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shrinking penis

My husband has lost 3 inches in length of his penis over the last 2 years. What could possibly be causeing this? This wasnt too big a deal when it was half an inch but now we are talking 3 inches. It is causeing serious problems in our marraige. He is so deperessed over this. Please any one know what this could be?
27 Responses
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Has he gained weight? If he is overweight he will gain back about an inch on average for every ~30lbs he loses. The fat pad in the upper groin can cause significant shrinkage.
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I have the same problem, I was 7" but I did get peyronies about 10 years ago.  I knew about the shrinkage, but it really got to me after sex one night when I saw it in the mirror.  ( 5") No help from urologist at all. I am on testosterone injections so testosterone is not the problem.  I do take Adderall for ADD.  But I think I may have figured out the issue.  It is blood flow!  I bought a high quality penis pump. My penis is getting back to old size again with some new big fat veins.  I love it.
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Penis pumps are dangerous and can permanently damage your penis.  They also don't do anything to enlarge a penis long-term, and in general, the risks outweigh the benefits.  Testosterone injections can cause a penis and testicles to shrink.   Be very careful with the penis pump.
I have to disagree with you on the penis pump. I started using one 3 years ago and my length has increased 1.5 inches. My girth has increased substantially, my girlfriend loves how thick its become. She prefers a thick **** over a long skinny ****. I think the problem with some men using a PP is over use. They use it for tooo long per session to many times a day. They also use way to much suction damaging their **** in the process. After using my penis pump for a year my girlfriend can't get enough of my ****. Unlike before she loves sucking and jacking it, she says it's because of its thickness. BTW, I don't use it daily and I don't do it for longer than 15 minutes at a time. What I'll do is pump it, keep it pumped for 10 to 15 minutes. Release the suction for 5 minutes then repeat. I'll do this twice until I reach 30 minutes of use. Not only have I increased length and girth,  but it feels really good. AS I said DO NOT OVER DO IT!
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Did he have surgery or androgen reduction therapy for prostate cancer? Could he have Peyronie's Disease--is it curved?
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I had surgery because of cancer. My penis was 9 3/4 inches. Now it is 3. No one told me that this could happen. Not the surgeon or anyone. I have kept it secret from people I know.
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A lot of men shrink as they become older. Three inches seems to be a lot though, so a visit to the doctor would be advised. I wish I had three inches to lose, I was born with a micropenis, not sure if you know what this condition is but my penis erect is only 1 1/2 inches long. You can check out a micropenis at this micropenis photo page https://m.imgur.com/a/kpunA
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I didn't have it that bad; but I have shrunk a lot from meds and age. It has become an embarrassment for sure.  Not sure what to do about it though.   I'd almost rather not have anything down there at all; than to have something small to be embarrassed about.  Has anyone else thought this as well?  
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I believe it wouldn't be a simple one answer, as typically things in the body are complex and affected by a multitude of things.

I used to do research using soy estrogens to replace natural body estrogens in female rats. They work very similar. It's the soy oils that mimic estrogen, not the proteins. I know there are a lot of people that claim otherwise, suggesting there isn't a role in men, but between the research I did and an anecdotal example, I question it. I had a friend who's son was allergic to cow milk so he drank soy milk, at about 11 years old he was growing breasts. He switched to a different type of milk and they shrank back to "normal." I don't know if this could be a contributing factor, but our food industry has definitely added soy to much of our food. I'd lessen the intake of soy oils.

As far as sugars go, there is evidence of sugar contributing to wrinkle formation from glycation events. I'd be curious to see the effects of glycation on the corpus cavernosum tissue.

Blood pressure medications are impactful on ED. The reduction of blood pressure would cause a decrease in the blood pressure in penile vasculature, this blood pressure drop would impact how full a penis would get and thus the stretch of all tissue including the skin itself. If the skin doesn't stretch, it'll shrink over time. Like when a large person loses a lot of weight, for a while the skin is loose but will eventually tighen.

ADD medication probably doesn't affect it too much. I've known men on the stimulants for years with no effect. However, was your husband taking Strattera? It has a known impact on the penis. Some men complain of pain upon ejaculation, suggesting some role on penile function. The stimulants would probably be more likely to add penile blood pressure rather than diminish it.
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Further into soy oil rather than the protein: I realise isoflavones are in the soy protein, however soy oils contain fatty acids which are suspected in increasing the body's estrogen. Soy oil is currently on the breast cancer do not eat list. Obviously further research may give further insight, but at this time, I'd avoid soy oils for men, avoiding protein as well if research points in that direction. Right now it isn't.
Edit! I should have said soy oil increases estrogens rather than mimic.
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Does your husband tuck his penis?  Tucking reduces blood flow and the dead cells in the erectile tissue will reduce the erection length.  In my case, the tucking plus the not masturbating for years reduced its length.  It got even shorter especially in the flaccid (pulp) state after I began taking estrogen supplements.  

You should visit an endocrinologist to check his hormone levels.  Worst case, you could always convince him to get a sex change.  :p

I am a MtF transgender.  I used to have a 10.75" penis, now it is only 4".  Tucking is so much harder with a 4" penis.  
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I know that, w me personally, my 1 inch lost is due to weight gain in the pelvic/"fupa" region. When I'm erect, if I push the fat back, my penis looks like it used to. This could be the issue? Weight gain happens slowly so sometimes it's hard to notice until all of a sudden it's clear as day.
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18878986 tn?1469191760
what all could cause a men to lose his **** n ball just wondering is all
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Overweight or a "constitutionally" pudgy mons pubis are the most common causes of "too few inches."  To see if overweight is causing the problem, have him stand up, with completely flaccid penis, and take a hand mirror and examine the entire pubic area from groin to groin, and about 6" up toward his belly button.  This is the mons pubis.  In some men (including me) this area gains fat at a remarkable rate, and even if slightly overweight, it literally gobbles up the penis.  Additionally, when standing, relaxed, it sags, and further hides the penis. Oh...the penis is still there, but the fat pad hides it.  Push down on that area immediately around the base of the penis (while standing) and you can determine just how much subQ fat is there.  If you can easily push in more than an index fingernail deep, it's probably a pudgy mons causing the problem.  Lose weight.  If you're HWP and that fat pad persists, and you're still concerned, you might consider liposuction.  In that area it is very safe to do, but always scrutinize carefully, the doctor who'll do it.  There are many charlatans in the liposuction business.
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I'm experiencing the same problem as the original poster's husband.

I'm 52 years old; I'm a diabetic and have been since the age of seven; I have ED (I have not been able to achieve an erection at all for the past 3-4 years or so); my cholesterol is a bit high, but only at about the "high normal" range; I DO consume a LOT of carbonated beverages (diet sodas), but not a lot of processed sugar (except when my blood sugar gets too low); I am not really overweight at all, but I do have an uncomfortable and embarrassing amount of body fat in my gut and pubic areas; I have experienced Peyronie's Disease and am probably still experiencing its effects to a lesser degree; I've also been diagnosed with low testosterone levels in the past, but that is not consistently the case. As of yesterday, my testosterone level was in the "low normal" range.

So, obviously, I have a large number of factors that may, possibly, be contributing to my situation.

I am NOT a doctor or "expert," but I have researched this issue quite a bit and can base a lot of what I'm saying on personal experience. The rest is based on the information that has been related to me by my urologist, whom, incidentally, I visited yesterday.

Besides the very frustrating issue of erectile dysfunction, I'm also experiencing the very frustrating and embarrassing issue of a pretty significant loss in both length and girth.

Up until, approximately, the age of 45, my penis was just about exactly seven inches long (yes, I measured it a number of times). I'm not sure of the actual girth because I never measured that, but I can see and feel a pretty obvious loss (plus, it's been mentioned to me a few times by the women with whom I've had relations). At about that age, I started to notice a decrease in size, which has gradually increased over the years.

As of right now, I struggle to get a length of about five inches (I don't know the actual length for sure because I can't get an erection, so I'm basing this guess on the total length when I pull the flaccid penis out to its maximum length). Obviously, for one reason or another (or, possibly, multiple reasons), I've lost between two to three inches in length over the past seven or so years. I don't know the actual cause of my loss, but if I had to guess, I'd say that it's probably due to the Peyronie's and/or ED and the resulting lack of use.  

By the way, one of the previous posters mentioned that his wife or girlfriend of ten years left him because of his loss issue; I can't actually dispute that, by any means, but unless she was absolutely devoid of human compassion, I find it hard to believe that she would have told him that. If she did, though, he seriously needed to get rid of her anyway. He's much better off without her.

Also, he mentioned that he couldn't find a new girlfriend because of his penis size; I'm not really sure how that could be the case unless he showed her his penis before they started dating (which, in itself, would probably severely hinder the possibility of getting a first date), so my guess is that this part of the problem is just in his mind. I'm sure that, if he "shopped around" a bit, he could find numerous women who understand and don't care (especially if he and the woman are middle-aged or older). Just thought I'd say those things for his benefit.

Anyway, first of all, I can tell you with complete certainty that being overweight, or having extra fat, especially in the pubic region, can cause an apparent loss in length. Actually, though, the penis itself does not become shorter; it just APPEARS to be shorter because the added thickness of the skin and underlying tissue increase the base of the body surrounding the penis (sort of like placing a coke bottle, or other phallic device, upright in the bottom of a bucket and then adding water. The water level then effectivly decreases the length of the bottle from the base, or water level, to the tip of the bottle). However, this does not explain a loss in girth and, if any of you are experiencing that problem, you should probably look elsewhere for the cause. Also, it should not account for a loss in length that is greater than the increase in size of the tissue surrounding the penis.

Second, my urologist told me that the length can be increased by occasionally grasping the flaccid penis just behind the glans (head) and pulling it out, gently but firmly, to its maximum length. He suggested that I do it whenever I go to the bathroom. However, I should also mention that he said if I do it, I could eventually notice an increase of "as much as half an inch," so don't expect miracles.

Third, I read in another thread that excessive masturbation can also cause a decrease in size because excessive ejaculation causes a loss of testosterone, which is a necessary contributor to penis size. In my case, I'd say that that might have been a contributing factor if this had occurred in my early teens to late twenties (lol), but as I mentioned, I didn't have the problem until the age of about 45.

Fourth, the maximum length of your penis will probably be reached at about the time that you're done with puberty. From that point forward, it will never get any bigger. Although there are huge differences from one person to another, some degree of size loss with age is normal and should be expected.  

Fifth, as I mentioned before, I drink a LOT of diet sodas (typically, at least five 12 oz. cans per day). Since artificial sweeteners, specifically "Splenda," have been proven to cause a decrease in sperm count (yes, this is documented), and since the two are related, I'd say that it's possible that they also cause a decrease in testosterone.

Interestingly, the decrease in size of my penis began at about the same time that Splenda was beginning to become popular and outsell Nutrasweet. Coincidence??? I really can't say, but if I weren't "addicted" to them, I'd stop consuming them immediately.

Incidentally, although this is a bit off-topic, since a few of you mentioned that you have experienced or are experiencing some degree of erectile dysfunction, I'll mention also that my urologist told me yesterday that, because of recent advancements in treatments and remedies for ED, he feels certain that a permanent cure will be found/produced in the next two years or so. I don't have any additional information on that topic, but it's interesting anyway.

I would caution you against getting too excited about that, though, because my personal opinion is that we will probably never see that come to fruition within our lifetimes. The reason I say that is that pharmaceutical companies make a LOT of money on drugs and treatments for ED (they make a profit of approximately $40 on every single Viagra pill that's sold, if I remember correctly... I know that it is AT LEAST that much ) and I don't think they want to give that up. I can tell you with absolute certainty that researchers of other human maladies have been "paid off" in the past in order to prevent bringing their respective cures to the market. Corruption within the FDA also contributes to this quite heavily.

Sorry for the political rant, but I just thought I should mention it since I brought up the information about the "cure."
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Biopharma also has to pay the FDA an arm and a leg. Seems a little conflict of interest to charge billions while you are also the ones approving. I mean sure we might approve that drug, give us a few million first and we'll look into it, but I digress.
"I can tell you with absolute certainty that researchers of other human maladies have been "paid off" in the past in order to prevent bringing their respective cures to the market."

I second this! There is also money thrown at "fad" projects, and others that aren't as fancy, but would do us a LOT of good are set aside both from within Biopharma and fro FDA funded projects.
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I'm 19 and I have mitochondrial disease so I'm on about 20 different meds. I went from being 6 and a half inches to 5 and a quarter in about 6 months. I've lost all confidence just when all the other parts of my life are getting better. So needless to say I can't talk to girls with any confidence because my generation is obsessed with size, at least most girls are. I used to be bigger than all but one of my friends now I'm smaller than all of them and I can't even talk to them. Girlfriends are impossible to find because no girl that's attracted to me I find attractive. I'm not I'm bad shape at all though. I'm 5'9" and 165 pounds and only have 7 percent body fat. I know I don't look bad but I can't even take my shirt off or even look in a mirror. Does anybody know which medication cause these symptoms?
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Dude, average penis length according to multiple scientific studies is . 5.10".  That means if you are 5.10" you are larger than half of the guys in America.  Do not get your info from porn videos.  I am 5.25" and have never had problems pleasing the ladies.  And I am short, bald and awkward.  It is all about confidence.  I know you will have trouble believing me but I have learned from 38 years of experience, just trust me.
well said, thank you!
14680496 tn?1435849964
To Drdes specifically:- You sound like you've developed "Peyronie's" which is not an uncommon affliction, and will often be co-morbid with "duPuytren's Contracture" - which is a condition in which there is fixed forward curvature of one or more fingers, caused by the development of a fibrous connection between the finger tendons and the skin of the palm.

Peyronie's is a connective tissue disorder involving the growth of fibrous plaques in the soft tissue of the penis, and is in some cases triggered by penile injury. Scar tissue forms in the tunica albuginea [the thick sheath of tissue surrounding the corpora cavernosa], causing pain, abnormal curvature, erectile dysfunction, indentation, loss of girth and shortening.

For my sins, I've developed both afflictions; beginning in my late-30's; and the Peyronie's effects are augmented in myself by my being a little overweight, having a damaged ventricle in my heart, diabetes, moderately high blood pressure, lowered testosterone & an unfortunately serious nicotine addiction! But, HEY! I don't let it get me down... LOL.

Adding insult to injury ~ I became bed-ridden by chronic neuro-fibromyalgia twelve years ago, causing lost intimacy with my wife, who subsequently left with our five children, swearing 'love-making wasn't the problem' [methinks, the lady doth protest too much!], and followed that with a misdiagnosed femoral artery blockage that caused me to lose my left leg, above-knee.
One might possibly say I'm therefore a prime candidate for E.D.!

Peyronie's IS often remediated via small surgery to the penile callus, but be aware that it will often reoccur, operational sites especially.
If you've not lost useful function and it causes no discomfort to either self or lover, surgery might be viewed a little extreme for the condition. You might even discover that a serendipitous bend in your manhood 'could reach parts previously unexplored' in a good way!

Sure, it's a bit disconcerting &/or embarrassing when your pride and joy develops 'a swerve' in it, but this condition will affect one in twenty men at some stage... you're not alone.
I recommend being forthright and honest with your lover about the affliction, and any caring significant other ought to be able to help you both physically and psychologically. Remember - it's not the end of the world, and you should be able to still derive much fun and pleasure with your lover, simply in exploring your new configuration.
Personally, I'm wary of it... but some others with Peyronie's whom I've met - swear by the positive effects of penile massage on the condition. You understand that this describes proper 'therapeutic manipulation' of the erect member, and is not foreplay.
I'm chary, simply because my own Peyronie's affliction actually extends the full length of my penis, as far as the glans, and also completely encircles its circumference, too! Massage was unable to effect any relief at all for me - most probably due to the 100% coverage I suffer. I was also slightly concerned that the massage might have exacerbated my personal condition... but jury's out on that. So, I say, "BE CAREFUL!"

I used to have almost 20cms. length and a near 7cms. girth at base of shaft - and I was very, very proud of my penis. Now, I'm lucky to get 10cms. length and a 4cms girth, and achieving/sustaining my erection is now extremely touch & go. My much diminished little pal is now misshapen with distinct 'bands' of variously restricted girth all the way up the shaft - almost making an egg-timer shape!
BUT! I still have fun with it with occasional understanding lady-friends... and if my rather monstrous seeming tumescence may still bring me such pleasure [Ladies apparently LOVE being able to engulf all of me in their mouths, without the choking risk, of course. Who knew?] - then you may be confident that your 'only slightly wounded soldier' will still be able to do at least as much for yourself.
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I don't believe that getting old is the answer, I am 63 and until 3 months ago was on the larger side of average, then bang, lost 1.5 to 2 inches,  and developed a drastic bend. Like the bend in the middle of a bow string fiddle, pardon the pun.
I am too embarrassed to go to the Dr, like a fool.
Stress has played a very large part in this I am sure, my wife of 25 years is an alcoholic and refuses help as well as our finances are now in ruin, so i can attribute the blame there for a large part.
I am not over weight, my blood pressure is brilliant at 125 over 70, I still have an active participation in sport (Cricket, dirt bikes and road bikes) and have a very healthy disposition to life and living it.
I take NO prescription medication.
Although my libido is not what is once was, masturbation is a regular part of my week, so, it still works, if a little diminished. I might add, that I still love my wife, but there is no relationship due to her illness.
So, what is the problem?

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The sudden development of the bend, and shortening of the penis sounds symptomatic of Peyroni's disease.
I am 64 and im  atleast  in size of about  1-2 inches non erect  and that's  just  the size of it , it wont get hard  no matter what  I  or my wife tries to do I was at a younger age   6-7 inches   hard so I never got bigger in size,  but now ive lost almost all of my penis  even smaller than a baby's this is so frushtraiting I sure would like some answers to this , I would be happy if  I could get it back  of atleast 3/4 of the way can someone atleast try to help me figure this out of what to do    thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!
when I watch porn it wont get hard  and when I masturbate it wont get hard , but my seman comes when I maturbate even soft   I just don't know what else to do to try and fix this problem
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I also suffer from some of these issues but I also get coldness in my testicles as well. The only time I look normal is after a hot bath or in the middle of the night when I wake up. It's also kind of hard to have a normal relationship or even see life when women want variety or a lot do want more gurth an size, or if they don't care they just stop haveing sex with you unless they absolutely can't hold back anymore and want it. It is true if you don't use it on a regular basis it does go down and does stop working the way it should. Just ***** getting old.
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I understand about the button issue.  Same as me. I know I should loose at least fourty to fifty pounds. I have been on quite a few meds my self. At age fifty four  five foot nineand two hundred twenty pounds, I know I need to loose those extra pounds. Eaiser said then done, however now that this winter is almost over, looking forward to get outdoors.  I'm sure no matter what anyone says, being overweight is the root of all evil. I will check back in four months to let everyone know how this change in life style works.  Be good to see my little buddy quit playing turtle!
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Same thing happened to me. I was on the small end of average to begin with and now I'm an inch-and-a-half shorter and a lot thinner. My wife has made the best of it but says she can tell that it's a lot smaller. It gets just as hard as before and works just fine, but the truth is that it's shrinking. I attribute this to BP medication as well as a statin. The statin reduces testosterone and the BP medicine restricts blood flow. Additionally, I was on a medication for adult ADD for about a year. That also reduced T, so my testicles have become smaller, too. When flaccid, it's embarrassing because it's now just a little button where before all of this, there was at least some hang. Why can't side-effects of medications do the opposite and cause it to grow?
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What meds for add? My husband having same issues and I am curious he's on meds for add
All meds are controlled toxins. None are actually beneficial. Example, warfarin is rat poison.
Strattera could affect the penis. It has been known to cause pain during ejaculation. I'm unsure if there are more known penile issues with it. Stimulants are probably less likely to do so as they would raise the penile blood pressure.
I am on a statin too.  I have noticed some major shrinkage as well. I am also on T-gel to get back testosterone; but that contributes to shrinkage as well because your body thinks its making enough T; but it's really not going to the right places.   I am not sure what to do. I was just average size before; and now; I am having difficulty urinating while standing because things just don't get out there far enough.  If anyone can give me advice; (besides sitting to pee) that would be great.  
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My comment about blaming an overweight condition being absolutely rediculous was a bit strong.  Just wanted to appoligize if I offended anyone.  On second thought I would have to agree that in some cases an overweight condition may contribute to this problem.  No one else seems to know, and I sure as heck don't know the root cause.
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Read many comments on another thread, same topic, "shrinking penis".  From the many comments I read there it is quite obvious to me that the medical profession will be eager to accept your money but will be of no real assistance with this dilemma. A lot of guys in that thread described many similar symptoms, visited many dr's, tried numerous desperate fixes, but no real fixes were provided.  I was shocked to learn how young many of those guys were. Some were in even in their late teens while many others were in their twenties and thirties.  I suppose at the age of sixty I should count myself fortunate to have reached my mid/ late fifties before experiencing this shrinking penis. Still, it is quite painful to lose a girlfriend of ten years, and to know that loss came about due to my fading manhood, and at this point having no realistic prospects for a woman in my future. The comments I read here blaming excess weight and suggesting weight loss are absoutely rediculous.  At my present age of sixty I am no more than ten pounds overweight, still have much muscle tone and find that younger women are still attracted to me. I find excuses to brush them off because I know I can no longer quench their bedroom desires. But oh, how it saddens me. Of all the comments I read in the other "shrinking penis" thread only one fellow claimed to have conquered and reversed this condition.  He claimed to have stopped consuming processed sugars as well as all carbonated beverages.  After about a month he began to notice the improvement, and eventually his shrunken penis problem was corrected.  That was his claim.  It just so happens that I am a lifelong addict to sweets and diet Coke.  Could they have somehow contributed to my own problem?  Who knows?  The human body is such a complex and complicated living machine.  Perhaps, if not directly, at least indirectly an overabundance of processed sugers in our bodies can cause the depletion of a very essential mineral or enzyme that the male body needs for maintaining proper blood flow to penis tissues.  Hey, it's worth a try.  No more Snickers and Oreos for this ol' boy.  It'll be a tough addiction to kick, but even if in the end I don't get my old friend back, I'll still be healthier.  Wish me luck and I'll report back here in the months ahead.  And I sincerely wish the best to all my shrinking penis comrads out there.  Life will go on, and we will endure.
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Would love to hear a reply and feedback.  Any updates on your plans to lost weight, drop sweets and Diet Coke?  Thanks! Brian
647273 tn?1292091141

You state that your husband is overweight. This might be part of the problem, but is not the complete cause.
In 2003 I went from a very active life to disability due to neurological problems.

First in 1996 I first started having problems with ED after having had bladder surgery and a resection of the prostate. 1996 I was also diagnosed as having a neurogenic bladder.
The urologist told me to try Viagra and than Cialis, but that did not have much of a result.
When I was put on disability I was also seen by a different urologist dealing with sexual dysfunction. After some testing he put me on monthly testosterone injections and tried Caverject  for ED. For me this had a good result at the time.

In 2008 I came down with a major kidney infection and pneumonia. While I was in hospital I noticed that I had a fistula between my prostate and rectum. Currently I have had a urethral catheter for a year and now a suprapubic catheter for almost 2 years now.
As a result of that and not being as mobile as I used to be, I have developed some body fat in the pubic area. On top of that I have not been able to function sexualy since March of 2008. It seems that my penis has lost allmost all of it's flacid length. Right now I would say that I have no more than 2 to 2.5" at the most. I do induce erections to wear condom catheters for urinary leakage. Now the erections get up to 4.5" to 5" from 6" to 6.5" previously. The 4.5" give a problem putting on the condom catheters as there is a 2" adhecive strip. I'm able to gain some lenght if I push down the body fat.
I'm 46. 5'6" and about 135 to 140 lbs. I think that you can tell that I'm not overweight at all. Yet I have a distended abdomen and body fat in the pubic region. If I push the fat down while on an induced erection using caverject, I'm able to get 5.5"
I do believe that we loose some length while we age and in my case it is partially due to the fat pad in the pubic region.
I don't want to make any negative statements, but I do feel that weight loss for your husband might be part of the problem. Have the ever taken testosterone levels. As we age these levels in some might fall below normal.
For the last three years this has been a major change for me as I have not been able to engage in any sexual activity with my wife. Luckily there is more to a sexual relationship than just sexual intercourse. My wife and I just enjoy the closeness that we can share. As much as I would like to regain sexual function, I find that my wife and I have been ale to manage well given these problems.
I hope that you and your husband can find other ways of bringing each other pleasure. The best of course would be to regain sexual function.

All the best
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I took spironolactone for heart failure for 8 years. My penis shrunk from 6 inches to 1.5 inches. It is so embaressing. I feel like I should just take estrogen and grow boobs. My wife quit having sex with me years ago. I have not tried testosterone. Will have to see a urologist it sounds like.
1367773 tn?1286721774
As a wife of a man who has this problem, I can tell you I know how you feel.  Nothing we have tried works.  He has seen the doctor and tried what he said and he has taken pills etc.  He is overweight.  Maybe it does have something to do with the pheromones and maybe that is a problem I have, not excreting enough.  I am going to try something for that and see if there is a difference.  I'm going to do it as a blind test and not tell him I am doing it.
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What did you try and did it work?
647273 tn?1292091141

One thing that you might want to ask about is caverject injections. For me this had some result as Viagra or Cialis did nothing for me.
I use California Tri-mix double strength. Injecting the penis is not as bad as it sounds. I had been able to get good erections with the injections, however have not been able to use it for the last two and a half years since I have a catheter in for urological problems.

All the best.

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I don't have any answers, but I can tell you he's not the only one this happens to. I lost an inch to my penis, and even though I am still considered 'average', it has depressed me as well. I've gone to 2 doctors, and they both looked at me like I'm crazy, one gave me viagra, which gave me a headache and didn't do anything with the size issue. i would recommend trying yohimbe bark, goat week, and other male stimulants, and hopefully he can get those inches back.
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647273 tn?1292091141

I forgot to mentione that high blood pressure can cause problems. Most of the time the penis  can point  out (no pun intended) other problems.
In my case high blood pressure, high colesterol, tachy cardia.
The other thing that I have had for myself is the fact that I'm disabled and am not as mobile as I used to be. As a result I have gained weight and body fat in the pubic, and abdomen region. So there might no really be any shrinkage but body fat hiding part of the penis.

All the best.

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ME  too , [on belly fat problem ] but at night , when I need to go pee , my penis , has shrunk up inside of me so much that I have to pull it out , to go pee !
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