313193 tn?1194192298

penis health? help!

I don't know what on earth it is, ive tried researching it for months but dont seem to be able to find anything. ive used this forum for just over a year almost maybe longer, and i still dont fully understand what this could be. Lets get the first thing out the way, i'm a bisexual 16 year old, and ive experienced sexual contact with both males and females, whether thats relevant to my issue i don't know but i thought incase it was, it was important for you guys to know.

right basically, ive got these white spot kinda things on my penis, but theyre under my skin.. they seem to have hairs growing out of some of them and im just wondering what they are and whether i can get rid of them as they are very embaressing! sometimes in the past, white fluid has been squeezed out of them by me, but it doesnt work anymore, i began to think that they were forcyde spots or whatever they are.. but they dont seem to be that either, well not that i know of, but then when i noticed hairs growing out of them, i thought they would of been hair glands or whatever u call them? im not sure but i want rid of them asap! ive also got them on my ball sack, but ive always thought that they were hair glands too due to hairs coming out of them also.

ive attatched a picture for you to have a look, it doesnt expose too much, just the infected area, please let me know asap if you have the same problem or you know what these are/a solution to get rid of them asap.
thanks very much.
dan xx
4 Responses
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It sounds like you're describing sebacious cysts. Each hair comes through a hole in the skin. Also down in each hole is a small gland that produces oil to keep your skin flexible. Sometimes (especially when you're experiencing new hair growth) bacteria get down into this hole and cause a small inflammation. This closes up the hole and causes the oil to clog it up. That's the white stuff you're seeing.

The way to get rid of them is simple. Wash the affected area each day. (You might want to use an antibacterial soap but I don't like it for routine use). Dial soap works great. When you're done make sure you dry off well. Don't squeeze them as this can cause it to spread to an adjacent follicle. They should be gone in a week or two. Good luck with it.
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313193 tn?1194192298
Thanks for your help Paul, but ive had them for over a year now, maybe even more than 2 years, and i do wash them, alot, every day! and have been since i noticed them, but they seem to be under my skin, and they are down the side of my penis too?
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203342 tn?1328737207
Dan, I don't know what it's going to take with you. You NEED to see a doctor. We are not doctors on here. We are very limited on what we can do or what advice we can offer. You need to stop having unprotected sex. You're just asking to get AIDS or an std. Why do you think so little of yourself? I'm so disappointed. I thought you were trying to turn your life around. I've been trying to talk to you for, what a year? You wouldn't feel so anxious and depressed if you would just stop the p e r v e r t e d sex. Yes, it's p e r v e r t e d. Any sex that is outside of a loving adult relationship is just that. You're only 16. You have your whole life ahead of you. Start believing in yourself. Believe that you deserve better. Wait for that loving, HEALTHY relationship and WAIT. You don't have to have sex. Sex without love is just an animal act. I'm sorry but it is. You are playing with fire and you're going to get burned. Is this worth dying over? I know, I know, I'm acting like your mother. Well, that's because I care about you and I don't want to see you destroy yourself. Please have some respect for yourself and start treating yourself better. You deserve that!
And PLEASE see a doctor. This is something you've been dealing with for a long time. You know that. You could be not only risking your life here but any chance of possibly having children some day if this is an std. You don't know what it is. Only a doctor can help and/or prescribe medication. Stop hiding in the dark and face the truth. You need to get this checked out. Yes, I know it would be embarrassing but it would be better than you permanently damaging yourself. I wish you well, Dan, I really do.
Take care of yourself.
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313193 tn?1194192298
Hey April, thanks for your advice again, its reeeealy apreciated. Over the past year, or even more, you've helped me through so much, and i really have changed as a person april, honestly. i believe in my future now and ive only had unprotected sex once, and it was mistake, however, i do understand where your coming from and im going to go to see a doctor soon, will let you know how i get on.
thanks again, take care.
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