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What dosage of Topamax causes weightloss?

I just started Topamax.  I'm on 25mg/day and will increase by 25mg/week until I reach 100mg.  I heard the weightloss effect depends on the dose.  So, what dose did everyone here have their success?  And what type of diet/eating plan and exercise plan did you do to help it along?  I'm desperate to lose 40 lbs (half of which I gained on Zoloft-no longer taking).  PLEASE respond if you had any weightloss on this drug, I'm very curious.  THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!  :)
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I was prescribed topamax a month ago for migraine prevention and also to loose some weight from gabapentin and seroquel which I'm currently on. I'm on 100 mg. I haven't lost any weight even though I started eating healthier and exercising more. I stopped drinking pop too. I talked to my doctor and he doesn't know why. My appetite has decreased. it's very frustrating because I'm trying to loose weight the healthy way.
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My guess is seroquel. My hubby gained 80 lbs from that and lithium. He cut those 2 out and stayed on topamax and lost over 90 lbs in 6-7 mos.
How many milligrams was he on
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Please do take it.  Not everyone is the same.  My son has chronic migraines.  Nothing worked at all.  He has been on Topimax for a year and he has not had a single migraine in that whole time!
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I have the same problem.  It really ***** living in Wisconsin, with our crazy weather.  
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And just for the record (I forgot to include this information in my previous post), I lost a total of 37 pounds over a year's time with the help of Topamax. Very little dieting was involved other than the exclusion of soda and I started walking twice a week (albeit sporadically, to be honest about it...) for maybe 20-30 minutes at a time. So, not much in the way of exercise either.
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First off, kudos to everyone for taking an active role in your health and well-being by doing your homework and asking questions. You've no idea how many people blindly follow doctor instructions and suffer silently without ever knowing there are active communities like this to help them figure out why and how they might feel better.

I'd like to point out I am not a nurse or health care worker, just a longtime patient with a wealth of experience with Topamax - I've been on it for several years with mixed success. I'm very well-managed bipolar and I've lost weight on this medication initially, regained some and lost again when my dose was increased. I've never suffered any major side effects aside from carbonated drinks tasting flat - which was fine, I've now cut caffeine and aspartame completely out of my diet which is a good thing! More weight loss!!

I can't speak to claims of hand and feet tingling, hair loss or other alarming side effects that others have alluded to - I've never had an issue with any of these things at any time. Always read the literature that comes with the medication or talk to your pharmacist about potential side effects and interactions to educate yourself first! If anything is alarming to YOU, talk to YOUR doctor and discuss your concerns - most likely, there are other reasons he/she prescribed this particular medication for you over another and will address your concerns.

Online forums and communities are great and are a fantastic way to find support and reference, but shouldn't replace a conversation with your doctor. Your doctor should know everything that's going on with you and should hear all of your concerns and issues - all of them. And if you think they won't take the time or they won't listen? Make them. They work for you. You pay their bills. They are your advocate.

Be bold, be brave, be brief my friends - make it count.
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11621425 tn?1419901118
I have started taking it for a month now and found a huge difference. Im on 1000 mg of gabapentin twice a day, tramadol, percocet, imitrex injections, phenergran, migrainal, maxalt, magnesium, valium 10 mg three ties a day, xanax, botox, and this is all for cluster headaches. People have commented on my weight change which has went from 111 to 106 within 4 weeks. which Im within my BMI for being 27 and 5' 3". my husband said yes i have a much unrefined vocabulary and my mood swings are difficult but with all of the other sedatives every day I'm not worried about seizures or anything crazy. I think its a fine drug for cluster headaches since they are still finding cures since they aren't very common. For migraines I'm sure there are other drugs they've found so if you are having issues tell your doctor and find another option. Luckily my husband is military so I have so many drugs but they pay for it all or I would work to pay to make a cluster period tolerable so i don't jump out a window or put my head into a wall! best of luck to you all!
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