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What dosage of Topamax causes weightloss?

I just started Topamax.  I'm on 25mg/day and will increase by 25mg/week until I reach 100mg.  I heard the weightloss effect depends on the dose.  So, what dose did everyone here have their success?  And what type of diet/eating plan and exercise plan did you do to help it along?  I'm desperate to lose 40 lbs (half of which I gained on Zoloft-no longer taking).  PLEASE respond if you had any weightloss on this drug, I'm very curious.  THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!  :)
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i am just about to start taking this drug for migraine prevention and the dose will increase weekly on a preset schedule.  i am also overweight with back pain and grumpy depressed knackered symptoms following hysterectomy and being put into instant menopause.  so i'm already losing my hair and feeling as dense as a london fog most of the time anyway.  i honestly doubt if this is going to make my word finding worse than it already is.  i also doubt it will make me lose weight -  a doubt i shared with the neurologist but she was adamant that "everyone thinks that and then you cant get the drug off them again when they lose too much".  so off i go, i am going to start it on sunday because i have a long drive on saturday and i'm just trying to be sensible about not starting a new med before that.  if this drug lifts my mood, removes my continuous 7 days a week migraines with massive blinding auras and also makes me lose weight, i may well burst with happiness.  i will buy a gorgeous wig if i have to.  watch this space.  
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Well I was prescribed topmax back in 2011 for a number of thing...migraines being one thing but I had an eating disorder but now Im being prescribed topamax because I have anxiety and personality issues. I am somewhat overweight but I never thought of using it for that until i read all this. But its driving me nutz that I have slept in 4 days. I think I have gotten like 45 mins each night since Thursday night. My meds we doubled and topamax was added with my deprakote. Any suggestions on what I need to do to sleep on this stuff?
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I take topamax and five other meds for epilepsy, I have a VNS, so I have trouble sleeping as well, so my neurologist gives me klonopin at night, 2 mg, because it helps me sleep, it keeps seizures away, and it also help the nerve pain if I do have a seizure. Perhaps there is something your doctor could give you to help you sleep? I know klonopin is given in low doses to anxiety patients.
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I've been taking Topomax for a few years off and on. In the beginning, it was
50 mgs. and experienced absolutely no weight loss. In fact, I gained about 10
pounds, but I think that was from the seroquel that I'd been taking.
Now I'm taking 100 mgs. and still haven't seen a pound of loss. However,  all the rest of the comments that  have  lost weight,  say they take their meds at night. I take mine during the day, and always have.
Maybe there's something to that.
I'm going to try it, and see if I notice a difference!
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Thank you for this. I just started this medication, for horrible migraines, and I really want to give it a try. I appreciate your thoughtful comment.
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There is a reason Topamax is called Dopamax by doctors.  It took me 3 years to find out why I had suddenly lost my short term memory and couldn't concentrate.  It was like I was in a fog all the time.  The biggest thing is not being able to remember words.  People got used to me trying to describe things with my hands and with other words, like "toaster oven".  You know this big, and it cooks things.  I hated it.  However, the good news.  I was taking 200mg twice a day.  When I think back,  I'm betting the mental problems started after my dosage was raised the last time.  And no, I don't take Topamax anymore.
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Hi, I tio have suffered migraines for years and have been taking amitriptyline for years with moderate effectiveness. I recently spoke with a neurologist who suggested Topamax. I have a great primary care Doc who said sure! Let's try it. I tapered off the amitriptyline while titrating up on Topamax. I had had a headache for over 30 days straight, also dealing with menopause, and since being on the Topamax (50 mg twice a day) it is GONE!! I only started the 100mg a few days ago and it seems to be working great! The only side effects I've noticed so far are, feeling sleepy with morning dose and mild constipation which I've been able to deal with with gentle laxative every couple days. In a bright note, I'm down 8 lbs since starting 3 weeks ago and don't obsess about food anymore! I admit it, I love my food and my weight has been a lifelong struggle. I find I don't think about eating much and when I do eat, I'm eating about half what I used to cause I'm just not that interested! Hope that continues! Hope this was helpful!
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mrsmacnut, i take topamax for neuropathy of my feet. it keeps me very mobile, and less interested in food. it helps with the burning and pind and needles in my feet

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