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Ways to loose weight faster?

Im 5"11 and weigh 175 And trying to loose 5-10 pounds any ideas?
8 Responses
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The best way to lose weight and keep it off is to create a low-calorie eating plan that you can stick to for a long time.

Rapid Weight Loss Diets

1. Do a juice cleanse.
2. Consider the Master Cleanse - The master cleanse is a liquid-only diet that consists of a “lemonade” (lemon, cayenne pepper powder, maple syrup, and water), a salt-water drink, and herbal laxatives.
3. Try the water diet.
4. Try the fasting diet.
5. Consider the HCG diet
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What is the water diet? ?
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Listen there is no easy magic solution to losing weight. When going to the gym do high reps low weight and do the workouts fast without any breaks
Lower your carb intake and caloric intake
Increase the amount of protein you take in and go running often.
There's a difference between training hard and over training your body is made in the kitchen . Lastly a rolles Royce takes 6 months to make and a Toyota takes 13 hours.
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Listen there is no easy magic solution to losing weight. When going to the gym do high reps low weight and do the workouts fast without any breaks
Lower your carb intake and caloric intake
Increase the amount of protein you take in and go running often.
There's a difference between training hard and over training your body is made in the kitchen . Lastly a rolles Royce takes 6 months to make and a Toyota takes 13 hours.
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A water diet would be to eat normally, although restricting calorie intake. And for drinks only drink water. That is, no coffee, tea, hot chocolate, soft drinks, beer, alcohol, etc. The only drink besides water that would be allowed would be skim milk that is eaten with a spoon for breakfast with cereals.
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The purpose with the water diet is to boost liver function. You see, when we take in poisonous drinks like coffee, tea, hot chocolate, alcohol (wine, beer, etc.) the liver gets occupied with the processing of the toxins in these drinks. The normal liver function is put on hold. Toxin elimination to keep the body alive becomes the number one priority of the liver. The normal digestion and healing functions of the liver have to take the backseat.  Nicotine should also be avoided during this time of cleansing. The same goes for chocolate bars.  For optimal health this diet should be adhered to indefinitely.  Jesus said that the ones who believe in me will never die. Alas, we should walk on water 24/7.
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Add a weekly fast to this diet to cleanse the body from the hidden toxins in food. We are here thinking of food additives and environmental pollution.  That is, food preservatives, food coloring, PCB, pesticides, chlorine, etc. and we can't go wrong.
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11073444 tn?1415069241
To lose weight quickly, you should watch what you eat and have a regular physical activity. Cut out the sugar. Eat more fruits and vegetables to help you feel full. Drink plenty of water. Any workout that gets your heart rate up will burn calories. But you'll use more calories if you pick a cardio routine that engages multiple muscles simultaneously. Consider spinning, cardio kickboxing, and boot-camp workouts.
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