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Ok... so when I pee reguarlary standing up, and don't force anything, my urine is totally normal and I have no trouble urinating nor any pain while urinating... nothing seems abnromal at all.

However... I've been noticing for the past 2 days straight that when I am having a bowel movement, on the toilet, I will push hard to get the poo out and have noticed that after I am done urinating in the toilet that I expell a somewhat copious amount of semen-like substance.  I am not sure if is semen, my gut tells me it is not semen... but it just dribbles out of my penis and collects in the toilet.

Once in the toilet it floats on the top of the water in stringy-like particles that extend downward.  Initially i thought this was originating from my stool... but upon closer inspection / attention to what was happening, I clearly noticed that it was coming from my penis.

I am terrified right now and have no idea waht's going on.  Again, when I urinate regulary, there are no issues nor is there any sightly discharge.  There are no pains when i am urinating like and STD should do, and I just feel a slight discomfort right now... but I think its because I am forcing it out.  Like I am pushing really hard on my bowel movements in order to produce this semen-like substance out of my penis.

It has similar consistency to semen, but it seems way more akin to a fungal infection or some sort of fungus than it does semen.  It is really really sticky and once it dried out it becomes super gellatinous and very very tough-gel-like.  

Has anyone ever had anything like this???? It is driving me crazy and I am feeling like I have some sort of fungal infection up in my bladder or something.  BUT, when I pee normally, while not taking a crap and pushing hard, I do not have any sort of dicharge from my penis.

But when i push hard i get this copious amount of discharge that looks kind of like semen, but in my opinion looks more like some sort of discharge from infection.

Just wondering if any of you guys had something like this.  Thanks for any responses, fellas.
22 Responses
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I've had the same problem for about 15 years, and finally figured it out. Until very recently I just assumed it was sperm. The sperm-like substance is actually yeast colonies being passed out of the urinary tract. The condition is called candiduria. I stumbled onto this because I started to get jock itch every few months, and that can be caused by yeast infection. Other symptoms included being tired and anxious.

I am currently taking oregano oil pills, NAC, and vitamin C. The NAC really seems to help so I am taking 2000 mg per day in divided doses. I believe this is too high a dose to take for more than a few weeks or maybe months. I take each 500 mg NAC dose with 1000 to 1500 mg of vitamin C. There are lots of suggestions on the internet for naturally getting rid of yeast (candida albicans), and there are photos of yeast clumps in urine out there. I hope this information helps anybody coming across this blog.
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isnt it cancer?
Be careful with the vitamin c suppliments. They can cause kidney stones in males. You do not want this.
Be careful with the vitamin c suppliments. They can cause kidney stones in males. You do not want this.
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Guys, doctors are not finding problems because there is no problem...\the biggest problem there is your very self....simply stop masturbation for like one year and your semen leakage problem will solve..am speaking from experience...Hope that helps...

Ah, I also forgot to say, stop too much sex....Your body needs to  heal from too much masturbation that u did...u simply weaken the muscle that opens and closes when ur semen is coming from the prostate to the penis....since that muscle is weak, semen keeps leaking into ur bladder....Give ur body chance to heal and when that muscle gets strong again, ur problem will stop
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what is the name of that muscle which is weakened

It doesn't have a name. But it's normal
So what controls that muscle, i mean which nerve or something that controls the opening and closing of that muscle
Pelvis floor muscles, google search for women problems after pregnancy and strengthening the pelvic floor muscles.
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Hey guys,

I THINK I KNOW THE ANSWER! I've had this issue for a few years, and only while sitting down for bowel movements. In what seemed possibly unrelated, I was diagnosed as lactose intolerant. Once I stopped eating dairy, the weird semen-like substance stopped appearing as well (Not completely, but far less often). Apparently IBS, Chrons, etc can also cause this. So, you likely have a dietary/gut issue that needs to be resolved. Once you figure it out, you'll be fine!!
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One drop of semen = 40 drops of bone marrow ...... one drop of bone marrow = 40 drops of blood.  So if you are releasing semen (white sticky liquid) while urinating, you may probably loosing 1600 drops of blood for one drop of semen.... This is Dhat Syndrome (Google it) ..... To get cured- practice yoga and meditation for harmonal balance and pacify brain stimulations arise because of sex urge... Hope it may help you... Have a good time ahead.
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If you were sexually arroused or just had sex or mastorbated in the past few hours it can be semen you're seeing. Being "horny" or sexually aroused can cause what you may know it by as pre *** where semen actually leaks out with out actually ejaculating. After ejaculating often times there is left over semen trapped I'm the penis so when you urinate it pushes that out and it can leave a strand of semen hanging from the penis which appears to you as mucus in the urine. If your urine is yellow your semen will often appear with a yellow tint.
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For anyone reading this thread, I have had the same thing happen to me and it is nothing to worry about. Your body stores semen for several days and your testes and reproductive system are always at work producing more and one way or another getting rid of the excess or older semen. When one refrains from ejeculation for a time or does not regularly ejaculate, the proteins in the semen make it bunch up (much like the proteins in milk do when it curdles, for example). Your body naturally has to get this stuff out.
As for it only happening when we sit down with out legs open on the pot, that is really when those muscles can relax and let it flow. If you push ypu might notice some resistence as if your urethra was blocked and sometimes the gel-like material can "clog" the tubing. This is nothing to worry about. Totally normal. Hope this helps anyone with doubts or worries.
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It seems no one here (Doctor, Consultant, Nurse, Joe Bloggs)  actually knows what the problem is, or if indeed it is even  a 'problem'.

Ive had the same issue and speaking from experience, I dont think this is anything to worry about. I do believe however that when 'men' have certain sexual feelings or arousal, the body naturally produces the sperm like substance and stores it (ready to ejaculate) assuming the individual is about to copulate and/or reproduce. Now if the individual does not have sex or masturbate, the substance without doubt will be floating around in our system.

Now look at the term 'Ejaculation', and if you have witnessed the magical power, force, speed of Sperm being ejected from the Penis, then you will appreciate the process of Sperm leaving our system. Now I ask you this - if you 'dont' ejaculate by means of Orgasm, how else does sperm (thats collected in the testes) leave the body? Very slowly I think and by some sort of manual process, hence the pressure applied when bowel movement occurs.

So the only logical explanation is - if you have any form of sexual desire, then either have sex or masturbate to relieve yourself.

If however, your problem persists and you do experience any pains etc, then see a Doctor/get it checked out.

Thanks for listening.
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Hello this is not the problem of the bladder or prostate if you don't have prostitis this must be the nerve  controlling the ejaculatoion and muscle of anus if u r having weak nerve and hard stools semen might leak u should soften the stool by drinking more water and eating more fruits and buy c also press between start of anus and ball it will prevent leak during poo also work hard make it nerves push limits and rest very well to recover
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what could be the cause of a my penis bringing out liquid substance inform of sperm but not sperm. is like a yellow puss.
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bro i have same problem how to solve when i force during bath or pee most amount of *** comes, that hapens 3,4 times daily what to do?
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I am on MMT maintenance as well and have the same thing happen when i push hard to go. Have you found out any info from a medical professional? Thanks in advance.
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wanted to know how are u feeling now.. as i am facing the same problem. so was curious to know about the treatment and the results. waiting for your reply.

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Like to check... I have have been sexual active but recently due to those symptoms I mention, I had stop my my sex life for the past 5 weeks plus
Sometimes when I do bowel movement, be it soft or hard type of bowel movement, when I use strength to push the bowel, my urine together with the bowel movement will come out together, after my urine finish, this happen 3 to 4 times already for the past 5 months plus, after urine, clear sticky came out of the penis tip( where urine comes out) I don't have discharge early in the morning or other times of the day but when doing bowel movement with the bit of strength I put to let my bowels out I had the clear sticky discharge.( 3-4times for the past 5 weeks.)
I not sure if is semens or std discharge...
Pls advice... tks
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Thanks Doc for the info. I've had the same symptoms along with frequency of urination and some discomfort. I spoke with a urologis and learned that I have acute prostatitis. I was placed on antibiotics for a month and the symptoms are far less. I have no issues with frequent urination or discomfort. I still have some drainage from my penis during excretion but not as much as before. Thanks again!
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Thanks Doc for the info. I've had the same symptoms along with frequency of urination and some discomfort. I spoke with a urologis and learned that I have acute prostatitis. I was placed on antibiotics for a month and the symptoms are far less. I have no issues with frequent urination or discomfort. I still have some drainage from my penis during excretion but not as much as before. Thanks again!
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i am on methadone  and it constipates  me horribly  and lately i have noticed this same occurance.  i  just saw the doctor  about the  constipation and had a colonoscopy on his recommendation. my colon and lower intestines are fine  except  a few hemerrhoids  (however its spelled)  they also said nothing about any issues with  an inflamed prostate , which i think they would have noticed.   i am still worried about it  but not alot afterwards my testicles hurt,  just thought i would add my info.
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One drop of semen = 40 drops of bone marrow ...... one drop of bone marrow = 40 drops of blood.  So if you are releasing semen (white sticky liquid) while urinating, you may probably loosing 1600 drops of blood for one drop of semen.... This is Dhat Syndrome (Google it) ..... To get cured- practice yoga and meditation for harmonal balance and pacify brain stimulations arise because of sex urge... Hope it may help you... Have a good time ahead.
One drop of semen = 40 drops of bone marrow ...... one drop of bone marrow = 40 drops of blood.  So if you are releasing semen (white sticky liquid) while urinating, you may probably loosing 1600 drops of blood for one drop of semen.... This is Dhat Syndrome (Google it) ..... To get cured- practice yoga and meditation for harmonal balance and pacify brain stimulations arise because of sex urge... Hope it may help you... Have a good time ahead.
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I also had the same problem as u and I went to the urology , they told me that it is physiology response and they could not find any cause . So doctor I want to ask if that's true?, and is it possible that it is dhat syndrome like what the person said in the earlier post
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And is it possible that it is dhat syndrome?? Like what the person has said in the earlier comment
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I also had the same problem as u and I went to the urology , they told me that it is physiology response and they could not find any cause . So doctor I want to ask if that's true?,
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This fits in with Dhat syndrome typically seen in south asian countries.
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As mentioned earlier, it looks like prostatitis only. When you are straining during passage of stools, it can cause increased pressure on the prostate lying above the rectu, which releases semen like substance when it is inflamed. So it is important to get the possibility of prostatitis ruled out.
I hope it helps. Take care and regards.

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Can this happen to a toddler too? The only other answers I find are infection but it had a very semen-like substance. He is so young so I though that would be crazy.
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Hello Doctor,

Thank  you so much for your response, it is greatly appreciated.  I noticed that this substance has been showing up when I am passing difficult-stools.  When I push really hard to get the stool out, is when I really notice this seminal fluid come out.

Lately, I've been aware of this during the passing of stools, and I am not pushing so hard.  So far, I've had no other issues with discharge during passing a stool.  

It seems that when I am taking a normal urine, and not pushing hard and just letting the normal process take place, I have no discharge at all.  For instance, when I just stand at the urinal when I have to urinate naturally, everything is normal... no pain, no discomfort, no discharge.

Again, it only seems to happen when I was pushing REALLY hard to get a stool out when passing a bowel movement.  As such, I've started straining less, and have subsequently noticed no more seminal fluid being urinated out.  

I will however bring this up to my DR. next friday duing my physical.  Thank you again, very much, doctor, for taking the time to provide your insight.  I truly appreciate it, and all of us do on this site.  
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In your stool? Your body makes a clear to slightly yellow mucus that is produced in the colon and it binds with your stool. You do pass semen in your stool and urine but you would not have seen the seen in your stool so it was probably the mucus which is normal but can also be a sign of an infection or a problem with your intestinal track.
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Presence of such semen like substance in urine can be due to an inflammation or infection of the prostate gland. When the prostate gland is inflamed, the pressure on the prostate during passing stools can cause expression of prostatic secretions in the urine.  I suggest you to get an evaluation, a digital rectal examination and your PSA levels measured along with a  complete urine examination done.

I sincerely hope that helps. Take care and please do keep me posted on how you are doing.

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