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Hard coughing causes blackout/passingout

I have had a cough now for about 3 weeks. It started off very mild but 2 weeks ago got more serious. I was sitting down and started to cough really hard and the next thing i knew i was picking myself up off the floor. I had passed out. I went to the emergency room and they told me i had bronchitis and that i had passed out from  agitating that nerve in the back of my neck, at least thats what they think and didnt seem to worried about it. I have a couple of prescriptions for coughing ect but they are not working very well and i have since had 2 more hard coughing episodes where i blacked out if not all the way passed out.
What i want to know is does this sound normal for bronchitis or hard coughing? Should i be worried more? Can passing out or blacking out cause any damage from repeted episodes?
What else can i do?
57 Responses
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Fainting due to excessive coughing is known as "Incidental Syncope" which is initiated by the autonomic (the nerve controlling blood flow to the brain and heart. It causes temporary shut down of blood supply to the brain, which causes fainting. Allowing the body to relax enabling normal breathing. I have had it for years, suggest that when one starts bad coughing immediately pull off the road if driving, but be prepared to faint, putting yourself in a safe position. It's the bodies way of preventing serious brain damage by shutting the system down which in turn allows the body to relax and breath normally. Hope this helps?
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That helps tremendously.  I've been having the same issue for a while now but I've not quite passed out yet.   Everything goes dark yet I've been able to stay awake thru them all.. so far.
4733902 tn?1360872942
Check the Vagus connection. Look it up online too.
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very smart. I like you ! thanks for you comment.
Critical Care/Trauma EMT, RRT,

4733902 tn?1360872942
Probably a virus with other factors complicating the issue. Mine seems to involve the Vagus nerve but that's not all the story. When it gets hypersensitized it adds to cough or allergy reactions and slowly builds up a cycle of spasmodic cough. Nasty.
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you're very smart.. I like you !
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Vasovegal Syncope. Sounds like this is what you have. Look it up and discuss with your health care provider. Has variants such as Autonomic Syncope, prone or standing hypo or hyper tensivity. Hope this helps.  
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This is called a "vasovagal reflex".
hence your Dr. referred to the nerve in the back of the throat..
a crude but easy explanation.
"Syncope coughing" , I have it too and
I'm a Critical Care / Trauma EMT, RRT.
this feel scary and could be if you hit your head etc.
I see this is an older post, however, you'd still be prone to this.
be aware it can happen and take the necessary precautions.
sit down when you start to have a coughing bout..
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This is called a "vasovagal reflex".
hence your Dr. referred to the nerve in the back of the throat..
a crude but easy explanation.
"Syncope coughing" , I have it too and I'm a Critical Care / Trauma RRT.
we all get things, this feel scary and could be if you hit your head etc.
get well soon.
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I see this was posted in 2008. Can you tell me what came from your episodes? Were you diagnosed with anything? It is the same scenario that is happening now to my relative and trying to gain some knowledge about it.
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it's a Vasovagal reflex.
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I have had a bad cough for year and tried everything.  Then my doctor wanted to test me for Asthma.  I told him I am 50 years old and I don't have Asthma.  Sure enough... I have Asthma.   Now anytime I get a head cold... I will start coughing and I will start using my inhaler.  
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I've had this happen to me recently but also had blood come out of my nose. I went to the ER was dehydrated some and had recently had the flu. I already have a rare blood disorder called Cryoglobulinemia where if I get too cold my blood vessels will gel or clot and sometimes explode causing serious damage to my legs, arms, feet and hips. But the Dr explained it to me that wgere I wasn't completely over the flu and started the coughing episode that I wasn't getting enough oxygen an that brought on the black out. This started at 8am that I blacked out an my bf found me at 1:58pm where he was able to bring me to with a lot of pain in my body where I'd lain in that position for too long. I am being prescribed Life Alert to get help if I feel it happening again cause this isn't my first time. He said the lack of oxygen made me go out and I was lucky to have come back to an was out for so long because my body was trying to build oxygen back up. If this has happened more then once I suggest getting a help system too cause its very scary an I was told it can cause death if there's no one around to help. He'd said it started with a C, but I can't remember the name of it. I also had a bit of an infection so with the IV fluids they also gave me a breathing treatment and IV antibiotics of a high dose. I was sent home with a prescription of more antibiotics. The coughing had slowed down by the time I was released and I've tried staying calm since an took the meds. I am doing better, but had noticed strong smells or odors was making it worse an I couldn't be aroubd my dogs till I got better. I also had a pup that was coughing at this time said to have kennel cough. I feel it may have had a little to do with being near their cage an unable to keep it clean as usual where I was fighting the flu for 2 months. I'd got it from one kid then another after recovering the first time. First one I had bronchial infection and double ear infection. The 2nd time I had a slight urinary tract or blockage possibly from my cryo in my kidneys. I'm also on chemo once a month an got the flue the 2nd time around the very day I had chemo. I was running to high a fever of 103.6 to be able to get it when it came up for time the next round of chemo. This caused my Cryoglobulinemia to act up on my arms. I am hoping they were right when they said the black out was lack of oxygen since I'd done it the first time of the flu too. Sometimes so many things are going on at once it's hard to give a specific diagnosis. I've seen remarks on here of people saying they can go out into the cold though an get a burning sensation in legs etc once they start warming up it can get worse an leave rash like symptoms or redness an bad itching. If that continues I really suggest getting tested for Cryoglobulinemia. This is a rare life threatening blood disorder I've been dealing with for 6yrs now going on 7 and found out my body was trying to fight multiple myeloma (bone cancer) but got confused for some unknown reason an began building up Cryoglobulins instead of white blood cells. There is no cure, but some, like myself have had to go through plasmapheresis. I'm allergic to steroids which can help others keep it calm and it can also flare up if you stay to upset at times or have something else go wrong such as the flu, urinary tract or any other infections. You must try to keep warm at all times to prevent the rash like places which is really purpura or blood that has leaked out into the skin after the clotted vessel.exploded! The surrounding skin tissue can die an leave sores or open wounds. I found a place on Facebook that was the first one started by a very caring set of people an woman named Diane Dike that was on mystery diagnosis. It's the CVO sight. There is a lot of support there, information and people who've gone through this too. I'd joined another once that was started after, but in my biggest opinion for wrong reasons. I'd had information taken from me and shared without my permission. Information given to one of the women who was once part of the CVO sight. I know everyone has a right to their beliefs especially religious ones, but on the 2nd sight I was told I wasn't allowed to express concern for others by saying I'd pray for them. I have a close friend who doesn't know what to believe in this situation, but is never unkind or asks me not to say I'll pray for tgem. We all have a way of seeking, searching and giving comfort and concern to one another.
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might be a good idea to have oxygen at home during such times.
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I was chewing gum and I swallowed a lot of salvIA and the juice I will call it from the gum. I started coughing already bad and blacked out for about 20 seconds and I was still coughing while I was pasted out. This information came from the passenger in the car with me. Any answers or solution.  Thano you
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have a swallow test done if this continues, though I'd guess it was chocking incident that led to a vasovagal response. /the uvula may not have completely closed off.
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The passing out is a combination of Hyperventilation & Adrenaline. When you start coughing very hard, you will start to hyperventilate and your Adrenaline kicks in. You can pass out just from hyperventilation and when your Adrenaline kicks in it will constrict your blood vessels on top of everything else. You may not completely pass out and only end up with the shakes. The shakes are your body's way of trying to get rid of the Adrenaline. Watch for it the next time you start to cough really hard. Your mind will be saying something like " I'm coughing really hard" or "The last time I coughed this hard, I passed out". Anxiety takes over and here comes the Adrenaline and down you go. (1) try to mentally catch it before it gets that far. Mentally slow your coughing down to help prevent hyperventilating. (2) Get on the floor if you feel comfortable doing so. The fear of falling will be eased and your anxiety level should be eased. (3) If you panic, you are just inviting Adrenaline to the party. (4) Stay as calm as you can and ride it out. (5) Learn to recognize the onset of it so you can control it. I know, because I deal with it every day myself. I'm not sure what ailment is causing you to cough so hard because I am NOT an MD. An Ear, Nose & Throat MD. may be of some help.Visit the 2 links below for more insight. www.reference.com/health/pass-out-hyperventilate-10e04d0b4bcdee97 http://www.calmclinic.com/anxiety/symptoms/tremors
Good Luck & stay positive.
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this is not in reference to the sever cough associated with acute/chronic bronchitis. "cough syncope" is a vasovagal reflex.
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I have been going through this myself I am in yours but I also just left my Physician's office the other day because nurses should not try to heal themselves. After time I'm trying to do my own thing I went in and he listened to my lungs and told me that I had bronchitis I know that when you call her you can lose your breath and blackout because you are blowing off too much CO2 or the bad air from your lungs that is not oxygenated and not taking in enough to compensate so you're coughing and coughing and not taking anything in eventually blackout for brief periods of time or feel like you're going to blackout. My physician gave me a shot of cortisone prednisone tablets and an antibiotic to take because I know that the alveoli or the air sacs that make up your lungs exchange oxygenated blood or deoxygenated blood were there oxygen in blood connected to your brain that causes a temporary blackout. If you have ever looked at a tree in the south that has Moss hanging from it imagine that there is your lungs and this mucus is hanging on your lungs obstructing like a vacuum cleaner bag that is obstructed with dust and can no longer clean what can no longer clean the air in your lungs. So it's gotten to the point where something has to be done it takes a while to heal from it so I would keep a good strong band of cough drops in your pocket as well to alleviate some of the symptoms when you feel the coughing starting to trigger try not to aspirate a cough drop. If you are having these episodes it is better for you not to be driving you could kill yourself or someone else take care and feel better go see your doctor again don't go to the ER just go to your regular doctor
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the SaO2 vs the PaO2 wouldn't react that quickly, one would have to have a LONG none stop coughing spell with no inspiration and that can't happen what do you think we're using to force the cough out? go back and remember the vasovagal reflex. If you're blowing off CO2 , that's a good thing, we are always blowing off CO2, thus respiration occurs... no CO2 narcosis right ? if you can cough.. you're breathing.. simple as that. (abc's)
17856227 tn?1460780670
Here's my issue: I don't have to be coughing hard or having a massive coughing fit at all.  Literally 2 coughs and I have that "on the edge of a blackout" feeling much as it would be if someone were squeezing your throat and you get that fuzzy feeling.  It scares the crap out of me!  I do have asthma but not even an asthma attack has left me feeling like this.  I hate it.
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I am suffering from the same problem for last 15 days. I faint 2-3 times everyday due to cough hard. The doctors do not understand the problem and have prescribed me cough syrup and anti-biotic medicine.
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4733902 tn?1360872942
I have something similar from inhaling dance hall dust- very fine as ground down by Saraha dust coming over and very abrasive.
It's probaly related to the VAGUS nerve which is a very old nervous system pathway in out bodies from the head to the gut.
TEST: If you put an ear bud in one ear it may trigger a cough. It is very paroxal and disturbing.
Gabapentin may help- but it is a strongish med used usually for epilepsy and acts as a desensitiser- and also I found anti anxiety, too.
I prefer not to use it long term though but it's there if needed.
Reflux supression meds may help at night if that is irritating from the oesophegus end causing morning cough.
I hope this helps a few sufferers anyway -but you need your GP to issue these meds.
My Xray was clear and lung test very good. Inhalers don't help me much.
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I have suffered with these symptoms for many years. I can tell you that drinking, smoking and lack of exercise WILL ascorbate this problem, but are not necessary to cause it. I have C.O.P.D.,  which used to be called C.O.L.D. and before that plain old asthma. But after many tests my symptoms persisted due to being an overweight smoker.
Once you have an attack (coughing fit) of coughing and are unable to breathe you will feel a vibrating buzz in your body, you will by reflex lay or stretch backwards, and unless you can mentally tell yourself to relax and breathe you will black out. My wife tells me it is a period of 2seconds to 3 minutes, but once I am non compus I start to breathe in shallow breaths and can quite easily be awoken with gentle speech.
We have visited doctors many times with no honest, simple remedy. Good luck and I hope you can share a solution.
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I found this website while desperate for i too have a similar problem.   I do not pass out but have the cough that causes me to have breathing problems.  Last nite i had 2 coughing attacks before going to bed.  Scared to going to bed because i knew this would continue thru the nite,  I was asleep and woke up to severe coughing and difficulty breathing.  I have an inhaler but did not want to use it. I got up after the coughing stopped and rinsed my mouth and took a couple of sips of water and went back to bed.   When i went back to bed i decided to start breathing exercises.   I inhaled deeply causing my abdomen to rise then slowly releasing the breath  I fell asleep and woke up several times and no coughing spells so every time i was semi-awake i did the exercises and to my surprise its been about 4 to five hours and since i started breathing exercises not one coughing spell.
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The same exact thing happened to me this week. And most people have never heard of this which makes it difficult to explain what happened.  During the pause where most people catch their breath, I was already coughing again.  There is no time to react.  I've only had the passing out from coughing happen to me three times in my life, always during or after a cold and only this time behind the wheel.  Thankfully, it was only me in the vehicle and I didn't strike any vehicles or people.  It is very scary to come to with powder from the airbags looking like smoke.  My truck flipped up on its side also, so that increased the disorientation.  
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Unfortunately, I have suffered from this also. I just wrecked my truck after passing out from a coughing fit and hit a tree.
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Feel bad alot of people suffer from this and no doctor can find a solution...my husband had same problem but what i did is i made a hot powder drink ginger with lime and better drink this when the cough wont stop..it helps kill the itcheness on ur throat..and have zyrtic before bedtime..
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I have blacked out twice in the last week and last night I was in the Mayo Clinic (the best health care facility in the world) emergency room.  My passing out is related to coughing and I was diagnosed with whooping cough.  The passing out is a condition with the name "Syncope". Research this for more detailed information.  It describes my condition, and many in this thread, perfectly.
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cough syncope is from a Vasovagal reflex. best of luck. the term syncope alone, simple means passing out.
hope you healed up quickly. Whooping cough in an adult can be very serious, I hope you recovered fully.
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I have had a cough for 25 years and believe me it has been hell and I have lost jobs relationships embarrass my family first I realize that the cough is on one side of my throatknow that sounds crazy but pay attention to your cough do you cough more when you may on one side them the other I am telling what works for me I take singular and claritin together and I think some people me included make too much phlegm I know that sounds disgusting but you need to bring up as much as possible the best of luck to all also I have fainted twice  
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i dealt and i am still dealing with the same thing. The dr told me that I had acid reflux and that was causing me to black out because when the acid comes back up it causes the wind pipe to close/contract causing black outs becuase you cant breathe. The nexium helps but it takes almost a week to get full relief. That is what helps me every case is different
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that in fact can be "one cause" glad it worked for you !
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Thanks to everyone posting this!  I too blacked-out last night during severe coughing episode...and then again this morning.  The first time I fell and hit my head and got a black eye.  Searching www found this page with all your comments.  Apparently it's not uncommon:
Cough syncope is a well-known entity which results in loss of consciousness during episodes of cough. It commonly occurs in patients with severe chronic obstructive lung disease (COPD) and asthma.
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vasovagal reflex is common. but not limited to COPD, but of course they would be very at risk. thanks for you comment.

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