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Help me plz. It hurts so bad

Plz help me! Serious condition! My throat Is killing me. I had for 6 days now. I can't eat soild food cuz it hurts my throat to much an wen I drink it hurts wen it goes Down my throat. I havnt had a full meat in a week and I know I'm losing weight which is not good. Could this be the common cold or strep? I tried taking cough med night and day time but that doesn't help at all. Some times I will just get the random chils and I'm freezing. Other times I almost fall down cuz I'm so tired. I get this massive head ach. And think I might lose my job cuz I already call in sick 3 days. I can't really go to the doctor cuz my moms having money issues. But she knows about my throat. I got a track meet tomor and now getting scared cuz my coach wants me to run Tomor besides of my throat. I can barley breath as it is. My nose is compltly stopped up and every time I blow my nose it gets stopped up as soon as I stopped blowing. What's wrong with me?! I need help fast! I don't think I can survive this! Plz help me!!
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sounds like you have strep and the only real way is to cure it with a perscription but for now i would suggest alot of vapr rub on your nose and chest and drink lots of hot tea, and soup it is the best, that way you are still eating and helping your problem but be carefull not to give it to other people it is contageous. your just going to have to take the time to sleep too nyquil helps there is also numbing meds out there you can spray on your throat
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it sounds to me like you have mono! I had mono a year ago and my throat hurt so bad i would drool rather then swallow, Mono makes you VERY tired, and opens you immune system to other illnesses like strep which is commonly accompanied by mono. A simple blood test can tell you if you have mono, your going to have to go to a doctor and get on some antibiotics to get rid of it, if money is an issue go to a free clinic in your area.
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