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Hair Loss Caused By Synthroid

Hi everyone.

Prior to the story before, I always had tons and tons of thick, healthy hair with NO hair loss.

In October 2009, I began having prolonged, non-stop menstruation and severe pelvic pain. Numerous tests later, docs had no idea what was wrong with me.

In January of 2010, my GP put me birth control pills for 3 months, but it didn't help me at all. In fact, it caused heavy hair loss which stopped when I stopped taking the pill, and also made my moods unstable (I'm usually calm/laid back otherwise).

After a month of no meds, in April of 2010 she put me on .25 levothyroxine as she thought I may be hypothyroid, because I was sluggish, depressed, and gaining weight (and still continued menstrual bleeding non-stop). . My TSH levels prior to any meds was 3.68.

A month later (May 2010), since my menstrual cycle was still abnormal, and my TSH had only come down to 2.99, my GP decided to increase my dosage to .50. At this point, my energy level was up, but so was my anxiety, and I was constantly flushed in the face and overheated/sweating all the time. But she said my body would adjust.

By the 3rd month on levothyroxine (June 2010) 3, my GP deided to increase my dosage to .75 to bring my TSH fown to the 1's. However, my menstrual cycles were still wacky. She also switched me to Synthroid.

Within 2 weeks, my hair began falling out in CLUMPS. I was clogging the shower drain 2-3 times per shower, and hair was literally falling off my head as I walked around. My head was raining hair. I freaked out, went to see her and he admitted I had already list a lot of hair. She said thyroid meds increase metabolism so maybe that's why I had hair loss, but to "stick it out" and my body would adjust.

Within 3 months, I had and continued to lose SO much hair, I was crying and hysterical every time I showered. I saw her again, and she said it was up to me to stay on the neds or not. They weren't helping my menstruation anyway, and I was sweating and losing hair. My TSH was at 1.04.

I weaned myself off the Synthroid by October 2010. I was no longer on ANY meds.

Fast forward to today, March 31, 2012...1.5 years post Ynthrod, and I still continue to lose hair daily. It has never stopped since back when I had no air loss but was put on thyroid meds.

I have seen many specialists, all at a loss as to what is going on.

I have regularly had my TSH (and occassionally my T3/T4 checked and all came back normal (TSH fluctuating between 2-3.5, depending on the time of nonth or day). I've been tested for autoimmune disorders and all came back negative.

But my hair has never stopped falling out since tht awful day I took thyroid meds. I have even lost nearly all the hair on my arms and half my legs. My bathroom floor is constantly covered with hair, and I barely have to shave my legs. What hair does grow back is fine and sparse. I now have very thin hair and I have to use Toppik yo cover the very sparse parts.

Three weeks ago, I went to yet another specialist and he ran a bunch of tests (my last thyroid tests were only a month before). His reults were vastly different than all the other times, and here are the results (and the lab ranges):

TSH - 5.93 (0.4-4.5 mIU/L)
TSH with Hama - 6.17 (no range given)
T4, Free - 1.0 (0.8-1.8 ng/dL)
T3, Free - 3.0 (2.3-4.2 pg/mL)
T3, Reverse - 30 (11-32 ng/dL)
Thyroglobulin Antibodies - <20 ( Follicular: > or = 2.7 ng/mL; Luteal: 3.0-31.4 pg/mL)
Testosterone, Free - 1.7 (0.2-5.0 pg/mL)
Testosterone, Bioavailable - 3.7 (0.5-8.5 ng/dL)
Sex Hormone Binding Globulin - 36 (17-124 nmol/L)
FSH - 4.0 mIU/mL (Follicular: 2.5-10.2; Mid-cycle Peak 3.1-17.7; Luteal: 1.5-9.1)
LH - 6.1 mIU/mL  (Follicular: 1.9-12.5; Mid-cycle Peak 8.7-76.3; Luteal: 16.9)
Iron, Total - 54 (40-175 mcg/dL)
Iron Binding Capacity - 404 (250-450 mcg/dL)
Ferritin - 26 (10-154 ng/mL)
Transferrin - 250 (188-341 mg/dL)
DHEA Sulfate - 127 (40-325 mcg/dL)
Cortisol, 8 a.m. - 22.1 (4.0-22.0)
Magnesium - 5.8 (4.0-6.4 mg/dL)
Parathyroid Hormone, Intact - 50 (10-65 pg/mL)

As you see, the testing was extensive (and pergormed a week pre-menstrual cycle). But based on the TSH and the Free T3/T4 levels, he said he would diagnose me with Hashimoto's, even though (he said) my DHEA Sulfate is low for my age (mid-30s), so I may also have some Adrenal Fatigue.

I was shocked that he sees Hasimoto's in this, and wants me to take Adrenal Supplements (herbal), DHEA supplements (herbal), and eventually, Armour thyroid.

I told him I'll think about it, but wanted serious input from those who understand the levels I posted above. Why hadn't my hair loss stopped? And are my labs pointing to thyroid disease/imbalance/Hashimoto's or not?

P.S. my menstrual cycle is still somewhat wacky, and turns out I had ovarian adhesions that a laparosvopy surgery discoered and forrected.

Please share your thoughts and expertise...I really am confused as to what is happening to my body! I just want my normal hair back!
59 Responses
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1756321 tn?1547095325
Excerpt from the article "Ten Things You Can Do To Stop Hair Loss With Thyroid Disease" by Mary Shalom...

"4. Make Sure It's Not Your Thyroid Drug

First, if you are hypothyroid and taking levothyroxine (i.e., Synthroid) as your thyroid hormone replacement, and still losing hair, you may need to take action. Prolonged or excessive hair loss IS a side effect of Synthroid for some people. Note: Many doctors do NOT know this, even though it is a stated side effect in the Synthroid patient literature, so don't be surprised if your doctor is not aware of this."
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Hi there. I'm sorry you're also struggling with this issue. Are you experiencing hair loss due to Synthroid as well, or just in general because of thyroid issues?

I have read Dr. Wilson's site extensively and I have tried his body temperature test...and I test just about 97.1 at times, and other times, exactly 98.3 (most of the time). I still have no idea if I have adrenal fatigue or not. Some say my adrenals are fine; others say they're exhausted. How did your doctor test you for yours?

I'm very frustrated because I thought medicine had some sort of exact science to it, to a degree, but from my experience every doctor that I have ever seen is short on insight/patience, and free/easy on prescribing pills. This is a worrisome trend, and after my experience with Synthroid, it's not one I'm eager to repeat so quickly. Better safe than sorry. And am I EVER sorry for taking Synthroid in the first place!

Which one of Dr. Wilson's supplements are you going to try or are trying? His prices are about equivalent to the brand my current physician recommends (Adrenotone Plus by Designs for Health). You can Google it and see the prices are equal (if not more!) to Wilson's. What I don't like about Wilson's supplements is the site doesn't clearly state what the ingredients are. One has to sift through oodles of nonsense to get a bit of info here/there. What IS in his stuff.

If you Google Adrenotone Plus, it will clearly state ingredients. Not that I know if one supplement is better than the other (and they both could be a scam!), but I want to know what goes into my body and I don't see that info clearly on Wilson's stuff.

Do post and let us know if it works for you. And, hang in there!
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Hi! Thanks!

Yes, I have been under a lot of stress - it's almost unreal that I'm still here.

As far as your recommendations, I will keep the Tirosint in mind but wonder if T4 is really what I need? That's what I don't know...T3, T4, or both? Or any?

Also, I have read that stress can elevate TSH levels...can that be what's going on here?

As far as natural dessicated thyroid...do you have any particular ones you'd recommend? Are these prescription or OTC?

I went ahead and ordered a bottle of Adrenotote Plus, hoping it'll do something other than rob me of $40. lol I will try the route of "adrenal support" and see if that helps with my TSH.

My GP is also being very unsupportive. She's fine with my levels always being "just on the edge" of okay, never trying to get me to "optimal" levels in case I o.d. However, she was the one who pushed the higher dosage of Synthroid on me - had no qualms about THAT - and I wonder if that triggered this hair loss that just won't STOP.

I just wish I knew what the best route is to go. In fact, I was even considering buying natural progesterone in case I have estrogen dominance...now I'm turning to self-healing (or considering it) and that's a sad state of affairs, after having met with and attempted to work with so many 'specialists'. Doctors are such a letdown!

Thanks for taking the time to read my posts and respond so succinctly! I so appreciate it.
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I so understand your worry! I have am going through the same thing.

And fired a few doctors in the mean time. Finally went back to my old doctor, who is over 100Km away from where I live now.

We checked my Adrenals and they are totally excaused and my thyroid levels are all out of balance as well. (Have not thyroid anymore)

Anyway, as I understand we are not absorbing protein as needed. (Hair is all protein)

My Doctor also wants me to take a herbal remedies, from Dr. James L Wilson. It is not cheap! You can look him up on the web. He said he had quit some success with it and faster.

I hope that helps,

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Reverse T3 is also affected by stress.  Stress typically elevates RT3 production.  It sounds as if you've been under a tremendous amount of stress.

While the T4 hormone is identical in both Levo and synthroid, the fillers and buffers used may be different.  And you may have had a reaction to that.

Three alternatives remain.

1) Tirosint - this is a hypo allergenic T4 med that is in a gel cap.  This has no fillers or dyes and some people who could not take Levo or Synthroid did well with Tirosint

2) T3 only medication at least for a short time to hopefully give you some relief and help out with the RT3 issue

3) Natural Dissected Thyroid.  This has both T3 and T4 in it.  Also some people who did not do well with T4 only medication had good luck with this.
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I agree with you about the hair, from experience. Unfortunately, on top of everything else over the past 2.5 years, I've had 2 abdominal surgeries, complications from the surgery, new neighbors that have made my life hell for the past 7 months (including interrupting my sleep nightly!), a physical injury at work, a torn ligament in my foot that requires crutches at the present time,, a toxic relationship and a traumatic break up, and very poor social/familial support throughout. So yes, I have plenty on my plate to cause many to lose hair and throw off the system...and increase cortisol levels. If you even notice above in my original post, my a.m. cortisol is above the highest-normal, but only just. My doctor attributes this to possibly being stressed during the blood taking in the lab (more like, I was stressed by te incompetence of the lab!). i had a 24-hour urine cortisol test a year ago, and it came back normal. I may have to give the saliva test a try, though.

I agree and will not pursue the DHEA supplements. It didn't sound right to me, either.

My concern with the hair loss is not that it's not growing back (and it's not, as I have kept a photo diary), but that it falls out in handfuls all the time. I know stress can trigger this, extreme stress...but I have been through extreme stress before and it didn't affect my hair like this.

Perhaps the Synthroid triggered something in my body - an autoimmune response - and it has thrown my system off. But I am willing to gently introduce adrenal support supplements (like Adrenotone, you can Google it) and see if a little support in that direction will help my body.

Thing is, too, I have also lost hair on my arms, legs, and other body parts as well. This isn't just the head on my hair, it's system-wide. And this makes me feel it's something else than just stress...but I could be wrong, too.

I also had a complete autoimmune eval done in December 2011, and the rheumatologist called to say my lab results were completely nomal. It's just odd that now, my TPOab is elevated, only 3 months later.

These are the things that I don't understand and which make me hesitant with meds. What if I make things worse?

And as you noted, it takes a while for hair to react and I'd hate to find out 3 months into some other meds (T3, adrenal supplements, etc.) that my hair/body does not agree with it. I cannot afford to lose more hair on top of what I'm losing now. :/

Thanks for the input!

Thank you!
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