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786452 tn?1237471406

Just starting out...

Hi Everyone:  I took one look in the mirror and realized that the time for denial had ended...that and the fact that it hurt to just walk :-)  Then I found MedHelp and the Weight Tracker and it gave me the motivation to get started.  Since my joints hurt so much from the weight I am starting out with just walking 1/2 a day at a slow pace, I am eating better then ever have, I feel like I should be a fish for all the water that I drink and of course take a good vitamin supplement.  So, like you all, I am on my way to a happier healther life!  But I do have a question:  Besides that usual vitamins...is there anything that anyone can recommend to perk up my metabolism?  I heard that green tea is great.  Any suggestions?
4 Responses
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579258 tn?1250649343
Huge Welcoming ((Hugs)) - so glad to have you join us!!!

Well .. no need to say it again about the metabolism boost.  Besides exercise, eating boosts your metabolism so don't skip breakfast and be sure to eat enough calories throughout the day between meals and snacks to keep your body out of starvation mode.

Try setting yourself small goals .. like 3-5 lbs and just concentrate on that.  Once you've achieved it, celebrate and give yourself the recognition you deserve and then set a new goal.  Now .. that recognition can be shouting out your success, watching your tracker move, getting your nails done or taking a little personal time to read a book or get a new blouse.  

My journey has also taken 2 1/2 years and I've lost a little more than 140 lbs.  YOU CAN DO THIS .. and we're here to help and cheer you on!  
Helpful - 0
362249 tn?1441315018
Just wanted to say WELCOME to the group!! Twehner is right you are doing it exercise is the best thing to boost that metabolism! I was doing zero b4 starting and as soon as i started trying the weight started coming off! I also did not take anything to lose i tried that Xantrax one time and it made me sick literally so i have been against trying anything else! I do take one a day weight smart vitamins those do help and have green tea in them!
Helpful - 0
657315 tn?1319491387
HI!  Welcome to the WL&D Community.  You sound JUST LIKE ME!  For me, it wasn't the mirror - I avoided those.  But, somehow, a stupid camera "captured" me.  Darn thing!  No, thank goodness that it did.  Between that and a doctor who woke me up (he didn't even realize it!), I started on a journey about 2 1/2 years ago that lead to a 70+ pound weight-loss.  Also, we are about the same age - so it CAN be done.

Okay - are you ready for what you can do to speed up your metabolism???  You're already doing it: exercise!  Walking is great!  Plus, walking, like no other exercise, really whittles your hips and waist!  If you can, try to add 2 days of strength-training.  I fought this, but once I did it, WOW!  Talk about a metabolism-boost!  It's true.  You will burn more calories even while you sleep.  I am more fit than at any other time of my life, and my muscles have definition I didn't know was possible!

This forum is really about healthy eating and exercising for weight loss.  I didn't take anything to lose weight because I didn't want chemicals anymore!  I don't want any unwanted side effects and I don't want to gain weight back if I don't take the stuff forever.  The old-fashioned way still works PLUS, NOW YOU'VE GOT SUPPORT!  

I found MH the same way you did:  looking for a weight tracker!  Plus, with THIS weight-loss, I started drinking water for the first time *consistently* in my whole life.  Now, I am actually thirsty for water all the time.  I NEVER would have dreamed that was possible.

I hope you will stick around so we can get to know you!!!
Helpful - 0
797340 tn?1240507697
I also commented on your other post.

Green tea is nice, but never really done anything for me on it's own. Green tea is in the Hydroxycut Max! that I take however and it works for me. Be careful with the green tea if you do try it though. Drink it straight or with a very small amount of honey, do not add sugar to it otherwise your just adding more extra calories to your diet. If you really like sugar in your tea though, I would suggest the serving size amount of Sugar in the Raw, instead of regular white sugar.

Also green teas aren't the tastest tea out there, so be prepared ;)
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