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Discharge Concern

I am 15 years old and am suffering from a thick clear odorless discharge. I am not experiencing anything else but the discharge. I don't feel very comfortable talking to anyone about this, so is there something I can do to solve this problem on my own? What can I do to prevent this from continuing? It has started to affect my every day life as I can feel it discharge from my body and am very self conscious about it.
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The birth canal and vaginal area of a woman's body has a lot of lubrication which is completely normal. If you experience itching or burning let your mother know about this. Also wear cotton panties rather than nylon ones as cotton allows the body to 'breathe' and will help with this problem.
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Discharge is completely normal and every female gets it. If you feel uncomfortable, you can wear panty liners so your underwear doesn't get wet. Though it's just part of life, welcome to womanhood.
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I'm almost 17 years old and I experienced your exact problem, and I still experience it before my period comes. I'm not a doctor so I can't help you professionally, but I don't really think there's anything you can do to prevent this from happening. When I was younger, my mom said this happens to everyone, and it's only natural.
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