2217782 tn?1394363972


Okay so I thought I'd get more feedback here than in the Eating Disorder Community, it's gets misused quite a lot.

My problem is I've been recovering from anorexia/bulimia for a while now. I've put on a lot of weight. I'm not blowing it out of proportion here. I have not weighed myself but know by my clothes and appearance. I am not happy with my weight.

I'd love to start a diet or a food plan of some sort. I asked the doctors for a meal plan, something to follow daily with a structure but they never took me seriously. Anytime I diet there is always the risk of a relapse and I end up starving myself. Is there a healthy way of dieting with quick results so I wont get frustrated and relapse?

Any advice at all, about dieting or balancing things out or coping with the whole relapse thing. Honestly ANY advice would be appreciated!
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649848 tn?1534633700
Try changing the types of food you eat, instead of eating less food.

You can load up on fresh veggies for almost no calories, if you don't use rich sauces or toppings on them  Also, make sure you get plenty of lean protein and some "good" fats, at every meal, because protein helps keep you feeling fuller, while the fats help you to feel satisfied. Limit fruit to 1-2 servings/day, and make sure you eat whole fruit, because of the filling fiber. Juice is quite a few calories, but nothing to fill you up.

We don't actually come up with meal plans, but you might think about seeing a dietician to help you.  
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Have you thought about working out instead of dieting?  I know that weight loss plans usually include both, but because you have an ED, maybe simply adding a workout regimen would be healthier.  I usually do five days a week, three days cardio (45-50 minutes a day) and two days strength training (varies, 30-45 minutes a session).  Just make sure you don't start eating more than you currently do when you start working out.  If you just work out you'll probably average 1/2 pound a week weight loss, vs. 1 pound a week if you diet and workout, but it sounds like it'll be a lot healthier for you to do it gradually.  Good luck with everything!  
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