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Think I’m allergic to Levoxyl

Hello, a year and a half ago I took 25 mcg of Levoxyl and had a little bit of a swollen throat and took it as I may of had a cold.  The affects went away after 10 days and all my  sub clinical symptoms went away especially the hair shedding, and actually had hair growth.   My TSH went from a 4.4 to a 2.6 so they put me on 50 I lovoxyl  which made me hyper and also made my hands feel like I had arthritis and a much much older woman.   After 13 days I went back to the 25 and all was well. If you read on the leaflet of lovoxyl  it states that joint pain is a sign of allergies, I mention this to my physician who said everything seems fine I don’t believe it.    I idiotically we came in consistent on my dose and my TSH went back to where it was a year and a half ago I 4.4 and also my T4 went down causing dry skin and hair shedding once again.  I was consistent on the 25 again for six weeks and wish I was for another six weeks but was told to take 50 Mcg.  And was on it for 15 days and from day one it felt like I took a muscle relaxer.  Few days later I check my blood pressure and saw how low had gotten and my heart rate of course normally I would expect it to be higher.  Now after being off of the 50 and back on the 25 for two weeks and three days I’m still experiencing a higher heart rate and a lower blood pressure.  It is literally making me crazy, I had a few days of sleep and I pain in my chest and can’t understand why my body balance back.  I read an article by mayo clinic that stated the longer you were on a medication and especially if you increase the dose the more likely you are to have an allergy to the medication.  or an adverse reaction.  especially those who are sensitive to meds.  I am nauseous, irritable,  lightheaded, sometimes I forget when I’m about to say and it’s scaring me.  Pressure in the chest is awful.  I know Synthroid has its own ingredients but I’m wondering if switching to the 25 of Synthroid might be my best bet?    I don’t know how my body would react but I can’t live like this over dry skin and loss of hair.  I’ve come this far, will have my blood work results tomorrow, and just feel miserable.   I took my blood  pressure prior to taking my morning med an hour after.  Before it was 106/68 which is pretty close to my norm, after it was 85/52.   Just wondering if anybody has any feedback  before I go to the doctor even though she doesn’t believe the joint pain issue but does want to see me about the blood pressure issue if there’s anything else as an option as opposed to having to get my body used to taking a different drug.  If anyone has any similar experiences.

Thank you

ctually had hair growth.   My TSH went from a 4.4 to a 2.6 so they put me on 50 I lovoxyl  which made me hyper and also made my hands feel like I had arthritis and a much much older woman.   After 13 days I went back to the 25 and all was well. If you read on the leaflet of lovoxyl  it states that joint pain is a sign of allergies, I mention this to my physician who said everything seems fine I don’t believe it.    I idiotically we came in consistent on my dose and my TSH went back to where it was a year and a half ago I 4.4 and also my T4 went down causing dry skin and hair shedding once again.  I was consistent on the 25 again for six weeks and wish I was for another six weeks but was told to take 50 Mcg.  And was on it for 15 days and from day one it felt like I took a muscle relaxer.  Few days later I check my blood pressure and saw how low had gotten and my heart rate of course normally I would expect it to be higher.  Now after being off of the 50 and back on the 25 for two weeks and three days I’m still experiencing a higher heart rate and a lower blood pressure.  It is literally making me crazy, I had a few days of sleep and I pain in my chest and can’t understand why my body balance back.  I read an article by mayo clinic that stated the longer you were on a medication and especially if you increase the dose the more likely you are to have an allergy to the medication.  or an adverse reaction.  especially those who are sensitive to meds.  I am nauseous, irritable, lightheaded, sometimes I forget when I’m about to say and it’s scaring me.  Pressure in the chest is awful.  I know Synthroid has its own inactive ingredients but I’m wondering if switching to the 25 of Synthroid might be my best bet?    I don’t know how my body would react?   If anyone has any experience with this, allergic reaction, lower blood pressure, switching from one brand to another, if you could please share your experience I would greatly appreciate it before my doctor appointment which would be my second one, was told to continue the 25 by the sliding scale facility and was forced into an appointment when I went just for bloodwork because they said I looked so sick and was a bit incoherent.  Now I’ll be seeing my primary care.


Thank you as always!
5 Responses
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1756321 tn?1547095325
It's trial and error alright! No cold toes and fingers...a good sign! :) Both hypo and hyper decreases stomach acid actually. Chronic stress is another reason for low acid. The list of causes is long from aging to zinc deficiency. Low acid is a common reason for acid reflux/heartburn. There are many other possible symptoms of low stomach acid however.

Besides treating the underlying cause of low acid, if symptoms persistent other treatments include apple cider vinegar, betaine HCL with pepsin, digestive enzymes to name a few.

8 of 10 ulcers are from H Pylori bacteria. Take note:  "H. Pylori is easily inhibited by raising stomach acid, provided this is done before much damage is done by the bug..." Stomach acid not only helps to digest food but also prevents infections.

2 of 10 stomach ulcers are caused by NSAIDS drugs.  There are a few other rare causes like some viral infections and Crohn's disease.

I am dealing with hair loss myself from toxic mould! Very nasty neurotoxin!!!
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Oh my, kissing hair from mold or toxicities in the air!  I hope that this issue is being worked on right away!  I’m so sorry.  

One thing after another..Ugg sounds like my last few months.

Crossing my fingers everything resolved soon on both ends.

I stop taking Levoxyl for two days.  Day one still with the low BP and higher heart rate and day two 100/64 and heart rate went down.  The pharmacist warned me that the average is 7 days for it to all be flushed out but some can be sooner.  I spoke to her day one and she said you still feel the effects so it’s in you still that’s how you know but don’t go another day.  But I did and stared to feel better and kind of wished I tried the Levoxyl 25 again since I knew it was decrease some in my body.  Who knows how much.  The only reason I say this is because I know I was inconsistent with the dose and that’s why the hair issue returned.  As well as I know the med. resolved the hair issue and dryer skin.  I know everyone reacts differently to each med and now on synthroid 25 day 4 I’m afraid that I’ll just continue to lose hair because that is a potential side effect of all t4 drugs.  I also have allergies to the outdoors and know of a inactive ingredients in it that is known for shaping the pill Arcadia or something like that, that they warn users to be caution of if you have allergies.  I’m allergic to fresh cut grass.  Pretty bad.  First day of synthroid had bad headache which I had with Levoxyl which went away.  I also had inflamed stomach for about 3 hours which was not fun but I’ve been having gi issues and it went away.  With Levoxyl I had a slight burn for a few seconds and it stopped but wasn’t having gi issues.  But day 2 and 3 I feel nothing.  Like I’m taking nothing.  Not even slight dehydration which is more than slight with Levoxyl, but goes away after a few hours.  My BP is up still but not where it was but it in a good place so I don’t feel the cold and HR gone down to the low to mid 70’s which is lower than I’m used to but my hear needed a break.  I feel like my self again.  But again I don’t want to take a pill that will have no benefit at the end of the day and honestly was trying to keep my t4 levels as high as I could after all the misery I’ve gone through.  Two months sick like a dummy from vit D to the point broke thyroid med rules than lost hair going on month 3.  Than over a month of low BP and high BP.  It amazes me when I tell not one but 2 doctors how sick I am and that I cannot function properly and that my low BP is causing me to be hazy and I can barely walk without feeling weak because of my high HR to the point my sister and mother see me and are like wow you look bad.  But no they say 85/52 ish is ok.  Sorry tmi again.  From what you have written you have experienced the same hell of shedding everywhere and the loss of chunks in the shower which is just the worse feeling in the world at times it feels.  Have you had success with one med with the hair getting better but for some reason or another changed meds and the hair just kept falling?

I took way too much Advil when I was on the extra vit d which caused all this crap and I know it was wrong to the point of having barely yet slightly elavated liver levels but I’m reducing that and have been prior for a while.  I know T4 meds digest a great deal in the gut and wasn’t taking Zantac every night but my doctor said if you have acid you need to take it to prevent a ulcer.  My thyroid levels where still amazing taking the Zantac with the Levoxyl and after over a year I stop losing hair.  But who knows with synthroid.  People with IBS tend to have lower levels of stomach acid and need to take more per all literature I have read so this is why I have concern switching meds and don’t have anyone to test my blood levels in 4 weeks sadly to check.  This is why I want to stay with Levoxyl.  It worked at 25.  But I know your not suppose to change back a forth.  I really wish I could just call a endocrinologist with paying a fortune which I have quite a bit of already and just ask the question.  Already been told by two doctors to get off of med to and see specialist for hair loss so help from them is a no go sadly.  

Thank you again for reading, and any help you can provide.  Tired and just my hair back and want to stop obsessing once and for all.

I sound so superficial and am grateful I don’t have to deal with more serious illnesses.

Thank you again:)

Greatful for being able to get my stats back.
Thank you for the more natural alternative solutions to treat stomach acid.  I don’t know honestly if I have it anymore since I take the pill Zantac every night which I really want to stop it.  I believe my ferritin and iron levels and many other test are fine since I haven’t received a call from my doctor office but it was a different lab so I’ll check to make sure.  But at least that’s a relief.  I think if I do go to the Endocrinologist office with all my labs all they will have to rest for is cortisol at this point, and or thyroid anti bodies.  Maybe adrenals but based on my sodium levels most likely not.

More tmi, opps. Lol
1756321 tn?1547095325
The pulse pressure is the number in between the top and bottom number. 85/52 is 85 - 52 = 33. Lol my maths skills are dodgy. I mean 33 not 32. If your blood pressure is falling when you stand up that is orthostatic hypotension (OH). Is that what is happening? OH is not seen with POTS. I had OH with untreated hypothyroidism actually.

My adrenal issues after taking thyroxine..to describe it..it was like being drugged. I could barely slur out a few words, dizziness, numbness, extreme fatigue.

I kept on 50 mcg but was in a panic state not sure what was going on as hypothyroid symptoms were worsening and increased to 75 mcg but developed a bad headache and dropped back to 50 mcg 3 days later.

I read the book Running On Empty by Robyn Koumourou which explained all about feeling worse before feeling better. I calmed down knowing this! I was feeling better than I was after 5 weeks but it took 2 years to really feel like I was on top of it. Still on 50 mcg years later but if I go to the gym I have to cut back to 25 mcg as exercise increases endorphins which improves immune function (I have Hashimoto's thyroiditis). The drug LDN increases endorphins too.
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Wow, went through a lot.  Glad you finally found out where you needed to be.  I truly think my is caused from adrenal fatigue because the stress I endured from taking care of my dad.  Unfortunately more emotional stress after that as well.  I have been of of 25 mcg Levoxyl 2 days now.  The first day was no difference.  But the 2nd today was.  My Bp went up to 99/60. 100/60.  So it’s moving on up.  Before all this while on the Levoxyl 25 I never had a energy boost and would actually sleep too much so I would be surprised if my BP went down slightly from just the 25 but it was affecting me, I couldn’t feel it and thought I was depressed.  I went over my blood work and my potassium and sodium levels are actually on the high end so can be adrenal insufficiency thank goodness but there is a article about Levoxyl and low BP but it’s common in women 60 and older and I’m not anywhere near that age.  But I’ve had side effects in the past that where more common for older people and it happened to me.  


I am afraid of taking synthroid tomorrow but after just washing my hair a more chunks falling I just have to try.  See how the inactive ingredients affect me.  I don’t want a higher pulse or anymore stress on my body.  But I’m so tired of this hair shedding and falling.  I was told you know how you will react to it in a few days and about 7 days to know if it’s right for you.  

Odd a year and a half ago after being on Levoxyl 25 for 4 months I did the 50 for 13 days but had already stop shedding hair and dry skin issues.  I was strait hyper no low BP and greasy hair which they say is like sweating and I was hot.  But had major joint pain listed as a allergy on the leaflet.

Now back to my old levels no joint pain but drop in BP.  Adverse odd reaction and I don’t think anyone can answer.  Why I didn’t bounce back on the 25 who knows.  Was only on it consistently 6 weeks this time.

All I can do now is trial and error or hopefully success.  I almost decided to get off levoxyl and restart it again once it was flushed out but another 12 weeks of hair shedding and chunks in the shower.  I’ve been through so much discomfort I’m just going to try another week of synthroid and hope it does lower my BP back to the 80’s over 50’s and absorbs properly.  I have to take a Zantac every night so I don’t end up getting a ulcer and had no issues with Levoxyl absorbing.  But who knows may feel great with synthroid and find out it’s not working.  I hate all the  inconsistencies of this drug, T4 in general.    I already know it doesn’t convert into T3 because my T3 do bloodwork actually went down a point or 0.1 from the last T3 I did but just need that T4 to go up I don’t mean to sound superficial but it’s just for the hair, nice to help with a dry skin but I can tolerate that.

Thanks for sharing your experience.  

No cold toes and fingers today:)

1756321 tn?1547095325
Your pulse pressure isn't high at 32. Unlikely hyperthyroid with that result.  I would try a change in medication at a low dosage. You may even want to start with 12.5 mcg. I had my mother start with this amount as I was in bed for 5 weeks when I started on 50 mcg (untreated adrenals worsened, hyperthyroid for 1 week, worsening of hypo symptoms for 4 weeks). I did not want her to go through that! After a while she increased to 25 mcg and felt better in 6 months.

You mention your heart rate go up to 122 when you are walking. You may have POTS - Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome. This needs to be treated as well if you have this condition.

The current diagnostic criteria for POTS is a heart rate increase of 30 beats per minute (bpm) or more, or over 120 bpm within the first 10 minutes of standing in the absense of orthostatic hypotension (a drop in blood pressure when standing).

To have classic OH the systolic blood pressure (top number) has to go down by at least 20 mmHg or the diastolic (bottom number) drops by 10 mmHg or more when standing.
Helpful - 0
My resting heart rate is too high and BP has gone down by the metrics you mentioned.  When I was on the 50 before it was the same HR issue but BP wasn’t bothersome or didn’t go oddly down to the point I have to use a heating bad due to getting ice cold.  I have all hyper symptoms except for the BP going low.   And for some reason I’m just not balancing out but was told it could take 3 to 6 weeks.   From the story you told me you started on the 50 which is basically what they gave me when I had no T4 build up and perhaps that’s what’s making me ill it’s just too much for me and I’ve asked for my adrenals to be tested just recently yet again and my doctor said no, a specialist would have to test that.   I’m just tired of feeling sick.   I asked if I could do the 12.5 and break the pill in half but they said due to there being particles and I getting exact doses and it being such a small pill my body being so sensitive it wouldn’t balance out in my body.   I thought that way I could balance out quicker and get back to myself well not losing my T4 build up but it was a universal no  because my body is not balancing out now and it’s been almost 3 weeks, they just told me no.   Breaking the  tablets would make things worse.  I didn’t take any medication today and either have to let it flush out and wait another 12 weeks and resume the med Or  take the 25 Synthroid starting tomorrow.  Like I said I have all the hyper  symptoms except for the blood pressure and it’s just overwhelming.    I’ve been suffering all the time what’s another week to try out Synthroid.  I just wish I could take a mental break and physical break without losing my T4 build up.    Not sure where you got the pulse of 32 that would be scary as well too low, no my  resting pulse high 80s mid 90s and when I walk goes up way too quickly.   I do think the same thing that happened to you was happening to me the 50 was just too much, I’ve been in bed almost 3 weeks and I’m sorry that you had to suffer, I’m glad your mom was able to tolerate the broken in half pills are cut in half pills but my body seems to be refusing everything now and I was warned not to break anything due to my sensitivity even though I really wanted to.

To start another medication not trying to be negative but comes with possible other side effects as well as still feeling sick for another week which I am guessing is what’s going to happen because of the same dose.

  I got the med and was lucky at the price I got it for but in three months it will probably be $133 for a 90 day supply but I can also try for assistance.  Which will bring down to 75 for a 90 day supply if I get it.    Like I said before I have all signs of being hyper  especially for someone who has IBS and can never go and now I’m in pain because I’m going way too much.   One of the biggest signs of being hyper.

I can do this for another week with the Synthroid and see if for some reason it’s from the lovoxyl  and if I’m the same then I’ll know but I’m also risking having other side effects to the inactive ingredients synthroid  and honestly I’m at my wits end.

Sorry for writing so much I’m just tired  and  I don’t wanna make a decision.   Thank you again for all your help and always :-)
May I ask how long you where on the 50 and  if while on the 50 went to a lower dose or you just had to wait that long for it to come out of your body and you were on No medication?   Or took four weeks for your body to get used to it?

If you are OK sharing of course, thanks
1756321 tn?1547095325
What is your blood pressure? I had a high pulse pressure with hyperthyroidism. Normal pulse pressure is 40 (120 - 80).
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  I wrote more about my doctors visit another posting because it would not allow me to send you a message, but my  blood pressure is at its lowest 85/52, and yes I can feel it.    My Paul’s resting is between 88 and 90 and when I walk goes up much higher, from what I’ve seen 122.

I know everyone says including my doctor 50 is a small dose but I believe it was just too much for my body who’s way too sensitive.

My body to not balance back going back to the 25 and I feel it just stayed in a protective mode  of making me have low blood pressure to compensate for the sudden increase in my pulse  and stress in my body.

It could be an allergy but was told no by my doctor, it could be a Adverse reaction,  my doctor read my previous readings of my blood pressure and said oh it’s fine some people don’t even notice they have low blood pressure nice weather well I do I’m dizzy and weak headed.  When I was there  my pulse was 88 and she said oh it’s within range and I said that’s not what it used to be and if I walk it’s way higher and resting goes up to 94.  I told her how when I first took the 50 the first few days it just completely relaxed me like a muscle relaxer and that’s what triggered me to finally check my blood pressure and of course the cold fingers and toes.   She said it’s fine for me to continue the 25 of the Levoxyl  I didn’t really believe me just like the other doctor as a sliding scale facility his nurse push for me to be seen because I looked bad and she could tell I was incoherent a little bit in my speech.    She did give me a prescription for Synthroid 25.   I didn’t take any medication today but I know I have to take something tomorrow, or get off the medication altogether according to my doctor standards have changed and I no longer treat people unless they are 10 or higher TSH, or give my body a rest for a week and hope to return to normal vitals like I was before I restart deal vox I didn’t take any medication today but I know I have to take something tomorrow, or get off medication altogether according to my doctor standards have changed and I no longer treat people unless they are 10 or higher TSH, or give my body a rest for a week and hope to return to normal vitals like I was before I restart the Levoxyl  25 again that I know my body normally can handle but I believe because of the shock of the 50 to my body and taking the 25 my body couldn’t handle it or perhaps go to have a 25 which is an a precise does so there is the risk that breaking pills  that shatter because they’re so small, I wish I could do the 25 every other day but I think it such a low-dose he would just leave my body.   Or take to Synthroid and see what happens to me hopefully nothing was there in active ingredients and if it’s an allergy then  within a few days my stats should stabilize.  So I was given many options, I have to make a decision which I don’t do well at, had a friend tell me to do the opposite of what I think is right LOL but she was serious.    Should’ve just been patient and continue the 25 going to back into my body but I can’t go back into the past so if you have any suggestions that would be wonderful but I understand if you don’t feel comfortable.    It’s a lot to ask of  anyone.  I somehow got Synthroid for only $10 through and assistance program yesterday so picked up the prescription don’t know if I’ll be lucky three months from now, per online should’ve cost me $135 for a 90 day supply, so hey the positive there!
My doctor finally decided to do a Fairton test on me with a complete iron panel, B12, diabetes because it runs in my family unfortunately, folate, basically all that would indicate possible anemia.  My doctor finally decided to do a ferritin test on me with a complete iron panel, B12, diabetes because it runs in my family unfortunately, folate, basically all that would indicate possible anemia.   Did all yesterday haven’t received a call so I believe it’s all regular at least I finally got it, so that is good.
I was also told that with the continued hair loss, I would need to see a specialist, already saw specialist a year and a half ago basically just told me to take Rogaine for women which doesn’t do anything from what I’ve read stay away from it.  Also suggested from the other physician to see a endocrinologist  see what’s causing the hair loss.
1756321 tn?1547095325
Some people find they do better on a different thyroid medication. I don't live in the US but I have read tirosint is very good. I had a look online and found an article from Restartmed - TIROSINT VS LEVOTHYROXINE: THE CASE FOR SWITCHING THYROID MEDICATION. I cherry picked the article as it's very long...

"Tirosint contains the least inactive ingredients out of all of T4 only thyroid medications ​and many patients have reported an improvement in overall symptoms when switching."

"Ingredient list of Tirosint (both inactive and active ingredients): ​

Levothyroxine (this is the T4 thyroid hormone) <--- Active ingredient
Gelatin <--- Inactive ingredient
Glycerin <--- Inactive ingredients
Water <--- Inactive ingredient

​As you can see Tirosint has 1 active ingredient and 3 inactive ingrediets for a total of 4 ingredients total.

Compare this to Levothyroxine:

Levothyroxine (this is the T4 thyroid hormone)
Butylated hydroxyanisole
Silicon dioxide
Magnesium stearate
Sodium lauryl sulfate
And color additivies include dyes (more below and depending on the strength)"

"​If you fall into any of the following categories then Tirosint may be a better option for you than Levothyroxine/Synthroid and/or Levoxyl:

Patients with gastrointestinal issues including (but not limited to): Low stomach acid, acid reflux, SIBO/SIFO, IBS, IBD, and any GI related surgery (including gastric bypass)

Patients who don't tolerate Synthroid, Levothyroxine or Levoxyl, or who have experienced any of the likely negative reactions to inactive ingredients

Patients with multiple food allergies or sensitivities to multiple foods

Patients with increased intestinal permeability

Patients who don't tolerate NDT medications or are too sensitive to T3 containing medications

Patients who are extremely sensitive to medications and supplements or who react to these substances at very low doses

Patients who have experienced some improvement of Levothyroxine or Synthroid but still have room for improvement"
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I looked into tirosint and even called them.  I was excited even with the high cost they offer assistance.  Than I read the reviews.  People being rushed to the ER saying its more concentrated than other t4 drugs.  I viewed this on webmd and other sites and all horrible reviews.  Scary.  They do have the least amount of inactive Ingredients and even and 13 mcg dose.  I am tearing up now.  How can one take dose of meds for almost a year and be fine and increase that dose to only find they get a odd adverse reaction that doesn’t go away upon going back to their previous dose.  I’m so sad.  I don’t want to become a mullet head again or worse.  I can try synthroid and take it for a week and if I still have the same BP issue than it’s the medication.  I’d rather have a break between the doses and give my body a break.  But than I would have to wait another 3 months for hair to stop shedding.  What are the chances that a sodium pill basically what it is would lower my BP!!!

Some force out there hates me!!!!

I even called a endocrinologist office and spoke to their nurse and told them about the low BP and higher HR still that I have to use a ice pack on my chest due to the bruising pain I have all the way to my back and they had to consult with two doctors before okaying a appointment.  This is just crazy at this point.


I wanted a appointment tomorrow with my regular doctor but had to be today due to them leaving early and being booked tomorrow.  I just wanted a day to face this odd messed up reality that’s making me just drip tears that won’t stop.  But nope.  

I know it’s just hair and there is so much worse health issues others have but I’m still in shock of my continuous bad luck.

Thanks for your suggestion though and response.  Thank you for caring.
Hello, I went to my internal medicine doctor and she didn’t believe the low blood pressure and saw my pulse was higher than normal but said with range.  She also said that they changed the guidelines to treat at a tsh of 10 and gave me a choice to just get off the meds.  She saw my Low BP on my monitor and said it’s still ok and to not check my blood pressure.  She gave me the option of going to synthroid and said it’s better because it is brand but didn’t think it would make a difference.  I can start it now or give my body a break.  If I wait than all my suffering is for nothing for over a month.  Tsh is 2.9 and t4 is 3.1 so it’s at a 60 percentile.  Almost there to stop the hair shedding.  If I had only stayed on the 25 I would of been fine.  She says no 50 and that’s one thing we agree on.  She final suggested a iron panel, including ferratin, other panel for b12, diabetes, folate acid.   Checking to see if Im  anemic and also if my body stores and I are properly which is what I told her before when I asked her to get the test, and a CBC.   So lay least  I finally got those test.   I  honestly think that the 50 was too much for me sensitive body with having no medication build up and nobody went into safety mode due to the high heart rate and lowered my blood pressure and it’s just stuck.   I really hate to waste all my efforts die I really hate to waste all my efforts but  i’m not taking anything tomorrow and considering after getting the medication out of my body to possibly restart the Levoxyl  or take a daybreak which will keep my levels up  and then try to Synthroid for a few days to see if I have a better reaction to the inactive ingredients and if  my body will balance better with Synthroid but honestly I think my body is in shock possibly and just can’t let go of the medication, I get it let go of the medication when I was in consistent of the dose.   I truly don’t know she didn’t suggest a new adrenal testing and thinks it’s all in my head when it’s not.  I don’t know what you’ve experienced I’m sure you have an experienced being hyper was low blood pressure, I stumped  endocrinologist on that one.   I know you can’t tell me what to do but if you have any experience with what has worked well for you especially with all the time invested and suffering any suggestions would be greatly appreciated and thank you for all your help.  I was told by the pharmacist that there is a medication you can take if you become hyper, then I believe we’re not reduce your T4 build up but my doctor doesn’t believe I am hyper so it wouldn’t work.

Or I can try taking a half dose as a pharmacist suggested to help get the medication out of my body, really don’t know anymore, but the choice is left to me, I wish you could just tell me to take a half dose or give me medication for my elevated heart rate which is still in the hundreds just from walking in the 90s resting .

The pharmacist said it could be too much on your body because you’re sensitive and so your body went into security mode and lower your blood pressure and you’re continuing to take medication in your body can’t balance it.

Thanks again sorry for the TMI :-)

Should of listen to the pharmacist and took half a 25 a day after the effects of the 50.  My doctor kept saying how low of a dose 50 is and I told her well I’m sensitive to meds.  Or perhaps  I should’ve suggested To take half of  a 25 now in hopes of not losing all of my t4 built up and hope for my body to get out of this shock mode.  The 50 was too much to take with so low of the 25 only six weeks in my body so as a pharmacist said my body went into protective mode and having a high heart rate again in the 90’s and in the 114-121 from just walking is hyper.   I’m just throwing some things that people, now pharmacist are interested to find out what the heck  is going on with me.  

I would prefer to take 25 every other day that way I wouldn’t have inconsistent dosing but I don’t know if that’s an option.

Thanks again, have no answer, giving too many options.  Dr. never heard of my symptoms and doesn’t believe me

Maybe just continue taking the meds and try to get in as quickly as  possible with  an endocrinologist.

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1756321 tn?1547095325
Queensland, Australia
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Popular Resources
We tapped the CDC for information on what you need to know about radiation exposure
Endocrinologist Mark Lupo, MD, answers 10 questions about thyroid disorders and how to treat them
A list of national and international resources and hotlines to help connect you to needed health and medical services.
Herpes sores blister, then burst, scab and heal.
Herpes spreads by oral, vaginal and anal sex.
STIs are the most common cause of genital sores.