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Doubting if masturbation is good!

Hi there ....

It is not more than a month that I am getting used to porns and masturbation !
I have done masturbation several times and now I see an urge in me to do it over and over so badly!
When I get alone or I enter the Internet ,I like to go for porns and to make myself stimulated to enjoy masturbation (not sure if I really -deep there- enjoy it!!)
Many have told me it is not bad at all to do it ...I read some articles and they stated it is good !
Tonight ,when searching for sex-related articles and pictures ,I came across the following lines ...Take a look and tell your opinion about it ,please ....
Here it is :

Masturbation: Good or Bad?  

The purpose of this page is to explain why masturbation can be detrimental to life and to encourage people to abandon the practice.  Granted, masturbation may bring temporary pleasure, but it often comes with the long-term cost of addiction and other sexual problems.  

Non-spiritual points about masturbation

1. Masturbation is addictive!  I encourage anyone who doubts masturbation is addictive to see how many weeks or months they can go without masturbating.  We know now that sexual addictions are in fact self-induced drug addictions. The chemicals our bodies release during sexual arousal create the same effect on the brain as drugs.  Repeated masturbation reinforces a brain chemistry loop of addiction. (ref: Exposing Porn: Science, Religion, and the New Addiction, Paul Strand.  www.cbn.com, April 2004)  As with drug addiction, masturbation requires an increasing amount of stimulus to achieve consistent levels of pleasure.  This can lead to both an increased frequency of the habit and a never-ending search for new material to enhance the experience.

2. Masturbation conditions our bodies to respond to self-stimulation, which is self-centered.  This damages our ability to relate to another person sexually.  Sex is a relational experience, where we give attention to another person's needs at least as much as to our own.   If we've been serving our own desires habitually, we may find it difficult to give our partner the attention he or she desires.   Additionally, the hormones released in the brain during sexual arousal cause a bonding to whatever we are looking at and/or thinking about at the time.  This can cause us to be more sexually responsive to masturbation (and its associated fantasies) than to real sex.

3. Masturbation causes sexual imbalance:  Masturbation stirs up our sexual emotions and trains our bodies to seek sexual release more frequently than normal.  Common sense tells us that there should be a balance between sex and the other activities in our lives.  Masturbation disrupts that balance by training our bodies and minds to expect gratification more frequently than normal.  Like a feedback loop in an amplifier, the imbalance between reality and fantasy can likely drive a person further into the addiction.

The sexual imbalance can also affect other areas of our lives by diverting energy, time and resources into sexual activity.  For example, a man stays up late each night to surf for porn to masturbate to.  His job performance suffers because he can't stay awake during the day, his family life sours because he's grouchy, his wife is alienated from him by his lack of affection and interest in her, and his debt increases because of the credit card charges from the porn sites he's visiting to feed his habit.

The people most likely to suffer from the imbalance are people who don't have a regular provision for sexual intimacy (e.g. teens, singles, divorced persons, widowed persons, persons in sexually dysfunctional marriages).  Ironically, these are the same people that may be strongly tempted to indulge in porn and masturbation.   If they whet their appetite by indulging, chances are that they could easily get hooked in the addictive cycle that the imbalance creates.

I found it at >>  http://www.porn-free.org/masturbation.htm...
PS-I am not a Christian ....But the facts stated on that page really made me skeptic about my new habit ....
Please help me analyze the sayings here ...

Have a great time
4 Responses
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1101690 tn?1268499639
Hi, I agree with  iam1butterfly.
Masturbation is natural and it has also some health benefits, psychological benefits and so on if people do not get overwhelmed by unnaturally induced feelings of guilt and shame.

This article which you found is non-sense - I mean from scientific point of view, because it postulates causality between phenomena which have no causal relation. It uses "clever" ways of false reasoning, used in psychological manipulation. Religious groups are famous for this kind of distorting views! And they are very good at it! That´s why it is dangerous. Don´t get confused by the fact that this part of the article does not refer DIRECTLY to religion - it is a religious thing! They are trying to hide their real motivation and they often present their ideological views in a disguise! All kinds of new religious preachers have adopted this strategy nowadays - from cults such as Moonies to official church - they try to present their views in a "scientific" - in fact PSEUDOscientific - way, they hide behind superficial theories which can create the impression of being scientific or impartial but a closer imagination will reveal that it is just their strategy.
Do not believe them and do not let yourself to get manipulated into ill attitude towards natural aspects of your sexuality!

My conclusion: masturbation is good for you. Enjoy it without any worries!

Just some points from the article:
"I encourage anyone who doubts masturbation is addictive to see how many weeks or months they can go without masturbating."  - FALSE ARGUMENT - Masturbation is just another form of sexual satisfaction, so it should be "how long they can go without fulfilling their sexual needs" - OK, what about food? Are you addicted to food if you cannot starve for months???
If I have sex twice a day, I can go without masturbation for years (3 years in my personal case - this is a fact from my life). When I didn´t have sex, I masturbated daily. I used to eat every day as well. I was a food addict and a sex addict, then....

"Masturbation stirs up our sexual emotions and trains our bodies to seek sexual release more frequently than normal.  Common sense tells us that there should be a balance between sex and the other activities in our lives.  Masturbation disrupts that balance by training our bodies and minds to expect gratification more frequently than normal."

-NONSENSE - because it misuses the empty word "normal". What is more than normal? Everything which different from your holy book? Or anyone who has sex or masturbation more often than you? Normal is very misleading term when it comes to sex and it is highly dangerous to operate with this term because it calculates with our subconsious reaction of fear - "normal" sounds great, "abnormal" sounds horrible, you know, deviants and mass murderers are abnormal, psychopaths...so do you want to be like them??? Oh my god, NO! ...THIS IS AN EXCELLENT EXAMPLE OF MANIPULATION counting on our psychological emotional responses more than rational reactions. Don´t fall into this trap!!!

"The people most likely to suffer from the imbalance are people who don't have a regular provision for sexual intimacy (e.g. teens, singles, divorced persons, widowed persons, persons in sexually dysfunctional marriages).  Ironically, these are the same people that may be strongly tempted to indulge in porn and masturbation" - and what? Causality? Or coincidence? Or is it the other way around? They try to hint that I masturbate and that´s why I am divorced. Because I suffer from mystical imbalance. Non-sense. Abuse of "logic". Maybe I got divorced, my wife left me and that is why I masturbate because I have no other sexual activity at that time. No "imbalance".

To sum up: This article is an example of "abuse" of logic. Masturbation is OK.
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1."Masturbation is additive!" ... I don't see it as an addictive force, except maybe for those who are already inclined to overindulge with other things in life.

2."Masturbation conditions our bodies to respond to self stimulation, which is self-centered" ... it does offer comfort and sexual release in the form of self-stimulation. But, it would be presumptuous to narrowly label this as being self-centered. One's self-centered approach might be another person's self-exploration of the body and journey into self-awareness. Discovering your body's sexual responsiveness is hardly egocentric.

3."Masturbation causes sexual imbalance" ... a purely subjective notion and largely dependent upon whose definition of "imbalance" this far-reaching statement is being based upon. It would no more cause sexual imbalance than it would cause blindness, sterility or insanity.

My overall view: Masturbation is very healthy and very good!

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1280188 tn?1313078463
Actually, I agree with the first two points. I asked about it and received some studies to read that concurred with those statements. I don't know about the third one. Perhaps you should pick a different hobby.
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1312801 tn?1273788647
This article is ludicrous in my opinion. Masturbation is wonderful and pleasurable. As long as it is not affecting your life in a negative way, then have fun.
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