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Confused and needing a second opinion.

Hi! I'm a 25 year old woman living with HSV-2.

I made a huge mistake and had unprotected sex with a man who let me know his status was negative for all STDs and HIV.

I (obviously) let him know my status as well and told him I was on medication. He didn't ejaculate in me and the penile- vaginal intercourse lasted about 2-3 minutes.

I checked myself before doing this and didn't see any healing or open sores.

Fast forward to 8 - 10 days later, I'm feeling extremely tired, having weird mild hot flashes and have since developed a slightly sore throat.

I took some time off from work to rest and the symptoms are starting to go away. The only other thing that's freaking me out is that in addition to feeling ill I'm having (what I believe to be) a mild yeast infection.

I'm confused as to what this could be. Aside from my throat my lymph nodes are fine, I don't really have a fever (although I haven't checked with a thermometer), my hunger is normal....I'm also about to get my menstrual cycle and have -- in the past -- had issues with yeast infections.

My questions are:

1) if these symptoms were related to ARS or the beginning stages of HIV is it normal to feel like your symptoms are going away at this time? Can that happen?

2) is it too early to be having symptoms of early HIV?

3) Does this sound like any other STD to anyone?

4) Also, many of the people around me have been catching colds/flu (about 3 people in my office and one date that I had kissed before this fiasco). I've never had hot flashes with a cold so it really freaked me out. I do realize it's a possibility with the average flu/cold?

Symptoms I do have: slightly sore throat, slightly swollen lymph nodes in neck, potential yeast infection, general feeling of weakness, Semi dry feeling tongue

Symptoms that were around but have gotten better or have disappeared : Dizziness upon standing for long time, intense sleepiness, hot flashes, itchy vaginal/anal area

I'm not sure what this is! I got my blood work done on Monday and should be hearing back any day know. I'm just weirded out by all of this and have been stressing myself out with the worrying!!

I know that regardless of the results I will never ever ever eeeeevvvver be doing this again but any advice or stories that could be shared would be appreciated.

SOS send help!
4 Responses
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I thought I'd update this for folks who are struggling out there with the same thing:

This ended up being chlamydia (unfortunately). I got the early detection HIV test, Gonorrhea, Hepatitis, and a couple other STI/Ds all came back negative.

They suggested I take another test for HIV first week in January.
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TMI time: discharge was watery and white. Not normal yeast infection discharge.
3149845 tn?1506627771
You might need a thrush mouth wash to get rid of it.
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Thanks Life360. Also, to be clear this is now the 12th day after potential exposure. The aforementioned symptoms started showing up around the 8th - 10th day.

Also to add to the story:

1) the person I had sex with is being pretty uncooperative with going and getting an Oraquick test. Granted, they are traveling/working now but it makes me even more nervous.

2) I checked my tongue and there's a thin coat of white on it. I looked up oral thrush and it doesn't look as bad/seem as bad as the descriptions I've read. Is it common -- with the flu/cold -- for your tongue to feel dry and have a noticeable layer of white? Even after I use a tongue scraper/brush my teeth it still feels dry.
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3149845 tn?1506627771
1. even though unprotected sex is high risk your in a low risk group so dont be  concerned that you now have hiv.
2. yes to early
3. no they donot but flu symptoms are a symptom of herpes but a lesion would develop before they showed up.
4. yes sounds like you got the flu
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Herpes spreads by oral, vaginal and anal sex.
Herpes sores blister, then burst, scab and heal.
STIs are the most common cause of genital sores.
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STDs can't be transmitted by casual contact, like hugging or touching.
Syphilis is an STD that is transmitted by oral, genital and anal sex.