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Don't you hate touretts

It's so hard living with tourette for me... I have become overly depressed (possibly bipolar) and sometimes suicidal. I'm only 13... And i get bullied... Especially cyber bullying alot. My mom wouldn't let me get medications because of side affects. However it seems to get worse. Teachers hate me although I'm smart. How about you? Similar experiances?
15 Responses
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1192491 tn?1265031829
I had tourette as a teen and it is very hard at that age or any age.  I know kids are so cruel.  My tourettd went away in about a year.  I blinked my eys nonstop, what about you?  As far as your teachers hating you, I think every kid thinks their teacher hates them...I think it is okay.  Oh, I am bipolar too.  
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i know this was one month ago, but, it's actually gotten better over the last month. Yeah i used to blink non-stop for 3 years (Grade 4-7) and now i do minor neck ticks. And now i have a gf who's loving anyways, so yeah, its becoming better, i think. And im sorry you're bipolar... :( Hope everything slowly becomes better for you.
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1192491 tn?1265031829
Thanks benmoon, hey if you ever need someone to talk to about any problems or issues with gf, cyber bulling and suicide thoughts, (I have those too from time to time), please email me at '***@****'.  I am glad you are doing so much better, best too you!  Hey Jude
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Look up pyroluria on the internet.   The pyroluria sites mention Tourette's and bipolar disorder.  Ask your parents to help you look this up.  
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1227252 tn?1267254973
To start I am so sorry you have to go thru that. I had a lot of bullies when I was little because of Tourettes also, it is very hard. But keep your chin up, your not any diff than anyone in anyway! it will get easier as you get older i'm sure, it did for me, I grew out of my ts I still have it but no were near as bad as I did when I was younger. Just relax and do your very best to ignore and be happy. Good luck :)
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A couple days ago i started to develop shoulder ticks... it's not affecting my social life at all but holy f***... it is annoying
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have you guys been offered medication for this? cos i never have been!
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no. and before I didn't want to. now I do so bad, this is making me go INSANE
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Hang in there,. Things will get better. Both myself and my 18 year old daughter both have tourettes. Although mine is still here it does get better as you get older. My daughter's tourettes actually calmed down from age 13 to 18. Although they have increased with her now and are causing bad headaches. She has been on medication and chose to stop taking it, but she will begin medication again next week. My advise to you and I'm not a doctor is just what I tell her. When you get into a stressful situation, think of something you enjoy that is relaxing. It really helps calm your tics. Don't think about your tics because the more you do, the worse it gets. Try to find something that relaxes your mind and it will help you calm your tics. Good luck to you. I know it is very hard at your age and kids can be cruel, but my daughter has had a normal life and alot of friends by explaining to them that this is a neurological disorder that she can't control. Your true friends will accept you no matter what. Things will get better and suicide is never an option. You have your entire life ahead of you and have an opportunity to bring much happiness to other people. I agree with the other person's comment, that most kids think their teachers hate them. It is not true. And you state that you a very bright so the best thing to do is take one day at a time, concentrate on getting a great education and find something that makes you happy.
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1315039 tn?1274218541
oh my..  I am 32 and I REMEMBER what it was like growing up with tourettes in school.  It was plain AWFUL!!  Kids are sooo mean!!  Of course, you have only one advantage to my situation.  Up until I was in college for my second year, I didn't know what I had.  I had one doctor prescribe me dimatap.. LOL..  No one knew why I was going through all that, most people thought it was a cry for attention. It got so bad I got lightheaded and sometimes passed out from my tics overwhelming me so much that I couldn't breathe, for sometimes 5 minutes..  Which seems so much longer when you aren't breathing.  It wasn't until I watched a talk show, I think it was Montel Williams, and they were talking about something called "tourettes".  I couldn't believe the similarities between what I had no idea what I had and this disorder.  I told my mom and she made an appointment at the biggest hospital (Cleveland Clinic) in Ohio.  It wasn't until the specialist in tourettes told me that I had it that I was sure.  However, since I didn't know what it was, SOMEHOW I learned to live with it enough that my tics almost but all went away.  Then I went on medication and relied on it so much, and now 13 years after I was diagnosed, I can't get off of the medication.  I am trying because my husband and I are trying to have a baby.  So if you can stay off of the medication and learn to deal with it without medication, (however it works for you; breathing techniques, herbal remedies such as niacin, etc.) you will be much better off.  My heart goes out to you.  I will send this to the email I saw in you earlier post to someone else, also.  I hope you will find a way to get through these difficult years.

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1359902 tn?1277496839
I know how you feel..I am 15 and have the twitching disorder..usually my eyes..but i do now get bullied at all at school..ill hurt any one that makes fun of me and my touettes
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1360950 tn?1277656603
Hi, it's Hey Jude, I left the sight and joined again under the name of wine and roses.  I also changed my email provider and I lost touch with you.  I hope you are doing better.
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HI first of all I certainly will not take any more medication for my Tourettes due to the side affects I have experienced and from other peoples comments, When i first got Tourettes I did put myself in a position where i would refrain from going out and i was one who loved the outdoors, I was given a personal assistant through the social services to help me come to terms with what I have and decided to join a gym, since going I have become a better person in the way of Thinking about Tourettes as I get to talk with people their who have accepted me greatly for who I am, I do talk about it with them and actually have a laugh a about it due to what I say LOL
If your teachers are taking a bad stance with you, then you need to bring them to book and report them to the education system as it certainly is not acceptable from such so called educated pig ignorant morons.
Be proud of yourself and what you have as you are no different to other folk
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Hello, i'm 14 years old,i'm 6"2 170 lbs. and i have TS.
I swear and also twitch my nose.
i also have habbits were i roll my stomach, strain, blink my eyes, bang my head(which gives extreme headaches + vomiting).
i also had this one habit were i would fake burp and it would make me feel like i couldn't breath. it got to the point where i got so depressed and sick, where everytime i did the fake burp i would feel like i had to throw up or feel like i couldn't breath. i have ADHD and OCD also. I can hide my tics very well. My friends don't know i have TS, but lately i can't control it as much as i use to when i was a bit younger (12-13 years old) and kids started mentioning it. I'm very popular,athletic,muscular for a 14 year old boy.
i noticed my TS at the age of 7 years old, but never went to the neurologist, til a month ago. It was so hard for me to concentrate in school, because i play 3 sports, basketball,football,baseball. i also workout everyday. I had to worry about sports/holding my tourettes in/school. In school it's so hard for me to hold it in, but idk how the hell i do it. Girls tell me how cute i am, and how good i'm built, but i can't be bothered with girls right now, because i have to get threw my TS problem. I'm afraid to tell anyone besides my family. I feel that if i told girls and my friends that i have tourettes, that they wouldn't like me anymore, and i would feel weird. Tourettes really is not something to make fun of, it is more annoying to us then it is to the people saying "can you stop making that noise".There is a kid who goes to my school who has TS alot worse then i do, and i stick up for him when my friends make fun of him.They ask me why i get so defensive when i stick up for him, i think they are starting to catch on that i have TS. I would love to stick up for all tourettes kids and be friends with them, because really we are just normal kids trying to live a normal life, but we can't without feeling depressed, because we have to worry about people making comments or other things.
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