649848 tn?1534633700

Sunday Weigh in July 9, 2023

Good morning.  How is everyone doing this morning?   It looks like it's going to be another hot day, here, but I think we do have a chance of some rain, so maybe that will help cool it down a little bit.  

It's been kind of quiet here this past week... we decided to take a couple of days away from home, so we traveled to the southern part of the state.  We've been down there before, but took different roads this time, so actually saw some different areas.  Oddly enough, the terrain is completely different from what we have here, so it was kind of interesting.

Now that we're back, I have to try to get caught up with things I haven't been doing since my trip up north, getting sick and being bitten by a dog.  I'm finally getting back to feeling like myself - I'm still extremely tired all the time, but it doesn't seem like that's going to change much any time soon, so I'm thinking I might as well learn to live with it.  

Anyway, being away from home for 3 days this week didn't do a thing for my weight, so I'm right where I was last week.   I've discovered that a combination of stretching and drinking gatorade is helping with my muscle cramps, so I guess that's some improvement.   I've been told to take magnesium for my cramps (which I do), but it doesn't help.  The only electrolyte in the gatorade is potassium, so I guess that's what's making the difference...

So, as far as I know, we aren't planning to go away this week, so I should have time to get a bit of exercise (stretching) in every day and hopefully, that will help.  Since it's movement, perhaps it will also help drop a pound or two as well... I can always hope!!  We're off to the Market this morning to stock up on fresh veggies.  

That's my week - pretty boring.  How was your week?  I hope you had a good week and were able to meet your goal(s).  

~~Wishing everyone a wonderful, successful week~!
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134578 tn?1716963197
I was down a pound yesterday compared to last week's weight. It's small, but the right direction. I'm eating more lightly overall.

We've also still been gardening, despite it being hot. Lots of weeding, a few new plants put in to replace ugly or dead ones as we find them. Last week, I planted a flame-colored calla lily (the bloom is yellow with red edges) and liked it so much that we went back to the nursery this week and bought another to plant next to it. We'll have a real calla-lily bank there some day, if they handle being planted in the middle of the summer.

My mother has picked up a cold, apparently some kind of virus has appeared in their assisted-care center. She's now on oxygen, a Z-pack and cough syrup for her croupy cough. The problem is, she is loopy. Reaches out her hands to touch things that aren't there, says things that aren't sensible along with things that are. They're going to change the cough medication, so we'll be able to see if she's loopy from it or just loopy. (At 94, a cold can do a lot of things.) My sister says she's not fading away, she's instead acting like she's on an acid trip.

I spent some time yesterday making pasties -- we always have liked Cornish pasties but since our son is a vegetarian, I couldn't make them with meat. So instead I chopped many veggies -- red potatoes, celery, broccoli, leeks, red peppers, carrots -- and fresh parsley and mushrooms and even tossed in some corn, and stewed those all briefly while making a white sauce to fill in for gravy. Seasoned that with sage and some "tofurkey" bits, (so it did taste a bit turkey-like), and added more spices, put the gravy in with the veggies and then folded the mix into pie crusts and cooked them on a baking sheet. We ultimately had nice, hot vegetarian pasties for dinner.  My husband enthusiastically said "I could eat this every night of my life!" but since it took me two hours of chopping stuff and cleaning up, I told him that the only way that would happen is if he learned to make them. But it was fun to do.

I've been seeing the dentist after a couple of years of stalling. I've so far had a consultation and a cleaning, but I need a small filling and then she wants to replace an old crown. It's time. This summer is for getting things like that done.

Have a great week!

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Congratulations!!  A pound is nothing to sneeze at when it comes to losing weight!!  

It sounds like your gardening efforts are starting to pay off.  And it's wonderful exercise.  I have a lot of things that need to be done outside, but with heat index at/near 110°, I simply can't stand to be out for more than a few minutes at a time.  

I'm sorry to hear about your mother picking up a virus.  I'm glad they've got her on medication but it's too bad some of it may be  making her loopy.  Were they able to provide something else that didn't affect her as much?   A virus, by itself, could also make someone that age, loopy and/or change their mental status.  

Your pasties sound very good, though it does seem like a time-consuming endeavor.   My husband doesn't eat that many veggies or spices, so it would be a waste of my time, unless I were going to try to eat them all on my own.  

Summer is usually the time for me to catch up on a lot of things, as well.  It's nice to get some things accomplished and off the plate.  I hope your dental work goes seamlessly.
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Hi Barb and Annie.
I got on the scale today and it's the lowest number I have seen in a long time. I'm taking  Gummy Nature Made for her multi with Omega it has Chromium in it. Chromium is supposed to help with weight loss and prevent diabetes.
Annie that sounds great about the gardening. I hope your mom gets better.
I'm trying to not eat sugar. However, it seems it's always there wherever I go. Yesterday I took my daughter to a play rehearsal. A girl baked cookies and everyone was eating them. I kept telling myself I wouldn't eat any. Then she tried to give me one and I said, "No thank you. I am full"  Everyone asked, "You're full?" I felt good that I didn't take and eat the cookie. Later though I felt bad that the girl was so nice to offer me a cookie and I said No. My son talks about this girl a lot and it was the first time I met her.
Barb I'm glad to hear you are starting to feel better after the dog bite.
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Athena, congratulations on the weight being down!

I think saying "I'm full" is much better than "No thank you" with no explanation, because it might feel like a slap. And even saying "No thanks, I'm avoiding sugar," might make the person who made the cookies feel they made a faux pas by offering you something everyone already knows isn't very good for people. If it had just been the two or three of you, you could have said "Those look so good! but I've been working hard on my weight, and am avoiding all sweets." Especially if you are not a skinny Minnie, people understand that explanation, because we've all been there.
Hi Athena

I second the congratulations on your weight being down.  Isn't it great to see the scale moving in the right direction?  

You're right that Chromium is supposed to help with weight loss and with keeping blood glucose in check.  I've tried it, but haven't noticed a difference.  I'm so glad to hear it's working for you.  

I agree that it's hard to avoid the sugary foods when we go places and sometimes, even harder to know how to handle the situation, since we don't want to offend anyone.   I agree that the "I'm full" would, typically, go over better than simply "No thank you".  You could also say something on the order of:  "Oh gee, thank you but I just ate".  Of course, if it's someone who knows me well, they'll know I'm trying to lose weight and won't offer me sweets in the first place.  lol  

Enjoy the rest of your week.  
Thank you Annie and Barb for your suggestions on how to handle sweets being offered.
I don't remember if I  mentioned that a similar thing happened a few weeks back. A friend of mine presented me with a huge cupcake. She was saying she couldn't resist the cupcakes so she bought one for me and her daughter. I was so perplexed. I didn't want to appear ungrateful or rude and I ended up eating it. I felt so guilty afterwards. I had just told her I was trying to eat healthy. I guess she didn't want to only buy one cupcake for herself so she bought it for me and her daughter to eat with her. I was wondering then if I  should have said something like I'm diabetic (even though I am not).
20929794 tn?1689489082
Wow, that's really cool. I think I should try it, too.
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