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low libido High Testosterone

I have been experiencing very low libido. I have been tested for various labs, my testosterone tests out high at 865 total, and high bioavailable...I've seen endocrinologists,etc and everything they test appears high normal...I am also physically fit, a body builder, drink rarely, don't smoke...I am absolutely perplexed...I used to be a raging animal sexually and it is as though it has simply shut off. It also effects my ability to maintain and achieve erections. I thought it could be low testosterone...but apparently not...I still get night-time erections, but then when I wake up in the AM it is like they disappear and it takes tremendous amounts of  enticement to get me excited. I also noticed that I don't feel the same sensation...What possible causes could it be? It is quit stressing...I have read similar stories on here...I am 33 years old...could my cortisol levels be too high?  I am willing to test anything?
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Wondering, with the new report on ibuprofen damaging male testes if there may be a common theme with the low libido experience.

Always with an above average libido, I was thrown in a tailspin when it abruptly dropped off.

What precipitated the drop was a daily standard dose of six pills of ibuprofen in an attempt to alleviate a chronic back issue.

Looking back, can others remember long-term ibuprofen use?

(If you are experiencing chronic pain issues, I recommend seeking out a skilled dry-needling practitioner. I must emphasize "skilled" before you lose hope in this direction...for me it is the closest thing to a miracle I've experienced.)
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Wondering, with the new report on ibuprofen damaging male testes if there may be a common theme with the low libido experience.

Always with an above average libido, I was thrown in a tailspin when it abruptly dropped off.

What precipitated the drop was a daily standard dose of six pills of ibuprofen in an attempt to alleviate a chronic back issue.

Looking back, can others remember long-term ibuprofen use?

(If you are experiencing chronic pain issues, I recommend seeking out a skilled dry-needling practitioner. I must emphasize "skilled" before you lose hope in this direction...for me it is the closest thing to a miracle I've experienced.)
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I too have had low libido on and off for the past 5 months. I've been taking injections for a few years now. I took Buspar for a couple weeks and that's when it all began. Hoping to find an answer. My mental well being tanks when my libido is low.
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This is AMAZING. Unbelievable how everyone suffering this has experimented with even over the counter Test Boosters. The steroid users I can understand. As most of the use here sounds foolish, and you people don't realize you have at least 28 steroid hormones on your endocrine axis. If you take just ONE hormone - yes, testosterone or Anavar or anything. You shut them ALL down and mess with how they communicate with each other.
HOWEVER. I've been studying this for years. And I think I've almost locked down what the problem is: NEURO TRANSMITTERS.
You see there's a common connection here. Many steroid hormones deplete serotonin. And funnily enough, myself included along with a number of people here had this brought on by antidepressant use. I took Zoloft for around 2 months at 25 and literally destroyed myself. Have NEVER been the same. Not only did it just make every issue I had worse (just simple anxiety and depression) but it killed my **** and sex drive. I got off it and it took months to come back, and never came back completely. Beforehand my erections were like steel. I had sex on the brain constantly. I could orgasm 4 times a day and still be begging for more. After that my **** was literally like a limp noodle. Nothing.
At around 27 I found I had low testosterone - probably caused by pituitary damage from Zoloft. So now I'm on Testosterone (at 29 years old). And it's been MUCH better. BUT still not perfect. It comes and goes. Sometimes goes for weeks, and my sex drive particularly, even though I can get erections again, is really non existent.
The thing is, the neuro transmitters - dopamine, serotonin, neo etc are RESPONSIBLE for drive, desire, arousal, senses etc. And when you mess with them they can be VERY negatively affected with no way to correct themselves. Moreover, there's no way to test them, so it's all just trial and error. But I think we're on the right path here. I've seen guys comment that alcohol makes them horny - which spurs Serotonin. And Caber makes them horny - which raises dopamine.
Guys here who claim they have fixed the problem with diet, are more likely just eating foods that are precursors to serotonin.
Unlike most people here, it's eating bad that makes my libido strong. If I eat healthy I die in the pants. If I eat sugar and burgers and crap my libido starts coming through again - most likely from the dopamine spike.
Trial and error really. Don't give up people.
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43 years old.  T level at 1035, Estradiol at 35, FSH 3.3, LH at 2.6...all normal or high normal ranges.  I messed with Primo and Test Cyp a few years ago and screwed up my libido and caused ED.   All I used to think about was sex and now ZERO.  Urologist has no ideas.  Put me on Clomid and Cilas.  Clomid brought up my Test level from 640 to 1035, but the Cialis doesn't do anything for me.  I know it's not psychological.  There has to be a solution, but I have been unable to find one.
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This is most plausible, unfortunately. Studies of men and women who take part in transgender reassignment procedures show marked changes in brain size and brain chemistry from anti-estrogen treatment/testosterone use. Androgen receptors in the brain change over time in theory due to high level of estrogen or testosterone circulating throughout the body (indirectly and directly exerting their effects). Unfortunately, by the time symptoms arise the damage has already been done. Same thing with synthetic neurotransmitters like Lexipro, or Wellbutrin. They permanently change the structure of the brain, which changes our DNA. Thus, they require their lifelong administration to function normally thereafter, but still play host to a variety of issues like mental fatigue, brain fog, loss of libido, ED etc. Since the brain's plasticity hold constant to various degrees over the course of our lives, possibly the only hope we have of fixing this issue is by constantly keeping estrogen levels in check, while bringing LH, FSH and DHEA levels up to normal (Careful when using HCG though) for the duration of several years. However, if normal T levels do not return within 6 months, then you may have to use synthetic test (50-100mg per week) to return to sense of normalcy.
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Im 22 yo and two years ago I also took anavar 1,5 year ago, that's really killed my libido and made erectile dysfunction, viagra does nothing, still limp willy and cant maintain erection. All tests testosteron prolactin etc are fine. That's the only thing i regret in my life that i run that bloody cycle, i will try to find out with endo or by my own as well. I just want to turn back to normal. If i find any cure or somthing what works in my case i'll post it on here.
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im 47 and a walking hard on with a testosterone level of 240.....explain that!
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First of all, it really does help to find a thread like this and see other people having the same problem. I'm experiencing the same symptoms you guys have mentioned. I used to drink protein shakes every now and then when i worked out but I don't think they are the problem, I go gym every now and then but have never been massively committed to working out, when this problem arose (around 6 months ago) I hadn't drank a protein shake in a long time. Anyway, I just got back from my doctors today and got my blood results back, I was surprised to find my testosterone was a little higher than average, but my prolactin was also high. This thread has given me many ideas though as to what it could be which I will discuss with my doctor, but it seems that theres a link to low libido with high testosterone as well, i'm guessing due to your body trying to balance it self out. I'm 20 years old and even though I feel like my libido has got slightly better (maybe) my erection is still very limp. Im hopeful though that we can all find a way to the bottom of this, and in 20 years someone will go to their doctors with the same symptoms and the doctor will be like 'oh yes, I know exactly what you need! 20 years ago this wasn't even recognised you know!'
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Has nobody found an answer to this??? We have 7 years worth of questions and no answers? I am 38. I took Anavar (Oxandrolone) for about 3 days two years ago and it substantially changed my libido. No other steroid history. It seemed to bounce back, so I took it for another 4 days and it tanked down to nothing. My testosterone is normal but my libido has never since come back. It is not psychological. It happened the very moment I took that damned drug and it was a markedly different change than any other variation I've ever experienced. I went to an endocrinologist and he told me he is confident that it would come back, but he also suggested I burned out some neurons. The best theory I can come up with is that somehow the steroids ruined the neurological receptors that usually respond to testosterone. I don't know if that's something you can fix. It makes me very sad and depressed. It's not just sex drive. It's my desire for romance and closeness with females that's also  gone. I wish a doctor would respond to this.  
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I also used to have an incredible sex drive, my libido now is however non existent.   It is the same as not being alive, what good is it being here, libido is what drives men to do everything the do in my opinion.  It is a shame that the pharmaceutical industry is so crooked.  There is one thing that improves libido and it is safer than baby aspirin.  I'm talking about GHB, I haven't had sex without it for 20 years, so that means I haven't had sex for 19 years.  With it I have a strong libido and can go anytime I want.  It was made illegal because it works better than a lot of drugs and they couldn't have that.  Someone needs to make something to increase libido.  Viagra and Cialis all those pills do nothing for libido, what good is an erection if you don't want to use it, if you have no desire?
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I am 50 years old and have been prescribed testosterone enanthate injections for several years now. Without it, my levels falls very low.

I'd like to share something that seems to correspond with what a couple of the guys in this thread have said.

Usually, after my injection and for at least a few days, my libido is very low. I've looked at charts regarding the expected blood levels of testosterone after an injection, and on average a peak is expected about 2 days after the injection, followed by a fall back to baseline, and then below (unless the next injection is timed to avoid this). In my case, the fall to low level causes quite bad effects (the problems that spurred me to seek treatment to begin with), and include things not often mentioned, such as terrible memory problems and other issues.

AFter some experimentation and a balancing act based on blood tests and improvements in life quality, the endocrinologist and I agreed on a weekly injection as this avoids falling low for long enough for troubles to recur. However, sometimes I miss an injection, for example when the pharmacy has no stock. And about 5 or 6 days the injection my libido rises noticeably. If for some reason I'm unable to get my next injection, my libido stays high for some days.

As I mentioned, I've been on this prescription for some years now, and this effect is quite consistent. And what is absolutely clear is this: libido is NOT high during the brief peak when testosterone levels are high. Instead, libido is high when testosterone levels are low (and possibly still falling) after an earlier peak. I think this indicates that the picture is more complicated than usually presented, but may also explain why some men report improved libido and others report no improvement or even lower libido - the differences may be due to timing differences found with different regimes.

My theory is that it isn't testosterone that increases libido, but more likely either a metabolite of testosterone that takes some days to build up after a peak in testosterone (and possibly makes its presence felt some time after that peak in T has gone), or else it's a response in some way to falling levels (but not to low levels in themselves).
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I'm not a doctor so take this with a large grain of salt.   I never dabbled with steroids or OTC male enhancement bs.  Was diagnosed with low testosterone and went on Androgel which seems like it worked a little for a while.   I wasn't absorbing it so I went to injections.  Ended up learning what many of you had that monthly (shudder) or every two weeks was a roller coaster and not good.  I went to weekly injections and it seems  to me that its the rise and fall of testosterone levels that are what gave me a sex drive.  Nailing it at higher levels and never letting them cycle down seems like it dialed off libido.  Also wanted to say that high levels of external testosterone increased my estrogen levels pretty badly and a small dose of arimidex helped lower this and turn down lots of weirdness because high estrogen levels seem to trump testosterone.   Long term use of Testosterone is a one way street on your testes (I think) because they atrophy.   So if you start with low levels this is probably not too important because they aren't working anyway but for people abusing steroids or injecting themselves with testosterone to get buffed up you might wish to reconsider because it doesn't take very long before you have no way to go back.   Atrophied testes are not super sexy.  
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I am 48yo and have been dealing with the same problem for the past 8 years. I took alot of steroids back in my thirties. Never had a problem while I was on/off steroids, then all of a sudden when I turned 40 I started having libido problems, unable to maintain an erection, no morning wood, nothing. I had blood work done and my T level was in the toilet. Dr prescribed androgel and it works for about 3 months, then follow up blood work showed my t level tanked again. I have been through androgel, testim and injections, nothing has helped. I have tried adding hcg, hgh in a desperate attempt to regain my sex drive but nothing has worked. Over the past 6 months I have been seeing a very highly regarded endo dr in my area, she has me on 200mg of testosterone cypionate every week which puts my test level in the 850-1000 range but there has been no improvement. I am at my wits end, viagra, cialis and levitra do absolutely nothing. All my other blood work is pretty much normal. I work out 4-5 times a week, do cardio and eat pretty clean. I"ll also point out that over the last 8-9 years I have seen numerous endo's and urologist. I have had mri's on my brain/pituitary several times all with nothing found. I get you have hypogondism and am usually handed a script for androgel and viagra. Like I said earlier, Iam at my wits end.
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To all of you  who are fitness fanatics, and who are experiencing low libido, or even E.D., I suggest an Amazon kindle title to you: Too Fit for Sex?

It was written by a retired scientitst (and fitness fanatic), Richard Schuller, and myself, Susan Shadburne We documented how we created low testosterone and libido in an otherwise libidinous man and then brought him back again.

The information maybe very helpful for you.


Susan Shadburne
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I solved the problems a lot of you here are experiencing with a radical diet. You are not going to like it, but it did solve all my issues with low libido, loss of muscle mass, brain fog, etc. What appears to be happening is the food supply is very toxic right now with glyphosate, (GMO herbicide), anti-biotics, heavy metals etc, endocrine disrupters from pesticides etc. Any testosterone the body makes is being diverted to rescuing your organs from the damage and the sex drive becomes low on the bodies priority list. Yes testosterone is used to heal your body of damage when it needs it. So the solution that worked for me was primal raw diet. Or the diet of your ancestors. Lots of raw meat, raw milk, raw butter, raw cream and juicing vegetables. It am 55 and went from no interest in sex to to feeling like I am 19 again. You need to keep your food intake really clean and you need to stay raw in order to clear old toxicity stored in the body. When you go raw, the body goes into detox mode and there is no lymphosite reaction caused by eating cooked food. This is a hard diet to follow but the rewards are great. I learned all about this from the book:
"We Want to Live" by Aajonus Vonderplanitz.
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I am 31, went through some serious bodybuilding steroids for more than a year, resulting the low testoserone and libido with some other side effects too. Thus, started taking testoserone injections and T-level get back to normal (750). But, my libido is still low.

Can anyone help me to come out of this?

thankss in advance
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You suffer from groin numbness? Reduced global pleasure sensation? Like massages don't feel as good?
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I seriously think that many of us have the SAME NON PSYCHOGENIC CONDITION. I never tried testosterone boosters. Do you feel like you enjoy normal things that are very pleasureable? Like I don't get "Into" massages like I used to. My light touch sensitivity seems greatly reduced! Man we need coordinate! I have had even genetic testing! I can provide some suggestions on meds too!  I have 4.5 years of research experience and work at a hospital. Please contact me asap

-chronic fatigue that improved a lot on its own
-androgel for mild low testosterone level
-low libido
-not depressed
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high or low estradiol can make problems.
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interesting, the wellbutrin thing...
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I am a 53 year old male and I suffer from the same symptoms.  I have just had my blood work done and all came back normal.  Testosterone levels normal, no diabetes.  So now by looking at this post this is the first I noticed symptoms about libido issues.  I have just done a dramatic change on my life and have gone on Chantix to quit smoking which the last day will be Monday.   I have started to work out on a regular basis, 4 times a week.  I have dropped my drinking down dramatically.  I have been on a very good diet.  I am also staying quite active these days.  My motivation for work has gone straight out the door considering I have been a work horse for decades. My sex drive has pretty much done the same.  However I still do think about sex all the time.  Sometimes when I masturbate I can get a full scale erection and other times only half. The half more so than the full scale.  I take my vitamins on a daily basis, drink a lot of water.  I'm at a loss here.  In my 30s and 40s I was an animal when it came to sex.  Currently I have been taking these pills called "ageless male" and according to them it takes 6 months to take effect but now with see these previous post about Testosterone enhancers and that the body stops producing it naturally...that scares me.  I understand that I am 50+ years old but my life is not over sexually, I refuse to accept this as a reality.  It is almost like I can feel the rest of my body but in my groin area is like blocked...figure of speech.  I hope someone can come up with some answers here.  I will keep researching and going to doctors and trying to find out something.  This is very frustrating to say the least.    
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Jebby-  I feel for you and am here to tell you that I have the exact same problem.  Have you found a solution yet?  I know your post was a few months back, but again, was just wondering how you came out?  If you haven't, I can tell you what I found out, and what I'm going to try.  
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I know this is an old thread but I thought I would just comment on my own experiences.

1. I am prescribed to take 200mg of Testosterone Cypionate twice a month. (1cc)

2. I was diagnosed with low testosterone in 2009 which is why I am on TRT. My T levels were around 150. So on the low end for sure.

3. My blood work initially looked something like this - Triglycerides 722, HDL 50, LDL 330 give or take (Might have those reversed but it's bad).

Immediately after starting the injections my numbers dropped almost over night. My triglycerides were down around 180, my ldl dropped to 245 (still high), and my hdl stayed about the same. Probably because I had the energy to move around, exercise, etc..

Now, all that being said here are two things I have personally experienced over the last 5 years. The first is, within days after my injection I have no desire for sex. I feel mentally clear and alert, I feel stronger, more energy, but zero desire for sex. The desire for sex comes back as the shot's half life begins to taper off around day 9, then I'm off to the races two or three times a day. Blood work I've had done the day after an injection put my levels over 1100. Clearly this is way too high. The excess T in my system is likely aromatizing in to estrogen which is naturally what the body is supposed to do if there is too much T - It's why body builders use drugs like Clomid, Novaldex etc.. to block estrogen uptake and ward of the ever feared "b1tch ****". The down side to this estrogen is a lack of libido, and erectile dysfunction. Jebby saying he has T levels of 865 and a higher than normal prolactin reading points to his body aromatizing the excess T in his body in to estrogen. Normal T levels should be between 300 - 600. 865 is too high. In the case of testosterone more is better to a point, and too much is bad.

Quitting the TRT (Testosterone Replacement Therapy) - So I have done this several times. Here is the problem. Your body has a loop back system regulated by the pituitary gland in your brain. When your testosterone is artificially raised by an outside source of T, your pituitary gland tells the testes to stop producing testosterone - because your body thinks it has too much. The problem with stopping any type of long term TRT is that your body doesn't automatically turn testosterone production back on - if at all. The joint and muscle pains return, the fatigue, lack of libido, muscle weakness etc.. One thing that I have found in my blood work when working with my endocrinologist is that when I quit my TRT therapy my vitamin D levels drop well below 25. Vitamin D levels should be 25 or greater for normal. Mine have dropped as low as 12 despite spending time outside in the sun or eating foods and multivitamins fortified with Vitaming D. My calcium levels also shot up to 10.9. A normal level is in the 8 range. This is bad because I do not take any calcium supplements. What this means is that my body not generating or receiving enough vitamin D and is having to pull calcium from my bones and teeth - causing joint and body pain, and muscle pains - think of having the flu but without a fever. Vitamin D is key to your body being able to absorb calcium from foods you eat. It's why milk is fortified with vitamin D.

There are two approaches to solving both the problems. With the TRT I have had some success in breaking up my injections. Rather than inject 200mg every two weeks, I inject 100mg every week. Keeping my T levels in the 600 range and constant.

With regards to low Vitamin D it's important to ensure there is no parathyroid tumor (hyperparathyroidism). Once a tumor is ruled out and a PTH blood test has been completed. A doctor will usually prescribe vitamin D. Most over the counter supplements range from 500 IU-10,000 IU (international units). The vitamin d a doctor will prescribe you is typically 50,000 IU - an insane amount of vitamin D. Taking even 10,000 IU for 3-4 days a week for 8 weeks will dramatically decrease the bone, joint, and muscle pain you will feel. Vitamin D builds up in the body so here again this is one of those things where more is good but too much is bad. Don't go popping 10,000 IU of vitamin D a day or you may regret it. (Hypervitaminosis D, and hypercalcimia)

Anyways I hope this helps someone out there. It's been a long road for me, but lots of reading, research, and the right doctors have allowed me to have a normal quality of life. If your doctors look at you sideways when you bring your symptoms to them - seek out another doctor. It doesn't make you a bad person to get another doctors opinion. And you may end up seeing 6-10 doctors - keep going until you find someone who will listen to you and will take a genuine interest in your well being. I personally drive 460 miles to see my doctor. Sounds excessive, but it's worth me living a normal healthy life - and she's the only one I've found who wanted to solve my problems.
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I too have very high testosterone testosterone enanthanate, but zero libido and unable to get an erection  right now as wellbutrin took that away.  I don't understand that as it is supposed to increase dopamine.  I am at a loss.
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By the way jebby, I have the exact same symptoms as you. So similar it's uncanny. I don't know what else it could be.
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