath as well as taking in a FULL yawn- I get half way through it & I feel like it just shuts down on me. I also have blurred vision at times as well as pressure behind my eyes as well as my head in general. I have also been sneezing & hiccuping LIKE CRAZY for the past month & a 1/2!!! This is going to sound crazy, but when I am talking or singing or doing anything that has to do with using breath, my head gets so much pressure built up that it scares me && I cease what ever I am doing at that very moment. I was in the hospital back in April with viral meningitis & while I was being treated for that  I had a brain scan & blood work done & they found nothing wrong with me...I'm not sure if any of these symptoms are any kind of aftermath, but I would like an answer as to what is going on with me. If anyone can help, please feel free to respond to this message!

25 Responses
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Usually, there is full recovery from viral meningitis. Do you have previous trauma to your chest or any part of your body? Do you sleep well at night? Practicing your respiratory muscles by taking deep breaths throughout the day may help. Sneezing constantly and eye problems may be allergy related. In particular, allergic rhinitis which is a collection of symptoms, predominantly in the nose and eyes, caused by airborne particles of dust, dander, or plant pollens in people who are allergic to these substances. The goal of treatment is to reduce allergy symptoms caused by the inflammation of affected tissues. It is important to avoid what causes your allergic symptoms if there is any.

Are there other symptoms present? Do you have fever or  nasal congestion? Decongestants and anti histamine may help.  If it persists, it would be best to see your doctor for proper evaluation and management. A complete blood count may also be done to rule out anemia.

Take care and keep us posted.
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i'm having similar problems   please tell me whats goin on now
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did u ever figure out what was wrong with you? I also have trouble getting a deep breath and can never get a deep yawn in. I am 19 years old and run track and xc for my college so I am also fit and have been dealing with being short of breath for almost a year now and no one can figure anything out :( When I try to exercise my head also does start to hurt sometimes.
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1033224 tn?1272038200
I am 19 and also suffer from shortness of breath and head pressure, which sometimes evolves into weakness, dizziness, and chest pain. I'm not very active, but I'm not overweight, either. I basically feel like I'm on the verge of passing out constantly and have felt this way for three months.

I've had many tests done and have yet to find an answer.
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How are you? What tests were done? Pre-syncope or feeling faint may be due to lack of oxygen or blood in the brain. While dizziness can be due to many causes such as lowered blood glucose, hypotension, underlying medical conditions such as anemia, eye or ear problems, etc. It is important that your chest pains be evaluated further to rule out cardiac causes. You may need to have this evaluated further for proper diagnosis. Take care and hope to hear from you soon.
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How are you? Do you still experience these shortness of breath? This could be due to pulmonary or cardiac issues as well and needs to be evaluated further by your doctor. Do you have history of asthma or  smoking? Spirometry is often done to see if there is a problem with your pulmonary function. Take care and do keep us posted.
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Hi my name is courtney and I have been having the exact same problems! The weird thing is my symptoms started in 2008 I believe when you wrote this comment I really need some answers! Please let me know what's going on
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I also have similar symptoms except I do not hiccup or sneeze. Over a month now I cannot properly inhale, I get this feeling that the air does not go down deep enough. I yawn and yawn... sometimes it becomes worse sometimes it becomes better, but I still do not feel my normal self. And lately I developed a head pressure as well. I feel like someone is trying to squeeze my scull on both sides , maybe an inch above my ears. I went to a doctor  they checked my heart, lungs, thyroid, (EKG, PFT and  ultrasound ) blood work , everything came back normal. Many people tell me that this is an anxiety attack , but I up till this point I didn't feel very stressed or anxious , and it isn't going away. I saw ENT he thinks it is Vocal Cord Dysfunction ( could not give me a definite diagnosis though, because the symptoms need to be present to see it and when I saw ENT I was breathing fine)  and gave me medicine for acid reflux,  but how do you explain constant fatigue, and head pressure and sometimes chest pressure.  I  do not feel like I have acid reflux symptoms, only the shortness of breath.  Do I need to see a neurologist maybe???? Anyone has experience with this? Did you get it under control ? Please what doctor should I see next, I need some answers ....I just hope it isn't some kind of symptoms for a more serious disease...
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I had the same thing and Dr said it's panic attacks. I was a bit stressed at work but didn't think much about it. It used to get worse Sunday before work and I assumed it was my asthma but think now it might be stress related after all. I think sometimes it's sub conscious. I'm still getting it but now I know the cause I can try to relax more, am taking up yoga and have been prescribed citalopram. It's too early to say if it works as it apparently takes about 3 weeks to kick in. Will report back and let you know.
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    If anyone is interested I just wanted to post back and say that my shortness of breath symptoms mysteriously went away,however, I developed other problems, now I have internal vibration type of feeling, fuzzy head, vertigo, muscle twitches mostly in the left side of my body. I have been to at least 3 doctors, and they all keep telling me it's anxiety. I am not anxious only the symptoms making me feel anxious!!!! Will this go away?
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I had the same symptoms. I'm not sure about you but I found out I have lyme disease.  The viral meningitis could have come from a co infection.  if you want more information google chronic neurological lyme disease symptoms.  It's not anxiety and don't let anyone tell you that you are crazy. That's what they kept telling me.  Don't get me wrong not knowing what is wrong with you can give you anxiety it's just not the primary cause of your symptoms.  Here is also a note, just because you may test negative for lyme disease in the future does not mean you don't have it. I would seek a lyme literate doctor.  Best of luck to you.
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I have some similar symptoms as all of you and I was diagnosed with Chiari Malformation Type 1; it in turn has caused me to have intracranial hypertension.  The malformation has caused my cerebellum (hind portion of brain) to basically infiltrate the opening at the base of the skull and herniate into the spinal canal.  It sounds pretty serious but believe me, people live with this often misdiagnosed disorder and it is rarely fatal.  However, it can be progressive and cause neurological symptoms and problems with the spine if left undiagnosed.  The problem is it is often ruled as "incidental findings" on an MRI and some neurologists will not even mention it to their patients as a large portion of them believe it is asymptomatic.  It causes me: shortness of breath (especially when climbing uphill like stairs or inclined pavement) that causes a pressure in my head and behind my eyes; visual disturbances (I have swollen optic nerves called papilledema); facial numbness/tingling; hand and feet numbness/tingling; a "whooshing" and vibration sensation in my ears (they feel as if they are full and someone is pinching shut the inner ear and muting my ability to hear clearly); headaches that originate at the back of my head; sometimes I slur my words and stutter (I previously used to win speech competitions); and just basic fatigue.  I am getting surgery in a week to correct the herniation (Decompression surgery) and I have had spinal taps to relieve the pressure in my head (I have excess CSF fluid that causes the pressure) and I always have a very high pressure reading (I'm on a crazy amount of medicine to lower this "head" pressure but it just doesn't work for me).  These two disorders can be totally separate from each other and their symptoms are very close in nature.  I have both which can happen...and they are not as rare as one might think.  Other than the spinal tap (which showed increased intracrancial pressure and a neurosurgeon who took Chiari Malformation seriously (as seen on my MRI)...my tests came back normal, too.  Always remember BE YOUR OWN ADVOCATE; it took me two years for doctors to take me seriously.  All it takes is one to connect the dots and you'll get your answer.  Keep trying and know that you know when something is not right with your body!! Good luck and good health.
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i thought i was alone. i have all the same symptoms the halfway yawns, ridicuolous "brain pain" feelings my brain is moving pressure on both sides, when im reading the pages go white for a second sometimes, ridiculous pressure behind my eyes, what is wrong someone pleasew tell me what doctorshasve said all doctors tell me im fine IM NOT
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i thought i was alone. i have all the same symptoms the halfway yawns, ridicuolous "brain pain" feelings my brain is moving pressure on both sides, when im reading the pages go white for a second sometimes, ridiculous pressure behind my eyes, what is wrong someone pleasew tell me what doctorshasve said all doctors tell me im fine IM NOT
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Hey Razzina. I hope you're symptoms are improving. I am experiencing the shortness of breath. Not able to get a satisfying breath. You say yours mysteriously went away. Can you share anything that helped or how long it took to go away? Thank you so much for any help!
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Hi. I must say that I do feel slightly better , but my symptoms of shortness of breath come back once in a while. I never got any other diagnosis except for anxiety and one doctor told me that it could be a vascular vegetative dystonia, but noone knows for sure. I sometimes still experience these symptoms : shortness of breath, internal vibration in left side of my body, sometimes morning nausea, pulsating when laying down ( can hear my intense pulse), slight muscle twitching and bloating.

I noticed that these symptoms appear or are more intense if I get less than 8 hours of sleep.  I exercise, eat healthy organic food and etc. For breathing problem what helps for sure are breathing exercises. I was surprised how great it worked. I downloaded an app on my ipad for breathing and meditation and try to do at least 5 min a day. I think it calms my nerves a bit and regulates the blood pressure.  I would like to see how other people who posted here are dealing with their symptoms?
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I'm experiencing very similar symptoms. I'm in my late 20s and lately I've been having trouble catching my breath, poor memory, poor concentration, low energy, pressure in the head, blurry vision, ringing in the ears, and panic attacks that come and go throughout the day.

I was on 60 mg of accutane for 30 days up until about a month ago when these horrendous side effects became significantly noticeable. Before taking it I felt fine. I had energy, ate well, could concentrate. While taking it, I got frequent head aches, dizzy spells, felt fatigue, couldn't think clearly, had racing thoughts and trouble breathing.

My doctor who perscribed it to me said the only real side effect is dryness skin and he's never had to taken any patients off it. What a bunch of ********! Ever since being off it these symptoms won't go away and oddly seem to be getting worse.

I had to find out the hard way that the drug is an absolute nightmare and should be taken off the market! I can only hope these side effects don't get any worse and there's a chance I'll be normal again.
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I thought I was the only person alive with this problem; shortness of breath, constant need to yawn but unable to to fill my lungs as the yawn 'stopped' midway.

I was admitted to hospital two years ago as my doctor thought I may be having a heart attack but nothing was found.  I was discharged the following day.  Since then I find it comes and goes with no identifyable pattern.  Currently it is very bad and I have sore arms and chest muscles from the constant trying to yawn or breath.

As I have have high blood pressure I limit my salt intake but as several here have suggested this may be contributing factor so I may reintroduce some salt into my diet. I do not think stress is the cause, I am 65, retired and happily married.
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I'm having this problem for the past month. Can't sleep Much the past two weeks. Been to pulmonologist had PFT testing done came back okay. Since then it's gotten much worse. If I had PFTs done now I think they'd be much lower. Any ideas?beveryone claims anxiety but I don't think it's the main cause
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Heyy im facing same problem since 5 months now...and I really need help.. Im 23 and married. It all started after I had a D&C this january I dont know what has happened to me but all I can tell my head is clogged like lightheaded pressure 24/7 constant I cant yawn properly, breathing is better.. my eyes have some pressure behind them.. and my nose is stuffy, feel tired all the time, whether I sleep or Im awake This feelings remain constant.. please tell me what it could be..
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Has anyone looked into HYDROCEPHALUS? The symptoms seem to match up quite a bit.
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Theres no one main connection...allll these are similar to my symptoms- I went to a holistic doctor bc I developed a hiatal hernia and just kept getting worse on acid reflux meds-they tried to give me anxiety meds as needed and then tried to put me on daily ones after reading side effects I refused-look up Medical Medium-its an amazing book and it details EBV reactivating in your life due to certain factors and what it can do to your health in four stages. (i had mono very bad in college -for 9 mos and its reactivated and affecting all my organs) im in stage 3 of EBV 'attacking me'and now under a very serious diet and healthcare plan to try to improve and make the virus dormant. its $15 on amazon-get the book!! it will amaze you.
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Hi I'm just adding my name to this thread. I'm experiencing something very similar. Constant pressure in head, very light headed/dizzy, feel like I'm not getting satisfying breaths, head thumps when I stand up, heart thumps most of the time, brain fog, feel like I'm about to pass out all the time, can't relax, agitated, feel like i'm in fight or flight mode all the time. Also have an ache in my right side around my ribs

Doctors keep saying it's anxiety but I'm only anxious about how ill I feel. I've had a test for Lyme disease which was negative but I heard they can be inaccurate. I've also had a 24 hour ECG and an ultrasound for the pain in my abdomen which have been normal. Please contact me if you know anything this could be or any doctors in the UK who might take me seriously. Every day is hell and I feel like this is going to kill me or I'm going to kill myself
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Have you found a cure?please let me know, I have the same problems exactly
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