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326352 tn?1310994295

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Ok...it was a really BAD day at work....I mean really BAD.....stressful, useless, stupid person that won't listen to me...long day trying to get a release out that didn't go out today (again for the third day)....still have 2 other major things to do AFTER the release goes out...

REALLY BAD DAY.  Thankfully the kids are at mom's tonight.  Hubby is in Florida for a training session, returns tomorrow...I'm leaving Thursday to take my mom and the kids to visit relatives (oh goodie).  And 2 other tasks NEED to have been done last month, unfortunately it's been difficult to coordinate because of 2 different projects.  And there is the brain drain thing that I suffer from .... chemo side-effects that have lingered, or the "if you don't use it you lose it" syndrome.

Stress is super high, having a nice bottle of wine tonight to reduce (or at least ignore) stress.  Killed the diet this week, mostly because we're in the midst of internal training and they are bringing in lunch from various places.  And the training is mandatory and dull.

REALLY BAD DAY...did I mention that?

I can't seem to get back on track with the diet since my period last week which luckily didn't alter my weight too much...only by 1 pound.  Which for me is a good thing.  HOWEVER, this week has been more of a diet challenge than last week during my period.

Suggestions other than finishing off this lovely bottle of wine or killing said person?  Yes, I know that would be bad...but the visual is satisfying in some weird way.

Yes, I'm going to get my buttocks up in the morning and go to the gym...I hope.
5 Responses
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198506 tn?1251156915
So, so sorry for the tough time you are having.  I think that you really do need to pamper yourself like you mentioned.....go to the salon and just enjoy the attention.  I wish I could take your stress away.  Sending hugs your way.  PS...I have absolutety been there with the diet and the dead and dying brain cells too,  For me my brain started to falter after giving birth.  Oh and don't get me started on the chocolate chip cookies......that's my favorite all time cookie.    
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172023 tn?1334672284
I had a great choc chip cookie at (of all places) the airport last week.  We have to have things like that every now and then.

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326352 tn?1310994295
And you would have enjoyed the choc chip cookies at the lunch...it came in the "box" from Jason's Deli.  It's the kind where the chips melt when you pick them up....oooey goooey and delicious.  Can't say as much for the sandwich, but the cookie was too good.

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326352 tn?1310994295
The wine was delicious...stopped at glass #2...mostly because I was so tired, sleep won out.  And it won out again this morning, I overslept and missed the gym.  Which is ok since I apparently needed a really good night of sleep.  It was better than the wine, frankly.

Feel better this morning, until I read the emails.  Apparently I was to write up minutes to a meeting yesterday for which I did not take minutes.  And you know my brain, it doesn't remember anything it's not required to, and somethings that it is required to remember it forgets anyway.  So now along with the 2 tasks that still need to get completed (from last month), the release which is still not done, I need to create minutes to a meeting by pulling something out my.......  :)    All this today before 3pm.  I'm thinking it ain't gonna happen....hmmm.....

Glad I'm getting my hair cut this afternoon.  I may call and see if they can do a facial while I'm there...maybe a pedicure.... then I'll go home tackle laundry and pack.

Glorious 5 day weekend ahead.
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172023 tn?1334672284
Ok, I'm sending a cyber hug and joining you with a glass of wine!  I'm sorry about the stress.  I know all too well about the "killing" visual!  Satisfying isn't the word.

All you can do is take it one day at a time.  If that's too much, take it one meal at a time.  If there are horrible meals being brought in and you can't choose something better, just eat half of what you normally would.  Have a treat, but just one for the day.

I wish I could help!  Big hugs.  Go to the gym and get some tension out.  
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