649848 tn?1534633700

Sunday Weigh-In January 13, 2019

Good morning, everybody... how are we all this morning?  It's still dark outside - almost the middle of the night for some of you, so I don't know what kind of day it's going to be, but the weather people say it's going be warm and sunny.  I hope they're right!!  

So, last week, I mentioned that I was supposed to get the veins in my legs ablated at the end of this month and the woman who does the scheduling at the doctor's office when ballistic on me when I called to re-schedule because my son and daughter-in-law are coming for my DIL's graduation to get her Masters Degree in accounting.  I don't know about anyone else, but I think a Masters Degree is a pretty big deal and really warrants my presence, so it still kind of burns my rear that the scheduler threw such a fit, but that's just me!!

Anyway, the woman was supposed to call me back with dates and she didn't.  I waited all week and didn't hear from her.  Because she was such a horrible person to talk to, I really kept putting off calling to ask about new dates and had even looked into other places to get the procedures done, although I did feel that I needed to talk to her one more time before I went elsewhere.  So I go get my mail on Friday, and what do I find??  You guessed it - there's a note with a card and new appointment dates, nicely saying that if these dates don't work, please call the office.  I guess she didn't want to talk to me either, huh?   That could be because the doctor wanted to do the left leg first and she scheduled the right one first, plus she'd told me that these 4 procedures all have to be done within a week of each other, yet she has them scheduled over a period of 2 whole weeks, with ultrasounds taking place up to 2 months after the first procedure when she originally told me it had to be done within 1 month, etc, etc.  Perhaps she realized I might question her about these discrepancies if she made these appointments over the phone... I'm not sure, but as I have no appointments scheduled on those days, I'll accept them, simply so I don't have to talk to her again.  She did hold true with her promise/threat that she would drag it into March, though starts at the beginning of March, instead of the end of the month as she threatened.  I'd probably not have waited that long as I'd have been looking elsewhere by now if I hadn't gotten the new appointments...

That's all taken care of, now, so we just play the waiting game and I deal with the swelling/edema and cramps the best I can until the time rolls around.

In the meantime, my winter neighbor is back from Oregon and we're back to walking nearly every day again.  I did have to take a break yesterday as the muscles in my legs rebelled in a way they haven't done in many years.  They seem to be much better this morning, so we'll try again and see how it goes.  I may have to limit myself to every other day, but that remains to be seen...

So, moving on the weight issue... My body keeps playing tricks on me and my weight is going in the wrong direction right now; I'm trying to take steps to stop it, then I'll be able to take steps to lose again.  Right now, I'm at a point where eating anything causes weight gain, but as we know, eating nothing is even more harmful.

I'm up by 1.2 lbs this week... I know part of it is fluid retention, which is a never-ending problem with me and I believe that some of it is stomach issues.  At the risk of TMI, I've begun having a lot of trouble with constipation again, which leads me to believe that my thyroid levels might be going off again, plus I ran out my digestive enzymes and haven't replaced them, so that could be a factor as well.

I did buy some protein shake mix yesterday, as my protein levels are chronically low and I know with the muscle cramps I've been having, along with the frozen shoulder(s), I haven't been exercising as much, so muscles are probably wasting.  My right shoulder is almost back to normal and the frozen shoulder has moved over to the left, so I need to start doing some light weight training along with my walking to start building my muscles back up again.  

Because of the foot/leg cramps and the pain of the frozen shoulder(s), I don't sleep as well as I should, but the past couple of nights, I have slept some better... during REM sleep is when we do a lot of our healing, so hopefully if I can get better sleep, I can get better all the way around.

Anyway, that's my story... I hope you've all got better news than I do...

Oh, by the way, AnnieBrooke - I did finally, find a store in my area that carries the Saffron Road dinners you've spoken about in the past.  I got a couple of them yesterday... one was the lamb you've mentioned.  I wasn't real crazy about the meat itself, but the rest of the dish was quite tasty...  :-)   I still have a chicken dish in the freezer.  Now that I know where I can buy them, I'll probably keep a couple on hand for those days I need something quick and easy.  It did fill me up, but I noticed I was hungry before evening, though I was working outside and didn't snack.

I'm off for my walk...

~~Wishing everyone a wonderful, successful week~~
4 Responses
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134578 tn?1693250592
Oops -- I did weigh myself yesterday morning, but forgot to write in. Down about .8 of a pound. Gotta keep this trajectory, I think. Thank heavens the holidays are over.

We didn't rent the house we had been eyeing. My son didn't like it, finding its cavernous style scary, and after working on  it in my mind, I didn't think we'd be happy in it for a year. For a house built not too long ago, the floor plan was pretty old-style, with a lot square footage spent on a formal living room and dining room visible from the front door (so you can't put your exercise bike or sewing project there) and even worse, not visible from the kitchen, so probably nobody would use the living or dining area. It would be like a museum for your sofa and easy chairs only used when company came. (Except the company winds up in the kitchen anyway.) Off the kitchen was a tiny family room, and there was no other "bonus room" kind of space. I was not delighted to have to sign a lease for a year to put us in a space that didn't really work, so I called and told the leasing agent to forget it.

At the same time as I was making these calculations, when out driving to breakfast, we ran across an open house for the sale of a townhouse built only two years ago, and dropped in. To our surprise, our son LOVED its design, finishes, coziness, and modern attitude. Row houses here are at least $100,000 cheaper for the same amount of square footage, making it possible to afford even with a depressed stock market. And the design is right for modern living -- the kitchen, living room and powder room are on the first floor, the bedrooms are upstairs, and a huge bonus room or family room is downstairs that opens onto a patio (the house being on a hill, you enter in the middle floor of the three). The bonus space being out of the sight of the front door means projects or exercise equipment can be set up and left out and the house always looks presentable. This brings us back to buying and not renting. The one that had the open house was on a little stub street with no street parking or your neighbors would back into your car in the morning, and each unit has only a tiny one-car garage so you've sometimes probably got to park at the curb. But the same builder built all the houses in the little town home neighborhood, and several are on a street that has normal curbs and sidewalks and parking. We're setting up an appointment to see one of those today that looks from Zillow like it has the same fixtures and finishes; I'm hoping our son's instant love for the first extends to its cousin around the block.

Clear and windy here today, sparkling views of a very, very snowy Mt. Hood. Hope all is well with everyone.

Helpful - 0
Barb, I'm glad you did get the Saffron Road. I'm on the alert for a new supplier because my usual place has stopped stocking the lamb ones, which I actually like the best. I know it's not the best lamb ever, but it's not the worst, and one gets tired of chicken. Try also their Palek Paneer, if they have it. It's simply Paneer cheese chunks in spinach sauce over rice (I would say this is not a full meal, so you might have two together or mix the lamb one with the Paneer one). The Paneer tastes like what one would wish tofu chunks would taste like but they never do, it's got personality but doesn't taste cheesy. And the whole thing is vegetarian and extremely good nutrition.
649848 tn?1534633700
Well, I'm glad you hadn't committed to a whole year of leasing, since your son didn't like the house you were looking at.  I know what you mean about having a great pretty living room and formal dining room with no place to actually "live" but we live in our whole house, so I'm just as likely to set up a card table or something with a project in the living/dining room as not and take it down if we get company!!  I do have my treadmill and TV/DVD player for exercising set up in the guest room and if we have guests, I just have to fold up the treadmill and tidy up the area...

At any rate, have you had a chance to take your son by the new school yet to see what he might think of that?  Perhaps you can take him out of his regular school for a couple of hours one day and let him have a visit to the new school just to see how it might go before you buy something since that seems to be the direction you're headed again.  Just a thought.

I hope it the home viewing goes well.

I was happy to find the Saffron Road dinners, too.  I'm sorry to hear that you can no longer get the lamb ones.  Would your usual grocer get them if you asked them to?  Our grocery store will often get special things if we make the request and it's a brand they normally carry.   You're right the lamb wasn't the worst, I've ever had - we don't eat a lot of lamb, which could account for part of the reason I wasn't real impressed with it.  I did enjoy the flavor of the meal itself, though, so I'll definitely get it again.  I don't remember seeing Palek Paneer, but I'll look next time I go back to that store.   I don't do anything tofu, but am game to try most anything else.

We're headed into a cold snap, so I'm debating on whether I need to go out and cover some of my plants... decisions, decisions!!
Helpful - 0
495284 tn?1333894042
Barb, i am worried about your leg issues.  Maybe you should call another place and see what they have available.  I dont like the girl you have been dealing with either.

Townhomes are the in thing in the Metro area.  They have some really nice areas and the homes are pretty impressive!  Hopefully it all falls into place for you!

Our Shopko is closing here so that has sent the town into a state of shock.  It was a good store with just about anything you needed.  Now we only have Walmart...grrr.

Speaking of a cold snap........We are headed to below zero for highs along with the possibility of 8 or more inches of snow!!

I need new batteries for my scale so have no idea what i did this week.  Hopefully just stayed the same.
Helpful - 0
Where are you getting the food you discussed above?
Thanks, Sarah... Fortunately, the condition I have with my legs isn't life-threatening... I've had ultrasounds that show I don't have blood clots that can travel and cause heart attack, etc... The problem is the swelling and cramps that cause the pain, which, admittedly, can be somewhat debilitating at times.  

The woman at the doctor's office just happens to be one the one (every doctor has one) who thinks she can bully people into doing exactly what they want and doesn't like it when she's unable to bend anyone to her will.  I'm hoping the time will pass quickly (yeah, right...lol) and with exercise, etc I can keep the cramps from taking too much of a toll.

I found the Saffron Road dinners at a store called Earth Fare... it's sort a healthy kind of place that specializes is organic, whole foods type things.  It's somewhat on the order of Whole Foods stores, but not nearly as expensive.  I'm  not sure where Annie gets them.
I get really bad cramps in my right leg.  It starts on the top of my foot and goes into the ankle(where my foot and ankle bend)  All i can do is cry, try to stand, then get dizzy and feel like i am going to be sick!  I have been using magnesium lotion that i get at my chiropractor.  I hate to even say this but so far so good.  He told me to not use alot of it as it can cause diarrhea.  I would rather have that than the cramp!

We only have HyVee and Fareway grocery stores around here but i am going to look for those dinners.

Winter Storm Warning now for the morning.  Lots of snow expected and we cant have a snow storm without the wind!!! lol
If you get cramps in the top of your foot you have an idea what they feel like, then... I get some there, on both feet, that go up into my shins - and yes, all I can do is stand and cry (sometimes, it's more like scream...lol).  I also get them in my toes and other parts of my feet... they take into all types of funny (odd/weird) positions and I can't move them, which means I can't even stand up when I get them.  I also get them in my thighs and if I happen to have my leg(s) bent when they hit, I'm unable to straighten whichever leg the cramp is in.  The right leg has been hit with so many cramps that the muscles are perpetually sore.  I do use magnesium to help keep them away... It helps some, but not nearly enough.  I also have a spray ointment that I found at CVS that's magnesium based that helps ease them once they hit, but I can't always get it on by myself.  Diarrhea isn't an issue for me, so I take magnesium liberally since I have absorption issues anyway.  :-)
Has your doctor mentioned potassium in this connection? When I get charleyhorses (which stand-and-cry pretty much is the result) with not having had enough potassium lately. I also do take magnesium and love its results, not for muscle cramps but for other things. I get hard pills and cut them in half and that handles the risk of getting the runs.
I just looked up https://saffronroad.com; they have a "where to buy" page. I haven't gotten as far on their site as seeing if they will just ship to me, but I might get that adventurous. lol
The list of foods they make is interesting.  It's not all frozen food, there are some interesting sauces in pouches that would be helpful just to have around so you can pour them over rice and whatever protein you have. I'm ready to buy their curry one if I can find it at New Seasons, I love authentic curry sauces from all the cultures that use curry.
No, my doctor hasn't suggested potassium, this time around.  It's kind of complicated but potassium pills go right through me undissolved so they're somewhat useless anyway.  I seem to get enough in my food to keep my blood levels in the normal ranges.

I don't take any pill type supplements unless I can chew them because of absorption issues.  My magnesium is gelcap magnesium citrate that doesn't cause diarrhea like the oxide type often does.  

Since the cramps are actually caused by the problem with my veins, I don't really expect anything to alleviate them completely until I get the procedures done on the veins.  I'll be really disappointed if that turns out not to help as they say it will...

I'm going to have to look into the other Saffron Road products; maybe some of the other stores in my area carry some of them or perhaps the store from which I got the frozen dinners carries the sauces, etc and I can keep some on hand.  Thanks for the information.
134578 tn?1693250592
I used to regularly buy them at a grocery store called New Seasons, it's a big grocery store (a local chain) that has a natural bent (like Whole Foods but in my opinion better). But I think I've also seen them at more regular grocery stores, like Safeway. This might be because Oregon likes its natural foods, they are beginning to be seen in the Kroegers and Safeways of the area, too. Anyway, Saffron Road is in the freezer case.
Helpful - 0
Just found some of their "simmer sauces" (those are sold in packets, so, not frozen) on Amazon. I ordered some curry korma sauce. (I've had great chicken Korma at the local Indian restaurant, so, glad to get the sauce to have on hand.)
I'll take a look at those... I just received an Amazon order in the mail, but there's nothing saying I can't place another one. Thank you  :-)
Amazon Prime -- I resisted it for a long time, but since signing on I've saved so much money on shipping. The packets of sauce came in a set of either 4 or 6 (not sure) but since they are liquid they are doubtless not lightweight, and the shipping was $0. (Or more accurately, a fraction of the ninety bucks a year I pay for Amazon Prime.) Gotta love it.
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